14 May 2014

Peggy goes lame now

Looks like I was getting a bit too carried away there yesterday, thinking I had it easy with so few sheep.  We've just got Wobbly right and guess what?  Peggy's gone all limpy on us now.  Not that she'll take much catching mind you (and more's the pity - there's nothing wrong with a good run out in my book).  She's the sheepy equivalent to Skye - moves as little as she can get away with but she's always first in the queue for a snack.  We'll just rattle a bit of food in her direction and hey presto, one treated sheep. Looks like a job for top of the list though that's for sure.

We're still getting more swallows in, but it doesn't seem as many as last year.  Daisy says she's heard chat that it's because they get hunted in some countries as they fly back home to us.  But that can't be right can it?  I mean, not even little Daisy could make a meal out of a tiny bird (although I wouldn't put it past Pie though).  No, I think she's living proof that you can't believe everything you hear, but you can't possible mention it to her...she'll just prance off in a westie huff.

No sign of the fence yet, but I think it will be OK.  It will keep the puppy in (a good thing),  and keep all the cows back (a very good thing), AND keep all those nasty wavy trees out of sight as well (the best thing of all).  No, I can't wait and would help put it up if I could, but I'm all ham-fisted with tools - and we daren't ask Skye to dig the post holes or we'd need a cement mixer to fill them in - if we ever saw her again...just a blur of soil and paws...we all think she's part mole she loves her digging so much.  Part mole, part gannet if you ask me...

Anyway, I've got to go.  Skye's just seen what I've written 

Take care

Pip xxx

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