30 May 2014

Changeover day

Life's treating us pretty well  just now...nice long days and plenty of sun.  Best of all, today was changeover day for the beds so it's time to just streeeetch out and enjoy.  We love changeover day.  Even little Pie gets back from her hunting a bit sharpish so she can get a good snooze before Skye comes along and sheds about half a ton of fur all over the place.  She can be so frustrating.

The new fence is still undefeated, much to the puppy's annoyance but I'm just getting a bit worried that she's getting her energy back just in time for the agility to start...I certainly hope not, but maybe just to make sure I ought to leave the garden gate open...it would be naughty of me, but it would be really annoying not to win the first agility game.  Oh, the dilemma...I think I'll ask Daisy and the shedder what they would do - and then do the opposite.  A good plan that can't possibly go wrong if you ask me

Pie is still spitting mad with the rat man. She reckons he's stolen all her r creatures as she hasn't seen one for days and has had to resort to barking at a broody hen in the yard now.  I ask you...Sometimes I just think I should run away and get some peace before they all turn me mad as well.  Poor little Pie, she means well but she's barking mad (ha, ha I bet no one saw that one coming, but I always reckon the old jokes are the best)

Take care

Pip xxx

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