8 November 2011

Hen house chaos

The old bones were creaking a bit this morning – damp and chilly, and the temporary rugs we're (still) sleeping on are not quite as comfy as we've got used to. Princess Lah-de-Dah was late down and teasing Skye about how comfy she was in the upstairs kennel. Poor old Skye, but I soon cheered her up telling her the new beds would be even more comfy (although I'm not sure that's possible really) so she went pottering off to see how she could fit a bigger bed into her room. When I saw her at lunch-time (after a busy morning) she was talking about getting a Westie proof lock for the bedroom door and asking whether I'd ever seen one, and would I know how to fit it...she doesn't ask for much!

Now then, I think I've found animals even more daft than Skye and Daisy. The hens. As you know, we've been slaving away every spare minute fitting them out with a de-luxe hen house – perches, nesting boxes, feeders, windows, special floor, kichen sink...everything on the little wish list they drew up in the summer (except the tv. I'm sure they would squabble about what channel to put it on). Anyway last week we put them into it and today let them have a run out in the yard. Well, it was chaos at bedtime – all milling around looking to get into the old draughty boxes. I had to come over from finishing feeding the cows to see if I could get them over but it was worse than running lambs – just like pushing water uphill, one this way, one that way, oh dear oh dear. So back into their old boxes they went and they had to be carried across to the new hen house. I don't think they'll be out in the yard again until the old boxes are away! Ungrateful little rascals.

Here's a picture of some hens bringing in the wish list.

Take care

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