6 January 2016

Age before beauty?

The puppy is pretty smart - I like to think she's a chip off the old block and that she gets both her looks and intelligence from me.  I'm not so sure though these days...much though I hate to admit it...she might be even brighter than me.  On a scale that goes from Skye to Einstein (rapidly passing Daisy and Pie) I know where I would put her - so far ahead of Skye that she'd need a passport to get back to see her.  Come to think of it I'm not too sure she'd be able to see much of the terrier twins there either...and not just because they're so small, although perhaps that's not the first adjective you'd use to describe Daisy these days.  Well-covered is perhaps more like it...

Anyway, somehow (and don't ask me how) Abbie has managed to wangle it to be allowed into the upstairs kennel every morning.  Every single morning.  Without fail.  I tell you, if I could work out how on earth she's managed it I'd be off up there like a shot.

But that's what I mean though...bright...and now most frustratingly, she's got the hang of this agility thing really quickly too.  I thought my cunning and years of working sheep would win the day, but she just goes round all hell-for-leather leaving me looking like Skye's granny pottering about.  I haven't given up just yet though and as soon as this wet weather is better, I'm starting my fitness programme.  Pie has been working it out for me and it looks worryingly ambitious, but as she keeps telling me - 'no pain, no gain'.  Hmmmm.  I just hope she doesn't kill me, but it will be worth it to see the look on the puppy's face when I glide past her on the course.  I'll smile as I go past just to show there's no hard feelings.

Here I am just practising...

Take care
 Pip xxx

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