15 April 2014

Fencing in the sun

It was a good day for Skye yesterday - fencers on farm and plenty of sunshine to laze about in.  She loves fencing but just can't understand why they are allowed to go about digging things up and she's not.  Whenever she can she's off to watch, and I know that a week with a fencing team would be her favourite thing. Pie and I just can't understand it...why sit about all day watching other people work when you could be bossing sheep about yourself or out chasing r creatures till dusk?  And poor little Daisy just can't imagine anyone scratching about in holes and ruining the look of their nails, but that's another story I think...Daisy is most definitely one of a kind, even Skye agrees about that.

So we had plenty to be getting on with and it was grand out in the sun.  I was telling the puppy that any day now the swallows and house martins would be here, and then we know it's summer.  And, as Skye pointed out, we also know to watch out not to get bird poo on our heads as they whizz about.  Birds are another thing Skye is not a big fan of...but we think it's mainly because they work so hard all day it makes her look really lazy.  Abby's looking forward to seeing them again though and says she's going to race about with them this year, now she's bigger, just because she can.  Let's hope that they manage to tire her out because she certainly tires everyone else out at the moment.  Energy?  She's like a coiled spring...Even Pie can't keep up, but then I suppose her little legs don't help much, bless her.

Oh well, another sunny day beckons

Take care

Pip xxx

PS Pie says her legs aren't little, they are just the right size.  I forgot she's a bit touchy about her being the smallest (vertically challenged, Skye calls her...gravitationally challenged Pie calls Skye...oh no, I've started them off again)

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