2 April 2014

Skye's best day yet?

Skye's been just like a Cheshire cat this afternoon.  Grinning away at us all.  If we didn't know better, Pie and I thought she'd tracked down some gin...

We all started off a bit bothered first thing - usual problem - Pie and Abby had disgraced themselves last night and had had to be hauled home late (again) but this time by the keeper from next door.  I don't think they'll be doing that again as by all accounts they spent quite a bit of the evening in the back of the pick up waiting to be let back in.  I'm a sensitive soul me, and hate it when someone's in trouble so I've given them both a good talking to and even Skye pitched in worried that if everyone gets really cross then they might forget about her supper.  

Anyway, things calmed down again this morning, and Skye went into slumber mode as usual - she was "exhausted" after "getting absolutely no sleep worrying".  Funny that though because Pie and I were both sure we heard a familiar sound most of the night. Breathe out...Long pause...Loud snore in.  Oh well, we must have been wrong.

Skye though was doing her usual trick of pretending she'd been glued to her bed (now there's a thought, eh Pie?) but was getting more and more cheerful as the day went on.  Eventually she couldn't keep it to herself any longer...We've missed our walk today, which she says makes this one of the best days she's ever had.  She's right, we have missed our walk which is annoying, but I bet we'll make up for it tomorrow though (are you listening skye?).  Oh, and talking about annoying...STILL no agility and I bet that's because the puppy had been bad.

Oh well, everyone's in the good books this again now so tomorrow is looking good

Here's the picture of the Princess on her pamper day, with her hairdresser - her new best friend.  And very smart she looks too.  I know I've mentioned it already but let's just be clear, if I get a spa day - no fluffy fringe.  The sheep would die laughing.

Take care

Pip xxx

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