17 January 2016


It snow joke this weather (see what I did there?  Skye didn't).  We've had snow and freezing temperatures for days now and we're all hoping it's not going to carry on like this for ever.  I mean, how would you like to potter about in bare feet all day?  OK, I know we get central heating, comfy beds and chance to lie in front of the log burner all day but we still like a walk too...there's only so much lazing about a dog can do.

Actually Skye says there's no limit to the amount of lazing about she can do (she calls it recovery time, but from what none of us are too sure). She says she's too old to stray from the fire for any length of time - Pie has timed her at about 5 minutes (only a guess as she hasn't got a watch) and that was only a quick stagger to her supper, wolf that down and stagger back to bed...if there's a medal to be awarded for the world record for idleness, we've found the winner.

The puppy is having a great time though, cold feet or not.  She's not seen much snow and loves running on the crunchy grass. I don't think her feet are touching the ground for long enough to get cold, both she and Pie just chase about together like the lunatics they are.  They'll learn though - I remember the really deep snow we had for ages a couple of years ago - so deep I couldn't run in it and we had to fetch the sheep home in a loader bucket...and me in the quad (the shame...). Ever since that I like to keep my feet as warm as possible...it's the only time I can see some sense in what Skye says.

So here's hoping it warms up soon

Take care

Pip xxx

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