26 September 2011

Cows break out

There was lots of early excitement this morning. I could hear the cows shouting from my bed so I knew something was up. They're not very cunning, the cows. You'd think if they got out of the field that they would keep quiet and make the most of it, but oh no, it's all shout, shout, shout – "Look at us, we're out". Then their friends from the next field start up and before you know it you could hear the racket in Wooler.

They weren't keen to go back in but we persuaded them in the end and then went off to put back some sheep that had got though the fence in all the excitement. All in all, a very good mornings work. Everything else was as it should be, thank goodness. A girl can only take so much rushing about, you know.

As we got in, Daisy was just getting up and wondering what all the fuss was about - she doesn't like the cows much - they're too big for her.  I told her not to go out onto the road for a while (she's not allowed out on her own anyway) as it was covered with cow muck, which would clash with her lovely white coat.  She just scowled at me - she loves getting covered with muck, but she's only a puppy.

Take care

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