8 March 2014

My terrier friends

Even Skye knows one into five doesn't go.  Last night there were five dogs here.  This morning there were still five.  There was only one difference though.  A fairly important one.  Little Abby has got a new chew.  But there's only one...

Mind you, it's not just a normal chew - this is the Rolls Royce of chews - not your average run of the mill Rolls Royce though.  This was the most majestic ever seen.  Little Pie was the first to realise - she misses nothing and had had one before she came to us and had told us all about it.  A stags horn.  Lucky little Abby we say and she's got it tucked away in her crate so we've got no chance of swiping it. I've got a plan though. I've got Daisy on the case - if anyone can sneak into the crate I'm sure it will be her...She's very determined and greedy too!  A perfect combination for this job...

Apart from that we're all well.  Very well.  We had five out for our walk and five back in, which is always a victory with little Pie.  She loves to go hunting and usually manages to find something to chase.  But I think we're going to ask her out for a while to catch 'r' creatures which should calm her down.  That's what she really likes and I know she's good at it, but rather her than me I say.  They go out with a torch at night and rummage though the sheds...Oh no, no, no. We hear all about it when she gets back in but to be honest we'd rather not - too brave by half that little rascal. 

Hopefully we'll have some news on the stags horn tomorrow.   Terriers are pretty useful friends to have I think.

Take care

Pip xxx

Waiting for the call

A successful hunt 

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