13 April 2014

A close call

Well, it was an exciting start to the day today.  There I was one minute, quietly pottering out in the garden, when suddenly out of nowhere up popped this brought coloured thing flying in the sky.  I wasn't taking any chances and got the terriers out - they don't let anything into the garden.  Sure enough after a bit of barking it floated off again. Phew, that was a close one though, and I was pleased they were there to help out.  Apparently it was a kite.  Hmmm, kite it may have been, but we're all agreed it was a dangerous kite and Pie has agreed to have a scout about tomorrow to see if she can find its den so she can 'deal with it once and for all'. She's a brave one that Pie

We've been helping clear up today - getting fields ready for the cows to go into for the summer.  That's always a good job. After all, you certainly want to make sure the fences are good and strong so they can't get out.  If it was down to me, I'd have them a bit higher though, and maybe double thickness just to make sure...certainly don't want them surprising you and wandering down the road uninvited.  But I think we'll be fine this year - I'm going to put the puppy on lookout just in case, and she's really looking forward to it -a proper job...her first.  Lucky her, says Skye, rather unkindly I think, but we'll just ignore that...as usual!

One disappointment?  You've guessed it.  Still no agility.  I'm beginning to doubt I ever saw that tunnel arriving now, but not to worry, I'm still practicing 

Take care

Pip xxx

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