1 September 2011


Today started off pretty well. I managed to get some sleep last night and no more talk of selling my gimmers, which is a relief. When we looked round this morning, everything was fine.
Brendan was round again and we got a good start on chopping up wood for the winter. That's a pretty good job to see started as I really like a good fire after being out on a winters day – even so, I'm always amazed how close Tinker and Skye can get to a fire without setting themselves alight.
Then - disaster!! My quad bike broke down. Skye and I were just riding home at the time, so I blamed her which made her pretty cross. I just couldn't help myself, but I didn't really mean it. It looks pretty serious as Jerry was taking bits off it for quite a while. How can I check the sheep now? I took myself off to get some thinking done just in case it can't be fixed by tomorrow. I mean, I've got a big responsibility looking after everyone and I'm not sure they can quite see how serious it is!
Anyway, after a phone call and a long anxious wait the broken bike was collected sometime after dark and we've got a replacement to use while it gets repaired. I wasn't able to get out to see it, so I hope it's a nice one. What a relief though...
I'm not sure my nerves can stand much more - 
 it might be me that breaks down next, so here's a nice picture of Skye and me in happier times – when the bike was behaving and we had just caught a sheep we wanted to check.  A very satisfying day...

Take care

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