28 August 2011

Wet weekend

We had a wet, cold and rainy day today. It must be a bank holiday...Emigration is on the cards again. Definitely. I might leave Daisy behind though – she's still grumbling about having her chip put in, and that was Friday. She's trying to persuade Skye to bite the vet next time we go in, but even Skye is brighter than that and just ignores her. I said we'd only do it if Daisy gave us her tea one night. Daisy switched the subject pretty quickly after that, I can tell you. She's got a lot to learn.

Yesterday was wet as well. We went out fencing (again, but I'm not grumbling) and got very wet. Well, in fact, I got myself under the pick-up when it started getting bad, but Daisy and Skye were scampering around for ages in the wet. Eventually they saw me in the dry and came in all wet to ruin my rest. We don't usually take Daisy out but she seemed to enjoy it – she even seemed to enjoy getting soaking wet. She's a strange one alright, but I'm getting to quite like her. She certainly seemed to enjoy her day more than Jerry, but he can be a grumpy old devil. Mind you, I'll be as pleased as he is when the fence is done!

I had a night off last night – too wet to concentrate, but up bright and early today raring to go. When it's cold I just run about even more, and even Skye got off the bike today (for a while anyway) so she must be getting better – although she says not. I think she might be swinging the lead. Daisy thought that sounded like a good game and could she play too... oh dear, oh dear the things I have to put up with. Anyway, even the cows were feeling the cold this morning and would have come in with us if they had a chance, so we had to be a bit nippy in and out of the fields. Oh, and we had a couple of poorly lambs to inject yesterday that seemed a bit better this morning

This afternoon we three just relaxed together on our comfy new beds. Even I think that's not too bad a way to spend a wet Sunday. Dreaming about sheep, almost a shame to wake up for tea (Daisy ate hers all up herself for the record, so the vet can relax)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Everyone
    Sorted out the comments only took a week
    It is good to hear all the news from the farm and hear that you are all keeping busy. I hope the fencing will soon be finished, doesn't sound like a very popular job. Look forward to the next instalment
