28 October 2011

A shed for the hens

It's been a long day today. Up early to check everything and get the cows fed, and then we've been getting ready to put up a new shed for the hens. It looks pretty big, so let's hope it doesn't mean more of the wretched things, what with their scuffing and scratching about all over the place. I suppose they're not that bad really, and sometimes we get one of their eggs cooked up which is a bit of a treat. It's one of Skye and Daisy's favourite treats (being food it's got a good start) and now they love the hens – in fact, they're very high up on Skye's list of things to protect (the cat, Tinker, being right up at the top by a mile)

Anyway, the hens have been grumbling for ages that they need something more comfortable before the winter so it looks as though that's what's on the way – an all singing and dancing new home for them. I was a bit worried at first when I saw it – I never like a new building in the yard in case it's for me to sleep in, but I needn't have worried. Skye and I like sleeping inside and although we'd really like to get to the upstairs kennel like that little rat Daisy, downstairs is much, much better than outside...brrr. Skye told Daisy how she slept outside before she came to the farm and Daisy just couldn't believe it – outside!! Scary!! She's been as good as gold ever since – in fact, for a while we thought she'd been welded to Mandy's ankle she stuck so close, but I know she's got nothing to worry about. Mandy would sleep out herself before she put the Princess out.

Tupping moves a day closer – must be getting the ewes in soon. Jolly good.

Take care

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