16 July 2012

Daisy's off on a jaunt

We knew something was up this morning and as soon as Daisy came downstairs she told us that she was off on holiday with Mandy, and that it must be somewhere very important because all her smartest collars were being packed and we were being left behind.  Then she flounced off and spent the rest of the morning about 2" from Mandy's heel...just in case she got left behind as well.

The Princess setting off...

We breathed a sigh of relief, Skye and I...we were staying at home and going to get some peace and quiet from old yappy chops.  Surely it couldn't get much better than that?  Well, I suppose it could a bit...the clipper could turn up early and Skye would like a day lying in a sunny garden (preferably with her new black pal from next door) - oh, and a day without the lawnmower blasting away.  That's not much to ask, surely?  But we'll take what we've got thank you very much.

Apart from that, it's been a day like every other (I like a bit of routine!) - sheep and cows fast asleep in the sun, some naughty steers to move away from the cows (again) calves and lambs to feed and our poorly cow to jab (although she's looking a bit better now). 

Let's hope the sun keeps shining - it'll bring the clipper here quicker...joy, joy, joy.

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