29 April 2014

Summer's here

Well, we've had a grand few days.  We had a visit from Hugo and Beth which was great fun...I got to ride out on the quad bike a few times, which I always enjoy, and we had a trip to the beach.  A really long walk it was and not a stranger in sight...just how I like it.  I mean, the beach IS great fun but Skye worries us all with stories about mad dogs running up and biting you so I always get a bit nervous if I see other cars there.  Pie does her best, bless her, she heads straight off in the lead muttering about how these strange dogs will be doing well to get past her teeth and I believe her, but still....

Anyway, it wasn't a problem this time.  In fact, the only problem looked to be getting Skye back to the car.  She loves the beach best of all (she reckons it's good for her complexion) but hates a long walk even more (bad for her joints apparently) so she got to one end of the walk grumbling a bit, and then turned round to head home.  Well, what a fuss she made - we were miles away from where we started.  Upset?  At one point I thought Daisy was going to have to give her a piggy back, but I soon stopped that - it would have been the last we saw of Daisy...a bit like being bashed into the soft sand with a huge hammer - poor little devil.  Then, to cap it all off we got involved in a bit of a race.  Well, the puppy and I won (the puppy had a head start, I'm sure of it but I let her get close...), then the TT's with their short little legs fairly flying, then Skye...never even broke into a trot.  Apparently we'd all cheated by not waiting for a proper start, or as Pie said, one where she had a head start more likely.  We got back in the end though.  Fantastic day out.

I'm getting used to this retirement now - I must be getting out and about as much as all the holiday visitors.  All it needs now to be perfect is some AGILITY work (is anyone listening?).  You live in hope.  We all do.  For me its agility (listening yet?), Pie has her r creatures, Daisy her supper bowl, the puppy her running, and Skye?  Well, she just hopes we'll all disappear and leave her alone.

Oh...Wobbly's foot is getting better, but it looks like Peggy's got it now.  Sheep!  Why can't they just stay healthy for 10 minutes?  I'm supposed to be retired.

Take care

Pip xxx

See what I mean? Deserted.  Oh the old jokes are the best...

22 April 2014

Wobbly's sore foot

Well, we had a bit of sheep work yesterday...not much I grant you, but a bit.  The sort of working day that Skye and the doodle would be pleased with - 5 minutes tops.  We had a real crisis - little Wobbly was suddenly hobbling about badly so I was called on to help catch her...no, no joking apart, lambs can still whizz about when they want too even with sore feet.  We thought it was going to be bad judging from the sight of her going about - Skye suggested we might have to consider amputation and should go prepared - but then we realised she meant amputation at the neck...you can always rely on nurse Skye for some sensible advice.

Anyway, we left her behind muttering darkly about knives and lambs whilst we got on with catching Wobbly, which didn't take long unfortunately - mainly because we've got Hugo and Beth up for a few days and between the three of us we soon had her scooped up - it helps to be young to catch sheep (and before you ask, yes, I still count myself as young).  Treating her took no time either...the little fraud.  There was just a tiny sore patch so hopefully we've nipped that in the bud.  We'll have to have another look in a day or so...but I think she'll live.

We've had some grand weather - plenty of chance to lie out in the sun.  Daisy's pleased she's been to get clipped now and has been telling us all that she knew it was going to be warm all along and that if we ever want to know what the weather will be like we should just ask her - she's thinking of setting up a weather forecasting service with Skye.  I've got my doubts though...I'm sure you need to study before calling yourself a weather forecaster?  And if Skye's got anything to do with it every day the forecast will be to stay indoors and avoid work.  Oh well, we'll see...

STILL no agility...but I've put my time to good use - I've got all the moves sorted out now and the puppy's bound to have forgotten about it so I'm feeling more confident about beating her.  Just need to get started now.

Take care

Pip xxx

17 April 2014

Abby and Pie are rumbled

It had to happen one day, so I thought the sooner the better.  Pie and Abby have been leading the life of Riley recently disappearing off together on great adventures and so far no ones ever worked out how to stop it. Except me.

It works like this (well, it used to...ha, ha) - Pie disappears off 'hunting' and we all settle down for the morning in the kitchen.  Then after a bit Abby gets let out into the garden and potters about, waiting until Pie calls for her from over the wall.  That's her signal to hop over the wall and then- zoom - they're off...for ages, getting into all sorts of trouble because Pie can't keep up with Abby you see so it's the puppy who decides where they go.  What a recipe for disaster.  Anyway Abby's being watched much more carefully these days but still managed to get over the wall unnoticed today so when I saw it I barked. A call for help.  

I shopped her for her own good, but what a little scamp she is - while she was being called for in the yard she hopped back over the wall and scampered into her bed as quick as a flash.  It was hilarious - there she was puffing away, trying to look as though she'd been there all along.  Some chance!  She got into bother for it so hopefully she's learnt a lesson...Skye's not too sure though and reckons the puppy's far too much of an airhead to take notice (talk about pot and kettle).  Little Pie just chuckled when she came in, but soon stopped when Daisy said in passing that she'd heard a rumour that Easter presents were being sent back for two individuals.  No Easter presents!  That's going to keep the pair of them behaving that's for sure...

I wonder what we'll get? I mean, mustn't be greedy and all that, but doggy chocs would be good...another one of those stags horns would be OK. Best of all would be 200 sheep, but I suppose that's pushing it a bit.  So we'll just have to see won't we

Take care

Pip xxx

16 April 2014


Spelling. Let me tell you a bit about spelling.  Me, I'm a pretty good speller - T-R-E-A-T that's easy, S-U-P-P-E-R, no problem.  S-H-E-E-P I've known since I was a puppy.  I reckon I know most words they spell out, but then they only do it to confuse Skye and the terriers I'm sure.  I've tried to teach everyone  a few words when we've had a bored afternoon,but Skye is usually too busy resting, Daisy has the concentration span of a gnat, and Pie says she's only interested in r creatures and she can manage that.  I think she spells better than she lets on anyway.  The puppy's going to be a good speller though - I think she's going to need to be mind you as A-G-I-L-I-T-Y is a bit tricky.  

Anyway today was an important day for Daisy as she's mastered how to spell W-A-L-K and with that bit of advance warning has now put herself in charge of the pre walk dancing that she, Pie and the puppy insist on.  It's chaos the way they carry on hopping up and down.  I think I'll have to intervene - maybe teach them some moon-walking or something otherwise someone's going to do themselves an injury.  And when the door is finally opened and we're told to follow them out...well, it's just three sets of heels disappearing into the yard like little wind up toys, then me, then Skye bringing up the rear (if she bothers to come at all).

Poor old Skye though, she's a bit unsteady on her pins now, but is really enjoying the sunny weather so manages the walk most times, and really just likes resting in the garden on a warm day.  Me too.  It's not a bad life without so many sheep I suppose.  I'm getting used to this R-E-T-I-R-E-M-E-N-T.

Take care

Pip xx

15 April 2014

Fencing in the sun

It was a good day for Skye yesterday - fencers on farm and plenty of sunshine to laze about in.  She loves fencing but just can't understand why they are allowed to go about digging things up and she's not.  Whenever she can she's off to watch, and I know that a week with a fencing team would be her favourite thing. Pie and I just can't understand it...why sit about all day watching other people work when you could be bossing sheep about yourself or out chasing r creatures till dusk?  And poor little Daisy just can't imagine anyone scratching about in holes and ruining the look of their nails, but that's another story I think...Daisy is most definitely one of a kind, even Skye agrees about that.

So we had plenty to be getting on with and it was grand out in the sun.  I was telling the puppy that any day now the swallows and house martins would be here, and then we know it's summer.  And, as Skye pointed out, we also know to watch out not to get bird poo on our heads as they whizz about.  Birds are another thing Skye is not a big fan of...but we think it's mainly because they work so hard all day it makes her look really lazy.  Abby's looking forward to seeing them again though and says she's going to race about with them this year, now she's bigger, just because she can.  Let's hope that they manage to tire her out because she certainly tires everyone else out at the moment.  Energy?  She's like a coiled spring...Even Pie can't keep up, but then I suppose her little legs don't help much, bless her.

Oh well, another sunny day beckons

Take care

Pip xxx

PS Pie says her legs aren't little, they are just the right size.  I forgot she's a bit touchy about her being the smallest (vertically challenged, Skye calls her...gravitationally challenged Pie calls Skye...oh no, I've started them off again)

13 April 2014

A close call

Well, it was an exciting start to the day today.  There I was one minute, quietly pottering out in the garden, when suddenly out of nowhere up popped this brought coloured thing flying in the sky.  I wasn't taking any chances and got the terriers out - they don't let anything into the garden.  Sure enough after a bit of barking it floated off again. Phew, that was a close one though, and I was pleased they were there to help out.  Apparently it was a kite.  Hmmm, kite it may have been, but we're all agreed it was a dangerous kite and Pie has agreed to have a scout about tomorrow to see if she can find its den so she can 'deal with it once and for all'. She's a brave one that Pie

We've been helping clear up today - getting fields ready for the cows to go into for the summer.  That's always a good job. After all, you certainly want to make sure the fences are good and strong so they can't get out.  If it was down to me, I'd have them a bit higher though, and maybe double thickness just to make sure...certainly don't want them surprising you and wandering down the road uninvited.  But I think we'll be fine this year - I'm going to put the puppy on lookout just in case, and she's really looking forward to it -a proper job...her first.  Lucky her, says Skye, rather unkindly I think, but we'll just ignore that...as usual!

One disappointment?  You've guessed it.  Still no agility.  I'm beginning to doubt I ever saw that tunnel arriving now, but not to worry, I'm still practicing 

Take care

Pip xxx

10 April 2014


Well, we've had a few days off at Auntie Val's. We're back know, but it's never a hardship going there.  Skye seems to lose the use of her legs as soon as she gets out of the car...well, as soon as she manages to heave herself up onto a comfy chair anyway.  She says she needs the rest, but we're not sure...surely you've got to do something before you rest?  

Pie goes into lock down on holiday.  Heavens, you couldn't leave her running about another farm, especially now everyone's lambing - she'd cause chaos, even though she says she's not bothered with lambs but just wants to get at the "r" creatures.  

She has got a point I suppose, and we all like to see her hunting them that's for sure...dirty little things they are.  On that point though, I think she's been taking her eye off the ball recently...chasing rabbits probably...because I KNOW there's one in the tool shed, not that I'm going anywhere near, but it's in there, I'm sure of it.  Scratching about.  Pie just gets cross when I mention it...asking me if I've ever seen her with a superman outfit on, and just how is she supposed to get 6 feet off the ground.  She's angling for a supervised hunt - she'll get it then, it always works.  Until then though, we none of us mention the r word to her.

Anyway, treatville today... new stags horn bones arrived.   Oh yes, more than one, and we've still got a bit of the old one left.  That's just pretty perfect if you ask me, and (almost) makes up for the fact that I've been completely and cruelly neglected recently - STILL no agility.  No good calling the complaint line though...seems to be some sort of fault there...sounds just like snoring. 

Thanks for the holiday Val.  You know where to come if you need some lambing help...but don't expect two - Skye you know won't (bone idle), and the puppy is far too lively for lambs, so that just leaves little me.  Oh dear, what a shame (not)

Take care

Pip xxx

2 April 2014

Skye's best day yet?

Skye's been just like a Cheshire cat this afternoon.  Grinning away at us all.  If we didn't know better, Pie and I thought she'd tracked down some gin...

We all started off a bit bothered first thing - usual problem - Pie and Abby had disgraced themselves last night and had had to be hauled home late (again) but this time by the keeper from next door.  I don't think they'll be doing that again as by all accounts they spent quite a bit of the evening in the back of the pick up waiting to be let back in.  I'm a sensitive soul me, and hate it when someone's in trouble so I've given them both a good talking to and even Skye pitched in worried that if everyone gets really cross then they might forget about her supper.  

Anyway, things calmed down again this morning, and Skye went into slumber mode as usual - she was "exhausted" after "getting absolutely no sleep worrying".  Funny that though because Pie and I were both sure we heard a familiar sound most of the night. Breathe out...Long pause...Loud snore in.  Oh well, we must have been wrong.

Skye though was doing her usual trick of pretending she'd been glued to her bed (now there's a thought, eh Pie?) but was getting more and more cheerful as the day went on.  Eventually she couldn't keep it to herself any longer...We've missed our walk today, which she says makes this one of the best days she's ever had.  She's right, we have missed our walk which is annoying, but I bet we'll make up for it tomorrow though (are you listening skye?).  Oh, and talking about annoying...STILL no agility and I bet that's because the puppy had been bad.

Oh well, everyone's in the good books this again now so tomorrow is looking good

Here's the picture of the Princess on her pamper day, with her hairdresser - her new best friend.  And very smart she looks too.  I know I've mentioned it already but let's just be clear, if I get a spa day - no fluffy fringe.  The sheep would die laughing.

Take care

Pip xxx

1 April 2014

Still waiting

Well, still no agility yet, but I'm still stretching - I'm as supple as supple can be - just call me the India rubber dog.  But I tell you what, I can't believe I used to work with the sheep every day because I was a tad stiff to be honest.  Yesterday was a quiet day - damp again, so a time for reflection. Now, that's easier said than done you might think in the mad house, but Daisy was out all day on a spa day (without me) and Pie was out hunting so that calmed the house down a lot.  

Fancy that though?  Daisy not remembering me on her spa day...Off she skipped, without so much as a backward glance and then straight up to the upstairs kennel when she got back.  I'd love to have a little tidy up as well but maybe next time - she goes often enough and always looks good when she gets back, although perhaps it's best to wait until it gets a bit warmer as I'm not sure how much choice you get as to how much is clipped off - and that would give me enough time to get my tummy a bit trimmer.  As Daisy says, there's no disguising a clipped tummy.  Hopefully I won't be given a fluffy face though...

The sheep have settled down into their new field and it's great having them so close by so I can keep an eye on them every day.  Skye says she would rather they were much further away - well out of sight, and preferably on someone else's farm.  She's worried that they might break out and she'll be the one called on to round them up.  Pie says she shouldn't worry about that - she reckons that Skye would be fifth in line and that Daisy ( the'sheep whisperer') would do a much better job anyway.  Not that she's going to be doing any whispering for a while with her lovely trim.

Take care

Pip xxx