8 February 2016

Collie heaven

Ahhhh, bliss.  What's my definition of a perfect day?  Well, I'll give you a clue.  It involves...a comfy bed (tick), a warm fire (tick), some sheep to look at (tick, but if I could chase them that would be a big tick), no terriers anywhere in sight (tick), no terriers within 100 miles (huge tick).  Today, huge tick it is - the troublesome twins are off on a holiday.  Hopefully a very long one...

Pie has gone off on a holiday back where she used to live before she came to us.  She was really excited about going back as she remembered what a great time she had down there and how many people used to live there that she could bark at.  But just to make sure she didn't have too much fun, we sent her down with Daisy for company.  Only joking... Daisy definitely didn't want to be left behind as she loves a trip out.  Rumour has it that she's got more than she bargained for though - there are stories coming back of long marches like the SAS do to get fit

Skye says she's pleased she hasn't gone if it's true - her idea of a forced march is once round the front field (but not round the edges) and a sharp return for a markie or two...and a warm fire - so maybe she's not that daft after all, especially since we've had more snow and we all know that just makes your feet chilly

Oh well, we'll wait for a postcard from the 'twins to see how they're getting on...maybe they're too tired to write though. Chuckle chuckle.  Poor Daisy 

Take care

Pip xx

31 January 2016

A mixed day

Since when do storms have names?  This year all we seem to be getting is bad weather with a name...we've just had Frank so its Gertrude next I think, and we were all very disappointed to hear that D was Desmond...we've got our own little storm here beginning with D...the queen of flatulence herself...we think D should be for Daisy

Anyway, we've had it all today from the weather - we went to the beach and to be honest, were a bit dubious.  Skye stayed at home - she wasn't taking any chances.  The rest of us all skipped into the car anyway - I mean, a walk's a walk isn't it..?  It was snowing all the way there, then miraculously we had bright sunshine for the whole time we were there, and then more snow on the way home.  And it's settled a bit as well.  Cold feet for us for the next few days by the look of it

Skye was telling the puppy she reckons we're in for lots more bad weather this year - she says she's heard it's got something to do with global warming and the ninja's.  She's a bit sketchy on the exact details, and got stroppy when Pie pointed out that it doesn't seem to be getting any warmer and then wanted to know how some Japanese assassins can bring us bad weather?  The puppy settled the argument - she watches the weather every night and apparently it's El Nino causing the problem.  Skye says he must obviously be a Spanish assassin then, so clearly she was nearly right.  Quite why the weathermen are being murdered is a mystery to her, but in Skye's world, details are for others to worry about

Well, lets hope it gets better soon otherwise I'm going to get some holiday brochures.  I fancy a bit of winter sun on my old bones - we could always sell Daisy to raise the cash (only joking, honest!)

Take care

Pip xxx

30 January 2016


I'm having to be very brave these days.  It's the wind. What a day we've had today.  I knew it wasn't going to be good but, boy, it was bad.  I hate the wind, and the first thing I saw this morning was the trees across the front field being blown about. That's never a good sight, then when I finally got the courage to go out, there were trees lying right across the road, and I mean right across it.  Yup.  What a day.  It's been blowing a proper gale.

There's been another problem with wind recently, and we're all having to be brave with this one.  Think small fluffy and white and you're on the right track.  Last night we were all happy lying in front of the fire and then smelt this awful pong.  Of course we all looked at the prime culprit - Skye, who was very indignant, but no, it seems it was fluffy...the silent assassin, keeping a very low profile.  Rest assured though she's had a warning and Pie says it's three strikes and she's out...the puppy's counting so she might get an extra life.

Pie's been desperate to get out though.  Apparently windy days are good for hunting, but we haven't been let out thank goodness.  Skye says its a shame Pie wasn't - we could have tied a ribbon to her before she went and watched as she got blown away...a Pie kite.  Skye's sailing pretty close to the wind herself with comments like that if you ask me - Pie usually comes out on top of their battles, determined little devil she is

Anyway, let's hope things calm down soon

Take care

Pip xxx

27 January 2016

Dinosaurs cause a problem

Someone in the house is studying paleontology...

Some dogs chase sticks, some chase cars, some even run round in circles chasing their tales (I think those must be the Labradors).  In our madhouse though, the puppy has discovered dinosaurs.  She saw one in some programme on TV last night and has been chattering about them ever since.  Even Pie's legendary lack of patience has been tested to the extreme with all the questions from the puppy and she told her in no uncertain terms that she should go and ask Skye who would clearly still be able to remember when they roamed the earth.  

Well, we nearly had to call the police to sort that one out...the puppy might be bright but hasn't got much common sense - ever obedient, over she dashed to Skye, woke her up and asked her what she remembered of the dinosaurs.  Skye's face was a picture.  Not a very pleasant one, or one I would be pleased to have painted, and sensibly, the puppy decided to make herself pretty scarce.  I don't think Pie has ever found any thing as amusing as that but I have a feeling the puppy might even the score at some stage...

Anyway, the puppy has not been put off and has decided that she wants a chewy dinosaur for her birthday, although she is not too sure exactly when this is. She needn't worry about it being missed though, last year we all made a right fuss of her, which is only right as she is still only young. 

Take care

Pip xxx

26 January 2016

Stormy weather

What a day...wind and rain first thing then bright sunshine this afternoon.  I had to think long and hard about going out this morning, but needs must. Suffice to say, I didn't stay out long and was soon back in front of the log burner...aaaaah loggy, my best winter friend.

We have had some good news today though.  No, not my big film break yet - Pie, please take note you need to work a bit harder if you are my agent, and definitely you need to get downstairs in the morning.  You have been warned...payment of treats is definitely dependent on results.

No, todays good news was an oil delivery so the heating's going back on full power again.  Great.  You do get used to it you know.  When I was working every day I thought heating was just for softies...we were out every day and if we wanted to warm up we moved a bit faster.  But now I've learnt something from Skye, and me and the heating are getting well acquainted.  I have to pull rank occasionally to get the best spot, but I'm a canny devil (even if I say so myself) and you'd have to get up pretty early to get the better of me (and certainly much earlier than the terrier twins who won't see two 10 o'clocks today...)

The puppy says she's heard on the TV that this bad weather has come from America, 'wherever that is' (she's not very good on geography yet).  She says they got snow with it and is sure we will too, which has upset Skye.  She hates snow (amongst many, many other things) and is now blaming the puppy for the weather...talk about shooting the messenger.

Never mind, I've cheered the pup up by letting her get a good spot by loggy, and it doesn't look much like snow to me so I think even Skye will be happy soon.  It seems as though we're all going stir crazy, every day the house gets a bit madder and my days working out in the cold work seem more attractive by the minute.

Take care

Pip xxx

25 January 2016

Sheep in the front field...very annoying

Very strange...no phone calls yet, but not to worry, I've got much more important things on my mind at the moment.

Someone has moved sheep into the front field.  My front field.  But not my sheep.  No, not just ordinary sheep either, but great big chubby things that look like they might struggle to outrun Skye.  In fact, they don't look as if they'd give Daisy much of a run. It's just not fair having them just pottering about like that wherever they please, munching away - they should be bunched up in a tight little group right over in the corner of the field, and I know just the person to make them...me.  Trouble is, I'm not getting out much these days, which was fine yesterday with the log burner roaring away but it's definitely not fine today.  

Time for a meeting of the escape committee which today consists of me and Pie (Pie sits on the committee every day, usually alone).  Today as usual there is only one agenda item, and Pie's solution is, as usual, wait till someone opens the back door and run like hell...consequences don't matter...live for the moment!  You know, maybe that mad little dog has got that right, I could be out gathering the chubby brutes in a flash.  But no, the trouble with being a collie is that having a brain allows you to think about the consequences, and the consequences are bad.  

So on balance the log burner probably isn't so bad - just as long as they don't start up with a lot of bleating.  Then I will be out, consequences or not, and puppy will be right behind me.

Now...I'm off to find Daisy, who's been looking after the phone

Take care

Pip xxx  


24 January 2016

Fame comes knocking

We've made it onto the front page of the paper, me and the puppy.  It's a good photo of us.  Well to be truthful it's a good photo of me in 'sheep dog' mode, but I'm going to have a word with the puppy about that smile - it makes her look gormless. Also, I'm not sure why the house in the background is so prominent...surely you'd think the paper would have got a decent photographer in to take our picture and would have made sure we were in the middle, and maybe Mandy's friends aren't really required either.  

Anyway, Pie has appointed herself as my agent and says when all the calls come in she'll make sure we get a good deal.  She thinks a sequel to Lassie is the answer - we could 'lose' Daisy and Skye somewhere very dangerous and then rescue them...perhaps...but get very famous trying.  I've agreed Pie could have a small cameo role as well if she's well behaved.  She's not sure whether it's better to ask for snacks or money for starring in the film which is tricky, but I'm happier with snacks I think and the puppy will do as she's told.

So, now we just need to make sure we keep an eye on the phone and don't get too grubby.  I've told Pie to ask for somewhere warm for the filming - it was chilly lying in the snow..

Here's the picture...isn't it great?

Take care

Pip xxx

22 January 2016

Demented of Hetton North

I'm going to put an advert in the paper.  I've thought about it all evening, and I'm quite decided.  It's going to say "demented collie urgently seeks break from family members - sheep owner obviously preferred but any reasonable offer considered".  I've been driven to it after another evening in front of the log burner surrounded by overheated dogs.  Surely it's not that hard is it?  When it's gets really hot you move away from the fire, cool down a bit then back for some more toasting...but oh no, not our lot.  Puff, puff pant pant they go all night and Skye, who's certainly old enough to know better is the worst offender of the lot.  While I'm away I'll get a sound monitor because I'm sure her snoring is so loud it's against the law - I won't be able to work with sheep if I've been made deaf, and I certainly won't be able to if I've been arrested for murder...

Apart from that it's still wet and cold outside so we've not had the chance to get back to agility - just as well really because my personal trainer, Pie, is not very happy and getting frustrated with my training progress.  So much so that she is threatening to take me out with her in all weather to see what we can find to chase (still her favourite way to spend 1/2 hour).  Joy, oh joy.  

Now, where's that pen...?

Take care

Pip xxx


21 January 2016

Daisy grabs the pen...

At last!  It's my turn to do some writing.  Mean old Skye doesn't think anyone will want to hear from me, but I'm not as daft as she thinks you know.  I mean, I know I can be a bit single minded sometimes (at supper-time especially) but at least I'm not a grumpy OLD collie.  

Anyway, this year I'm going to surprise everyone and be really healthy.  I've heard chat about my little tummy getting a bit round so I'm going to try really hard not to snack on anyone else's food (well, unless it looks nicer than mine and you know what they say...a stolen snack tastes the best) and when Pip asks to go off for a walk I'm going to go as well (unless it's wet, or close to supper-time).

The other day we had a great walk and I got really wet.  It wasn't my fault, but what can you do to keep clean when you've been given such little legs?  Nothing, that's what and I love getting mucky as its straight back indoors for a bath.  Ahhhhhh, baths are just dreamy, but they're not quite so good when you've got to watch the collies go first - great big lumbery things that they are.  I like the water good and hot so I can have a proper soak and then straight into my special drying robe while I potter about drying.  I really enjoy my moment of pampering...baths and snacks...what more could you want for a perfect life?

Take care

20 January 2016

Recovering from wash day trauma

Well, we've had a much quieter day today, thank goodness.  I've managed to stay well away from the bath - so far away that I didn't even go into the back hall.  Instead, I evicted the puppy from her bed which is about as far away as you could get short of being lucky enough to get to the upstairs kennel.

Daisy can't see what all the fuss is about - she absolutely loves a bath.  I mean proper squeaking with excitement love.  Pie reckons that some days she even goes out of her way to get grubby just so she gets dunked in the hateful contraption, which is not only strange but also extremely risky if she's wanting to get her usual pampered spot upstairs...we all know that a wet dog is a smelly dog, and a smelly dog doesn't get to upstairs.

Pie's grumbling a bit today - she was out yesterday for ages checking her usual spots, got filthy, but absolutely no 'r' creatures at all.  Now she's worried that she's been too hard on them and is muttering about how nothing's like it was when she was young if even the 'r' creatures are getting fussy about where they stay and disappearing at the first bit of barking...I hope she finds something to run after soon though otherwise I'm worried she might start chasing one of us if she gets too bored. That's all we need.

Anyway, I'm keeping a low profile and am off to rest in the pup's bed - I will be taking my do not disturb sign and (with a warning to little Pie) leaving my sense of humour behind

Take care

Pip xxx

19 January 2016

Scrub a dub dub

The day started off quite well really - we've had the log burner on for a while now warming the place up and I managed to sneak into the sitting room for a long lie in.  Bliss.  

Then I ruined it.  I didn't realise it at the time, but I had remembered that it had been all frosty for the last couple of days and thought that a walk out and a bit of a roll in the frost would be just the thing.  The plan was to skip back in with nice clean feet and straight back to the log burner.  So, foolishly as it happened, I pestered to get out.  Skye was highly sceptical - she reckoned she'd seen rain that morning in the forecast and if the garden was all squelchy then surely the fields would be too?  I never listen to Skye.  More fool me...

Anyway, my pestering worked and off we went.  Pie straight round the corner and off, the rest of us slightly slower, and me already thinking that things looked a bit damp.  Well, it was bad, really bad.  We got round the walk alright, but the gates...I've never seen such deep mud and for a while I wondered if we'd ever see Daisy again. Mud on top of the mud, and no frost in sight.

When we got home, I got my comeuppance - three into the bath and me first.  Unlike Fluffy I hate baths.  Even Pie got hers later when she finally crawled home (she hates baths too).  Oh, and just in case you think I can't count because that's only four, think again.  Only four of us needed a bath - old goody four paws (aka Skye) tiptoed round the mud and had such a good go at her feet before coming in that she got straight back to the fire while we spent ages in the back hall drying off.

So, what have I learnt from that?  Don't worry, I shan't suddenly be listening to Skye but I will probably get the puppy to keep an eye on the weather forecast (she loves the telly), and definitely won't move from the log burner unless I can see snow and can guarantee coming in clean.  If in doubt I'll send Pie out first...

Daisy actually enjoys her bath - here she is in her special towelling robe that she wears to dry off

Take care

Pip xxx

17 January 2016


It snow joke this weather (see what I did there?  Skye didn't).  We've had snow and freezing temperatures for days now and we're all hoping it's not going to carry on like this for ever.  I mean, how would you like to potter about in bare feet all day?  OK, I know we get central heating, comfy beds and chance to lie in front of the log burner all day but we still like a walk too...there's only so much lazing about a dog can do.

Actually Skye says there's no limit to the amount of lazing about she can do (she calls it recovery time, but from what none of us are too sure). She says she's too old to stray from the fire for any length of time - Pie has timed her at about 5 minutes (only a guess as she hasn't got a watch) and that was only a quick stagger to her supper, wolf that down and stagger back to bed...if there's a medal to be awarded for the world record for idleness, we've found the winner.

The puppy is having a great time though, cold feet or not.  She's not seen much snow and loves running on the crunchy grass. I don't think her feet are touching the ground for long enough to get cold, both she and Pie just chase about together like the lunatics they are.  They'll learn though - I remember the really deep snow we had for ages a couple of years ago - so deep I couldn't run in it and we had to fetch the sheep home in a loader bucket...and me in the quad (the shame...). Ever since that I like to keep my feet as warm as possible...it's the only time I can see some sense in what Skye says.

So here's hoping it warms up soon

Take care

Pip xxx

The case of the missing supper bowl

By Pie.
With some hindrance from the puppy.
And absolutely no help at all from Skye.

I'm in a bit of a panic at the moment.  It was there yesterday, gleaming in the corner, but this morning when it came to breakfast...nothing.  Nada.  Zilch. Only four bowls, and most troubling, only one of them was terrier sized.  I must say, I've never seen Skye dash in so fast when she thought it might be her bowl that was missing but unfortunately it looks like it might be mine.  Which is a problem.  A massive, collie sized problem.  It's a strange one though as no one can remember ever seeing it disappear - I had thought it might be the puppy getting her own back for me for developing such a fantastic fitness plan for Pip, or Daisy thinking she'd get some extra food if it only had to go four ways, but they both said definitely not (even when I offered them the chance to shop each other) so goodness knows what's happened to it. Anyway, I'm off out hunting now so I've had to ask Daisy to have a look for it - she's the only one I can trust to keep thinking about supper all day and she's horrified that there might be a thief about to steal her bowl, so she's on the case.

...Not much of a hunting day to be honest, too worried to concentrate, but all's well now.  What a relief.  It turned out that someone (mentioning no names, but it begins with M) had hidden it in the oven.  We never even thought about looking there and it's such a useless thing - we hate our food hot - I think we should get rid of it.

Take care

Pie xx

12 January 2016

Agility day

Well, that's one way to try to even things up with the puppy.  We went off to agility together this morning, she and I, and both of us were really looking forward to it.  I mean, you would wouldn't you?  Chance to run and run and run with a bit of jumping as well - fantastic.  The only way you could improve it would be to put a few sheep in the corner of the field as well.  Which is a thought...

So, off we went and had a great time, but, oh dear, the pup was getting her gangly legs all tangled up and muddy after all the rain which was all that was needed to give a wise old slowcoach like me a good chance.  I don't need asking twice I can tell you, and I'm going to make the most of it!

When we got back home, everyone was very sympathetic.  Gangly she might have been but that didn't make as much impact as I thought it might and it was humble pie for me....for now anyway.  I didn't get where I was by giving up that easily.  Pie says she will up the training program for me (which is a worry) and devise some cunning tricks for me to use on the course.  I told her I'm not wanting to cheat but she never stays in one place long enough to have a decent conversation (unless is on a knee) and was off and away by then.  Mayhem to be caused.  Pie's the name...

Daisy took me to one side later - she thinks that maybe food will solve the problem - she reckons a good supper always makes things better, and if not, maybe she could slip the pup something dodgy the night before.  Trouble is, Daisy making sure she was eating might put her off.  Anyway, what am I thinking? She's my puppy.  I'll just have to get my brain in gear...this needs some proper thought to solve and I'm the girl for that.

Meanwhile it looks like it's Pie's boot camp for me.

Take care

Pip xxx

9 January 2016

Pie's first guest spot

So at last, I get my chance with the pen...so many things to tell you, but I think I'll start by telling you about my day yesterday - close to my idea of a perfect day

Most days start the same way - slowly.  I'm not really an early bird and it's soooo hard getting down from the (very comfy) upstairs kennel.  So I don't try too hard, but I'm always down before fluffy chops (aka Daisy) as letting her beat me would just be too embarrassing for words.

A quick bite of breakfast and then I linger by the back door so I'm ready as soon as it's opened.  And ..... I'm off.  Off and running free!  Straight round the corner and then wait in the yard to see whether the alarm has been raised or whether we're off hunting.  Today's a good day as I've got company and we're off looking for 'r' creatures (Mandy has forbidden me ever mentioning their name).  It's chucking it down with rain but I don't care - those soft 'r' creatures will be indoors so that's much easier!  Unfortunately I seem to be winning the battle as there are hardly ever any to catch but I still go round all my little spots none the less - every day, rain or shine, same order, bark, bark, bark then chase, chase.  It's great fun

Then it's back to the yard just to make sure the postie isn't about, or anyone I don't want to see.  I make sure I show them my teeth as I fly at them - that's great fun too.  My all-time favourite day was sending a couple of scrap men back into their van.  Talk about surprised!  I've never seen two men move so fast...ha!  Brilliant.  I may only be small, but I never ever go backwards, and wasn't given teeth for no reason

After all that excitement, it's back indoors - often a shower, but always supper and a knee to sit on, with lots of pleasant dreams about the chasing.  I always sleep well after that.

I'll be back soon
Pie xxx

8 January 2016

Shopping blues

Its still raining.

It gets worse...if that's possible and believe me it is...

I've just had to spend all day with Skye and her gossipy little pal Daisy.  They talk about nothing all day, just droning on and on and on and zzzzzz.  Oh, sorry apathy just overtook me for a moment.

Today's hot topic was internet shopping - Skye has heard that the winter sales are coming to a close and she hasn't been able to buy anything yet.  She's worried all the best deals will have gone already so Daisy said she'd seen people shopping on the internet for bargains and she'd help her find one.  Hmmmm.  A bad combination that if ever there was one...we all love Daisy but not for her brains and as for Skye...well, lets just say she's not your typical collie, and just as well she's well loved.

Anyway after hours and hours of chat they think they've found just the thing to buy ...doggy waterproofs.  Their new 'must have' accessory.

Now, I think I'm pretty patient and not easily driven to despair but I'm being pushed over the edge by the pair of them.  They now realise a) they've no money to buy anything and b) even if they did they don't know where the internet shop is (Pie says she reckons it's miles away down near Newcastle somewhere but says they've no chance of getting anything delivered for ages as she showed the postie her teeth the other day...ooops).

I think I'll volunteer to go and find the internet shop - then I'll quickly nip into the upstairs kennel for some peace.  Aaaargh!

Take care


6 January 2016

Age before beauty?

The puppy is pretty smart - I like to think she's a chip off the old block and that she gets both her looks and intelligence from me.  I'm not so sure though these days...much though I hate to admit it...she might be even brighter than me.  On a scale that goes from Skye to Einstein (rapidly passing Daisy and Pie) I know where I would put her - so far ahead of Skye that she'd need a passport to get back to see her.  Come to think of it I'm not too sure she'd be able to see much of the terrier twins there either...and not just because they're so small, although perhaps that's not the first adjective you'd use to describe Daisy these days.  Well-covered is perhaps more like it...

Anyway, somehow (and don't ask me how) Abbie has managed to wangle it to be allowed into the upstairs kennel every morning.  Every single morning.  Without fail.  I tell you, if I could work out how on earth she's managed it I'd be off up there like a shot.

But that's what I mean though...bright...and now most frustratingly, she's got the hang of this agility thing really quickly too.  I thought my cunning and years of working sheep would win the day, but she just goes round all hell-for-leather leaving me looking like Skye's granny pottering about.  I haven't given up just yet though and as soon as this wet weather is better, I'm starting my fitness programme.  Pie has been working it out for me and it looks worryingly ambitious, but as she keeps telling me - 'no pain, no gain'.  Hmmmm.  I just hope she doesn't kill me, but it will be worth it to see the look on the puppy's face when I glide past her on the course.  I'll smile as I go past just to show there's no hard feelings.

Here I am just practising...

Take care
 Pip xxx

4 January 2016

Wet, wetter, wettest...

It's raining cats and dogs.  Cats.  And.  Dogs.

Skye was looking out of the window at the rain and asked me what that meant - and how heavy would it have to get for cats to come down.  She likes cats.  Especially Tinker, our cat.  I told her not to worry - its just an idiom.  So now she's in a right strop with me telling everyone I called her an idiot...

She might have a point.  A deaf idiot at that.

As you can probably tell, we're all getting a bit fed up with the rain.  The puppy was supposed to be going to agility today and that's off, Daisy is starting to look like a grubby snowball she's been wet and dry so many times, and Pie reckons she's going to need stilts to get about soon and how on earth will she hunt with those on?

I think Tinker is the only one who doesn't mind the weather.  There's times that she and Skye both behave like they've no legs and now she's an old lady, she doesn't need to go out much.   Come to think of it, I can't think when she was last out.  Not this year, but Pie and Daisy said she definitely did go out last year.  They saw her...or was it the year before...?  Aha.  Maybe she's not deaf then. - Skye heard that alright and hates us teasing the cat so we'll need to get going in a minute or so when she's on her feet. I'm sure zooming round the kitchen like lunatics for a while will make us all feel better, and its nearly supper time so there's not that much to grumble about really

Take care

Pip xxx

3 January 2016

New Year, New Start. Hetton North back on stream

We've given ourselves a good talking to over the past few days here at Hetton North and we're back on stream with the blog.  I'm Pip, and still in charge - just.  Mandy looks after us all and helps me out.  I've got my work cut out for me though as you'll find out over the next few weeks when I bring you up to date with the goings on.  

Skye is still going strong.  She's no more active than she was and still hates sheep, rain, getting up...lots of things really, but still looks forward to her meals and is still in charge of the efforts to tunnel out of the garden

Daisy has grown up now but is still as annoying as ever.  She's still a good eater, but unlike Skye loves being out in the bad weather and what a lot of mud she manages to bring in with her when she comes in...for a small footed dog she certainly has a big footprint and just at the moment she's getting plenty of practice as the weather is bad.  I'm glad I'm retired on days like this

Little Pie is as mad as ever, I don't think she'll ever grow up.  Loves her work though and is still hard at it - running about like a lunatic and then straight inside to spend the rest of the day asleep on a knee. Spoilt rotten if you ask me, but we love her!

Then there's the puppy. Abbie is just like a younger version of me zooming about all the time. She keeps us all young...except Skye who is in age denial - she doesn't think she's ever been young

We have a great time here - every new day is full of promise.  Just fantastic - even when it's wet. We'll tell you all about it as I've agreed to share out the writing a bit to help out...everyone's a critic but let's see how they get on when they get chance to write!! Don't worry though...I'll be editor

Here's some pictures of us all 

Take care

Me in bed

The Puppy as close to relaxing as she gets...

Terrier heaven...

Skye in her favourite pose

I'm teaching the puppy 'stealth mode'