31 October 2011

Gimmers all present and correct

We've had a really good day today – getting the gimmers ready for Saturday when the tup goes out. It was all go for a while but we got them back into their field before it got dark – just! And you know what the best bit of the day was? Knowing that we've still got another 250 ewes and 300 lambs to come though this week!! Joy, joy, joy...

Skye was helping today (from the back of the bike though as she isn't fast enough to catch up with gimmers) and Daisy was nowhere to be seen for once. She's been busy though - she managed to chase a lamb back into the front field for me at lunch-time and would have chased all the tups back for me if she knew where to chase them. I was honoured she helped so close to lunchtime but she's a bit like me – never lets the sheep get away with anything and she's frightened of nothing that dog.

I'm growing to quite like her – time to go the doctor I think

Take care

I win some bonios

30 October

The shed's up – absolutely enormous it is. I'll be a lot happier once it's got the nesting boxes in I must say. Skye, Daisy and I have been taking bets on whether it would rain before the roof was put on, so now they both owe me all their bonio treats for the next week. I knew it wouldn't rain because I watched the forecast last night – Daisy and Skye were fast asleep as usual – and they were pretty annoyed when they realised they'd been outsmarted. I might relent later – one treat each evening is plenty really, but it's fun watching them squirm in the meanwhile. Maybe we'll do 'double or quits'...but they're pretty wary of me now and Skye is watching me like a hawk. Poor Skye – she only joined in the bet to keep Daisy company and doesn't really understand betting.

Apart from the shed, we've had a quiet day – the calm before the storm I think as we've got a busy week of sheep work planned. Let's hope the weather stays good for us and that Daisy doesn't remember to take Skye's place on the bike.


28 October 2011

A shed for the hens

It's been a long day today. Up early to check everything and get the cows fed, and then we've been getting ready to put up a new shed for the hens. It looks pretty big, so let's hope it doesn't mean more of the wretched things, what with their scuffing and scratching about all over the place. I suppose they're not that bad really, and sometimes we get one of their eggs cooked up which is a bit of a treat. It's one of Skye and Daisy's favourite treats (being food it's got a good start) and now they love the hens – in fact, they're very high up on Skye's list of things to protect (the cat, Tinker, being right up at the top by a mile)

Anyway, the hens have been grumbling for ages that they need something more comfortable before the winter so it looks as though that's what's on the way – an all singing and dancing new home for them. I was a bit worried at first when I saw it – I never like a new building in the yard in case it's for me to sleep in, but I needn't have worried. Skye and I like sleeping inside and although we'd really like to get to the upstairs kennel like that little rat Daisy, downstairs is much, much better than outside...brrr. Skye told Daisy how she slept outside before she came to the farm and Daisy just couldn't believe it – outside!! Scary!! She's been as good as gold ever since – in fact, for a while we thought she'd been welded to Mandy's ankle she stuck so close, but I know she's got nothing to worry about. Mandy would sleep out herself before she put the Princess out.

Tupping moves a day closer – must be getting the ewes in soon. Jolly good.

Take care

27 October 2011

Daisy rides again

26 Oct 2011

It's been a busy day what with feeding the cows and we've had to shuffle the lambs about and move them into a new field. I was very busy as usual hustling them along and Skye came along as well just in case the lambs were naughty again and refused to come out of the field like they did last time (I got them out in the end but what a job!). For some reason they never mess Skye about. Anyway this time they came out as quick as you like and scampered along the road as if they'd never caused a moments trouble in their life...as if!

Daisy came along in the land rover with Mandy and had a lovely time organising everything from the passenger seat. She'd love to have been a sheepdog, but I'm afraid her legs are too short and her tummy may be a little too big (but we don't tell her that). Since we got back she's been chuntering away telling us how she would have moved the lambs faster and better. I think it's just excitement, but Skye has offered to give up her place on the bike next time. Let's hope she forgets, but I've got a sneaky worry that she might not...

Still, at least the rain has stopped.

Take care

24 October 2011

Selling cattle

It was a quiet day at home for Skye, Daisy and me. They went out to a cattle sale with a lorry load to sell. I just can't get excited about selling cattle – unless, I suppose, we could use the money to buy more sheep...now there's a thought.

Skye was worrying Daisy all day – telling her that unless the cattle sold well, that's the end of the meat in the evening biscuits. Daisy got into a right state but everyone seemed to come back happy enough which pleased her even more than usual (she always makes a huge fuss over Mandy whenever she's been out). Apparently they won some sort of prize for having the best heifer at the sale. I must say, I might have made a bit of a fuss later when some cows turned up – fancy buying more cows, as if we haven't enough already – should be selling them, not buying more, for goodness sake. I need more sheep, not big slobbery cows. Sheep, sheep, sheep...no one seems to listen to me – the only voice of reason in the madhouse.

Anyway, there was meat in tonight's biscuits so Daisy was happy. Skye was too once she realised that there are less cattle on the farm than there were this morning (just!) – not that she ever helps with them. As for me, I'm not grumbling just yet – after all we're another day nearer putting the tups out and I know there's lots of work to do before then.

Take care

22 October 2011

Steers get a haircut

We've had a better day today – warm might be pushing it a bit, but better – definitely. Skye was out and about a bit more and Daisy was in and out, in and out all day. Me, I had my work cut out for me what with everything to check and feeding the cows. I've been given the important job of making sure no cows come out of the field when the feed is taken in. I take it very seriously and even though it's very tricky I'm pretty good at it, and it's great fun which is the main thing.

We've been getting the steers ready for market today. They're going next week so it was time to give them a quick brush up and trim – just like a proper hairdresser it was (although I've never been to one, thank goodness). Daisy has told me all about hairdressers as she likes her trip to get a trim and this must have been the same because the steers were enjoying it as well. I was helping, but making sure I kept well away from the scissors just in case! Anyway I got back in with no damage done. What a relief...

Take care

20 October 2011

Daisy does lunch

It's been chilly all day. We started feeding the cows outside but I think they would rather have come inside to be honest.

Daisy has been the only one happy today, with her two coats and her well covered bones. She was off on some sort of jolly today while Skye and I stayed behind to get our work done. Skye was miffed that she couldn't have gone(she loves a trip out) but I said maybe Daisy had gone back to the vet. Skye started to count her blessings after that and started helping – she hates the vet even more than she hates working.

Anyway, Daisy has been fine recently after her little bug and came back happy enough – she'd been out to lunch apparently and very pleased with herself she was, telling us all about it. Unlike Skye, who's been muttering something about the 'vet' and 'conned' and 'exhausted'...she cheered up when the heating came on, but I'm not sure I'll get her out unless it's warmer tomorrow.

Oh well, one day closer to the tups going out...

Take care

18 October 2011


What a windy day – again...it makes yesterday's gales look like a gentle breeze. We've been moving cattle about today so we can get them into a nice sheltered field. They looked very pleased about it indeed

Skye has been at the holiday brochures again, but is cross that no-one mentions resorts that don't have any wind or rain. I suggested she should try the Gobi desert, ha ha! She suggested I should take a long walk off a short pier – what a cheek! I think we're going wind crazy.

Daisy has been putting her feet up today – she's been under the weather and feeling VERY sorry for herself. Little rascal – it's the first time she's been poorly, but it looks like she's on the mend now though, and is back to her usual annoying self.

I'm hoping for a still day tomorrow. We're getting close to tups going out and I don't want anything putting our preparation back. We'll see.

Take care

17 October 2011

Winter’s on the way

Wind, wind, wind nothing but wind. Oh, and rain. Nearly forgot that, silly me. Even Skye looked like she might have been blown away and that's saying something – she's the most well anchored collie I've ever seen. You know how I hate the wind – all those trees waving about.

It's certainly not sheep weather either – hot, cold, wet, dry – it just can't make up it's mind, and that's a worry for me in case they turn poorly. Well, I'll just have to really keep a careful eye on them all.

I think I'm a summer lover really. I'll go out in any weather, but I much prefer it dry and warm and we get lots more sheep jobs done in the dry, which is definitely good news. Anyway, today I thought it felt like winter, so I think we'll be bringing the cows in soon. They are certainly hoping to come in now, the poor old devils, and we prefer having them where we can see them when it gets chilly.

Up early I think for me...just to make sure my sheep are all ok.

Take care

PS I think poor Daisy has a bit of the wind trapped into her tummy...God help us all until she gets better

A trip to the beach

16 October

It's been a lovely hot day today – just the sort of day to spend browsing round the sheep. We started off well enough, with lambs to move. It's a tricky job, certainly not for Skye or the trainee, but it's just the sort of thing I enjoy most. I had them marching off down the road soon enough, believe me.

Then disaster...it kept warming up. Daisy started jabbering about a trip to the beach and before I knew it we were being bundled into the back of the landrover. Skye loves a trip out so she was happy. Me, I'd rather not have gone, but got no choice – and no peace either sat in the back with the chattering twins.

When we got to the beach, it didn't get any better. I hate strange dogs and everyone and his friend had their wretched dogs carted out to "enjoy" the sun. Most of them just looked as though they'd rather be somewhere else, and I would certainly have preferred them to be somewhere else. Not my two though – both of them racing round like a couple of demented greyhounds (well, the white one with little legs just looked demented and I suppose I'm pushing it a bit to liken Skye to a greyhound...)

Fortunately I was soon back home, and no disasters in my absence

Take care

13 October 2011

It's a tiring life

Here's a picture of me slaving away in the tractor.  It was taken last week, in an unguarded moment after we had been preparing the fields for wheat to be sown.  Don't get me wrong, I like my work, but sometimes when it's sunny your eyes just droop...

A well earned rest
Bad news on the tup front - Skye has found the little blighter.  It must have taken her less than a minute to spot him and now she's in a right huff.  She says more sheep is just what she doesn't need, and definitely not more stubborn tups.  She's gone muttering off to find Daisy to get her resignation letter finished - I'm a bit worried after her fun earlier in the week Daisy might volunteer to take her place.  Let's hope not...

Take care

12 October 2011

Suffolk tup has arrived, hooray!!!

We've had a quieter day today – to be truthful, I'm not that sorry as I was a little stiff when we went out first thing this morning. Not enough to stop me working you understand, but enough to mean I was glad to get back in from the rain. And boy, was it raining! Skye was really fed up by the time we got in – she hates the rain, absolutely hates it. Then, when we got back in all Daisy wanted to do was chunter on about her ride on the quad bike yesterday. If it had been anyone else, Skye would have bitten them but she lets the little dog get away with blue murder.

Anyway, really exciting news!!! The tup arrived today...nice little fellow – a bit chubby if you ask me, but I don't expect I'll be allowed to run a few pounds off him. Never mind, the most important thing is that he's here. I'm really pleased and completely forgot about the wet when I went out later on to have a look at him.

I'm keeping it quiet for now though and haven't told Skye – we don't want her getting any more fed up. I'll just have to hope she doesn't see him tomorrow morning. It's a bit optimistic I know – there's certainly nothing wrong with her eyesight and I know she can sniff trouble out, no problem.

Oh well, at least we'll get a good night's sleep. Ignorance is bliss...

Take care

11 October 2011

Daisy works some lambs

What a cracking day we've had today. First, there was a breakout of calves from one of the fields. As we put them back in, some naughty cows got out as well – just as well I was there to chase them back in. I had them scampering in – pdq, I can tell you, and all in all a very satisfactory run out before breakfast.

Later in the morning we got all the lambs in for worming and some vitamins. They're exhausting little devils as they never go quite where you want – just like pushing water uphill. I had a little help from Skye to get them home and it took most of the day before they were ready to go back (Skye had had enough by then and had gone back to bed for a rest – she was cursing them and muttering that if she ever saw another lamb it would be too soon).

Daisy helped to get the sheep home and put them back – well, she had a ride on the quad while Skye and I did the work, but she did some huffing and puffing at them when they were slow going into the pens. She's brave all right and has been chattering to Skye about it all evening – poor old Skye, even she was chuckling about how the little dog enjoyed herself, and Daisy hadn't even been put off by falling off the quad. Twice, the dozy thing, but she just gave herself a shake and hopped about until she was loaded back on. Still she'll learn to hang on soon enough.

All in all, a really good day. Plenty to dream about tonight.

Take care

10 October 2011

New tup due any day now...at last

I'm in a really good mood today even though it's been wet AGAIN. This morning I overheard a phone call arranging delivery of the tup we bought a couple of weeks ago. I'd almost given up on him ever getting here, and Skye had forgotten all about him (so she's definitely not happy). He'll be going into the front field with the others, which will make it easier for me to keep a close eye on them.

Daisy got a shock yesterday. We moved Flakey (one of the Charolais bulls) into the front field and he came over to the farmhouse growling away and stamping his great big cloppy feet about. She took one look at him and started yapping away – Skye and I both told her there was no chance of him getting into the house, but she was beyond herself by then and said she was not going to take any chances. He's a great big softie really, but I suppose if you're only a puppy then he might look pretty scary...maybe.

Anyway, he's still outside so she's a lot happier now.

I'm off to do a sun dance now so we get some decent weather for the tup, then I must get an early night so I'm ready for him

Take care

7 October 2011

Planting crops, yawn, yawn

I'll certainly be pleased once all these wretched wheat fields are finished. It's boring, boring, boring. It's very disappointing to be losing grass fields and swapping them for this arable rubbish. I mean it's absolutely useless for feeding sheep on, and there's HOURS spent in tractors just going up and down, up and down. Still – only rolling left now and we can leave them be and get on with some proper work.

Skye's really enjoying watching the crops being planted – Daisy told her that less grass means less sheep and now they're both telling me that at this rate I'll be retired soon as well as Skye (who is still working on the resignation letter she and Daisy started last month). I haven't got the heart to tell them we've got more grass lined up for planting in spring! Ho, ho, ho – just wait till they see that, then we'll see about retirement (might even get some extra sheep if we're lucky)

Anyway, it looks like some of the cattle are ready to come in so we'll be spending some of the weekend getting the shed ready for them. They grumble a lot about the cold at night (can't say I blame them) and we're feeding them in the field now as well so they may as well be in.

More importantly, the ewes have been moved into grassy fields now ahead of the tups being sent out so I expect we'll be bringing them in soon to give them the once over. Good, good, something to look forward to...

Take care

5 October 2011

Daisy rides in the tractor

Talk about wind – it's just as well I've got four feet to keep me anchored to the ground. I hate the wind, just hate it (I might have mentioned that before, but I just can't stand it). Daisy and Skye, on the other hand love the wind (need I say more?) – clearly they're very well anchored the pair of them (a bit like the shed is), and I tell them both that it would be a strong gust that dislodged them from the ground – ha, ha. Goodness knows what it is they like about it, all those moving trees and loud noises. Oh nooo, nooo, nooo...

Daisy has had a nice treat today – I told her it's because now she's getting a bit bigger she'll be trusted more. She was allowed to sit in the tractor cab in the yard this afternoon. Although she's far too small (and, dare I say it, bulky) to get into the cab, she was lifted in and sat there like the Queen of Sheba looking out through the window at the hens roaming about. Loved every second she did. She was chatting about it to Skye and me later in the day and is hoping she gets the chance to sit in again soon. She's very envious of Skye and me being able to ride in it every day, but Skye said she could take her place any day, no problem, as long as she definitely went out on all the wet days – we all know Skye would rather sit in front of the fire on most wet days (she's more like a cat than the cat). Anyway, at least it looks like Skye has forgiven Daisy for sneaking on her plan to run off to the sun. Thank goodness for small mercies...

Gotta go now though as I heard some chat that we're up early tomorrow to get some wheat sown. A girl needs her rest you know.

Take care

4 October 2011

Help, I’m going mad

Daisy has got wind of Skye's plan to run off to search for the sun. It's not hard as Skye's been muttering a lot in the night about swapping her treasures for a train ticket, complaining about the wet and has been asking me to show her how to read a map (Daisy overheard her asking and has been pestering me to tell her what a map is – I think she thinks it might be edible). Daisy's not happy about Skye's plan – she doesn't like change in her little life and she likes playing with her Auntie Skye. She's certainly not planning to run off with Skye as she's got a really cosy spot here, so I think she's planning to snitch on her which will put an end to the (rather sketchy) plans and probably just as well too. Oh for a bit of common sense and a decent night's sleep.

Here's a picture of Skye and Daisy - "No funny business going on here, honestly"

You just wouldn't think Skye was a collie you know – she's lovable enough, but doesn't seem to have a brain cell in her whole body, and as for Daisy... I just despair. I think I'd get more sense talking to the sheep – and that's definitely not something I'm planning anytime soon.

Anyway, looks like the lambs need worming soon and we've got fields to get ready for wheat so with a bit of luck I'll be too busy working to worry about the pair of them. Thank goodness for that...roll on tomorrow.

Take care

1 October 2011

Skye plans a holiday

Skye is fed up. A damp day today has reminded her that Winter is just around the corner. She had a look at the weather forecast on the telly this morning and saw that we were the only part of the country that was going to get rain and now she wants to get away. She raided her savings pile (she keeps all her treasures under her bed, but don't tell Daisy as most of them are food related) and came up with a couple of biscuits and some tatty clothes pegs which she now wants to use to buy a ticket to get down to family in Somerset. She likes it down there – no sheep, nice and warm AND she gets spoilt all day. I told her I didn't think she had enough to get a ticket, but she's a stubborn old devil and is planning to stow away in the car next time it goes to Berwick. We'll need to make sure she's got plenty to eat because I think it's a long journey and goodness knows where she'd end up – Lands End probably, she can't read and doesn't know exactly where Somerset is so has no chance of getting off at the right stop. Maybe she'll see sense tomorrow...but I won't hold my breath

Take care