3 June 2014

Stiff as a post

Whisper it quietly, but I can hardly move.  I was out working the other day and seem to be a little stiff today.  To be truthful, I reckon Skye would probably beat me in a race right now, and Pie is going through a very elaborate set of stretches in front of me, humming away about her starting the agility later today.  I hope not.

The thing is we had to move the three blackies out of the West Quarry and bring them back to the farm.  It's a terrible field with the big wood for them to hide in, and it's not even as if it was normal sheep.  I hate blackies.  Stubborn, cunning little things that they are, they were darting about here, there and everywhere.  Everywhere except where I wanted them to go, so I had to have a rest on the bike after a while while we had a think about it.  I got them moved in the end though (a triumph of brain over brawn I say), which was good news but I was really glad there weren't more of them, and I never thought I'd be saying that.  Now the devils look as though butter wouldn't melt in their mouths, munching happily away at the grass.

Daisy says I should respect the sheep more and ask them to do these things and life would be easier.  Humph!  What does she know about it?  I say we get in and tell them what to do, then make them do it, as quickly as possible.  That makes my life much easier than having to chat to sheep about grass condition, more grass chat, the state of the fences, more grass...yawn...even thinking about it is tiring.  Anyway, if they won't listen to me telling them what to do, I send Pie over in a flurry of yapping and legs and she sorts them out for me.  Perfect.

Oh well, a quiet day should sort me out.  I just hope Pie's wrong about the agility...

Take care

Pip xx

30 May 2014

Changeover day

Life's treating us pretty well  just now...nice long days and plenty of sun.  Best of all, today was changeover day for the beds so it's time to just streeeetch out and enjoy.  We love changeover day.  Even little Pie gets back from her hunting a bit sharpish so she can get a good snooze before Skye comes along and sheds about half a ton of fur all over the place.  She can be so frustrating.

The new fence is still undefeated, much to the puppy's annoyance but I'm just getting a bit worried that she's getting her energy back just in time for the agility to start...I certainly hope not, but maybe just to make sure I ought to leave the garden gate open...it would be naughty of me, but it would be really annoying not to win the first agility game.  Oh, the dilemma...I think I'll ask Daisy and the shedder what they would do - and then do the opposite.  A good plan that can't possibly go wrong if you ask me

Pie is still spitting mad with the rat man. She reckons he's stolen all her r creatures as she hasn't seen one for days and has had to resort to barking at a broody hen in the yard now.  I ask you...Sometimes I just think I should run away and get some peace before they all turn me mad as well.  Poor little Pie, she means well but she's barking mad (ha, ha I bet no one saw that one coming, but I always reckon the old jokes are the best)

Take care

Pip xxx

22 May 2014

Feeling under the weather

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.  I'm in disgrace.  Me - fancy that!!  Well, not properly in disgrace I don't think (hope) but I've eaten something out in the fields that's disagreed with me and, without going into too many details, my bottom is now an unmentionable area.  Very much so unfortunately.  I think a couple of quiet days are called for just to set me straight again, so it'll be just my luck that tomorrow will be when the agility starts.  My beloved agility...I hope not.   

Needless to say I'm getting a bit of stick from Daisy and Skye - both of who have a constitution like an ox. Nothing ever upsets them, and Skye was straight in offering to eat my supper for me if I'm not feeling like eating it myself...just to do me a favour you understand, she says.  Not because she's greedy, of course not, perish the thought.  Daisy looked pretty miffed that she hadn't thought of offering first.  Anyway, neither of them need bother as I'd need to be a site more poorly than this to pass on supper.

I'm not the only one who's fed up. We've had the pest man in to look for r creatures - much to Pie's disgust. Pie doesn't much care to see anyone unusual in her yard (even the postie is in danger and he's here every day), so I wouldn't like to be the pest man if she ever got out while he was stealing her r creatures.  There'd be tears and they wouldn't be Pie's.  Only the other day Skye was telling the puppy about the time Pie came across a couple of scrap men in the yard.  Well, we've never seen grown men move so fast and even then they only just got back to their van before her teeth got to them.  No, she doesn't take any nonsense from strangers, let alone if they were stealing r creatures, so he must be a very brave man...or maybe wearing thick trousers.

Anyway, let's hope I'm feeling better tomorrow

Take care

Pip xxx

20 May 2014

Construction works

I'm very relieved.  For a while now there's been some construction work going on in the garden.  I hate it when they start building things - especially if there's been misbehaviour (Pie and Abby pay careful attention).  You just never know whether the latest bad behaviour might be the straw that breaks the camels back and that's us outside in kennels.  But not this time...thank goodness.  It's just some sort of useless looking lean to (Daisy says it's a pergola - she reckons she's seen one on the internet). I don't care what it is just as long as I'm not going to have to live in it.  It seems a bit of a waste of time if you ask me really - I mean, why not just grow flowers over the wall rather than put a great big hut for them to grow on?  And it's not even as though you could shelter from the rain...they seen to have forgotten to put the tiles on.  No, it's useless.  About as much use as Skye in a field of sheep, and in truth (but whisper it quietly) she's probably more use...

My hopes are up though, with all this building work and now the puppy's in lockdown, surely the next major work is the agility course.  If they've got time to waste on a useless leanto then the course should be pretty impressive...loads of jumps, possibly some water, tunnels.  All sorts.  Oh it's so exciting thinking about it.  I've been practicing like mad so I know I'm just going to thrash the puppy (not that that's the only point).  Happy days....

Take care

Pip xxx

Bone burier revealed...

So...the bone burier is finally revealed.  You know how we've got these cracking bones to chew - well, I suppose they were bought for the puppy when she started chewing the skirting boards, but we all share them now.  Anyway, these bones keep going missing, then back, then gone.  It was very worrying and when they first started going we all blamed Skye (you would, wouldn't you?).  But then they started reappearing so I knew straight away that wasn't Skye - anything she buries stays buried because 10 seconds after she's finished, she's forgotten what she's done.  It's a wonder she doesn't have more accidents as she lives in a complete daze.  So it wasn't her, which meant it had to be a terrier, but I watched them like a hawk and was none the wiser.  Then bingo!  I saw some little feet scuffing about in the soil and, hey presto, out popped a stags horn bone.  And whose little feet did I see?  Pie.  Caught red handed and very upset she looked too.  

She reckoned she was just keeping them safe but I've given her a talking to and so far, we've not lost any since.  And - more good news - the fence in the back garden has been put up to keep the puppy in.  It's very tall, and took her about a second to clock it, but I warned her that they'd do something drastic unless she started to behave, but she knew best.  Well, she's not looking so clever now I say...

It's tiring keeping all this bad behaviour in check, so hopefully now we'll have some well behaved dogs (if slightly reluctant)

Take care

Pip xxx

14 May 2014

Peggy goes lame now

Looks like I was getting a bit too carried away there yesterday, thinking I had it easy with so few sheep.  We've just got Wobbly right and guess what?  Peggy's gone all limpy on us now.  Not that she'll take much catching mind you (and more's the pity - there's nothing wrong with a good run out in my book).  She's the sheepy equivalent to Skye - moves as little as she can get away with but she's always first in the queue for a snack.  We'll just rattle a bit of food in her direction and hey presto, one treated sheep. Looks like a job for top of the list though that's for sure.

We're still getting more swallows in, but it doesn't seem as many as last year.  Daisy says she's heard chat that it's because they get hunted in some countries as they fly back home to us.  But that can't be right can it?  I mean, not even little Daisy could make a meal out of a tiny bird (although I wouldn't put it past Pie though).  No, I think she's living proof that you can't believe everything you hear, but you can't possible mention it to her...she'll just prance off in a westie huff.

No sign of the fence yet, but I think it will be OK.  It will keep the puppy in (a good thing),  and keep all the cows back (a very good thing), AND keep all those nasty wavy trees out of sight as well (the best thing of all).  No, I can't wait and would help put it up if I could, but I'm all ham-fisted with tools - and we daren't ask Skye to dig the post holes or we'd need a cement mixer to fill them in - if we ever saw her again...just a blur of soil and paws...we all think she's part mole she loves her digging so much.  Part mole, part gannet if you ask me...

Anyway, I've got to go.  Skye's just seen what I've written 

Take care

Pip xxx

Swallows and housemartins

I love this time of year, I just love it.  Nice long days, plenty of lambs in the fields, the odd bit of sunshine and best of all, the promise of lots of sunny days still to come.  Obviously, I'd rather have plenty of my own lambs but at least I don't have to put up with Skye whining on about them and there's lots on the next door farm so I always have to check that there are no escapees onto my grass before I can relax for the day.  

The good news is that Wobbly's foot is better and that she's growing really well.

The bad news is that the puppy and Pie are back in disgrace after another late night jaunt.  I don't think they'll manage it soon though as I've overheard some chat about a fence going up in the back garden and Daisy reckons she's seen some REALLY long posts in the trailer.  About time too if you ask me...I've tried to warn them that there'd be consequences, but the puppy just doesn't listen.  After all, what do I know?  Apparently nothing, but we'll see.

The other good news is that the swallows and housemartins are getting on well with their nests.  They're such busy little things they put Skye and Daisy to shame.  It must be a grand life, all that travelling, but boy, it must be tiring.  Pie was telling Skye the other day that they do more work in one day than she's ever likely to do in her whole life, but Skye does help them - after she's had her coat brushed (which she loves, by the way), we leave the brushed out bits for the birds to pick up...that must make the nests comfy I'll bet.  The puppy couldn't believe it when Daisy told her they come back to the same nest each year after travelling to Africa and back - and no sat nav!!  All I say is thank goodness the puppy's not in charge of the route - she hasn't got the sense to find her way out of a paper bag twice

The final bad news?  Still no agility.  Aaaaargh.

Oh well, the suns out, think I'll have a quick eyelid inspection in the warm

Take care


10 May 2014

What's happened to summer?

Well, the searchlights have jinxed the weather - it's been wet, wet, wet today.  Skye reckons she's going to move to the North Pole to get darker nights, but to be honest she still seems to be getting plenty of rest to me - and for someone that can sleep all day she's making a lots of fuss about a few lights 

The weather hasn't stopped all the gardening work that's been going on though - it's digging all day long - but not Skye though, she's not allowed to as she doesn't know where to dig and usually starts right in the middle of the garden.  Of course it's a bit of a problem having new plants - Daisy has her running track in the garden and now has to try to dodge all the plants that have appeared.  With varying degrees of success it has to be said - it's not easy turning a westie at full speed.  Pie reckons she saw a programme about that once with big oil tankers talking ages to turn so has taken to making a noise just like a ships fog horn whenever Daisy sets off on a lap.

Anyway, the puppy and Pie are in the dog house again...running off exploring as soon as my back was turned (actually I was watching the pet sheep in the back field). Everyone tells me it's not my fault but you do feel so guilty.  I'm going to have to give them such a stern talking to when they get back

All in all, not a good day.  Just need it to dry up a bit for the agility I think.  Hope so anyway.  I'm all set. 100%.

Take care

Pip xxx

4 May 2014

Garden searchlights

Oh no, what's a disaster...I'll never get another good nights sleep ever again.  Never, ever, ever.

Now it's summer time (nearly) it's all hands to the pump getting the garden ready.  We've been helping by not getting in the way (well, most of us have, but Skye's been digging holes, which hasn't helped at all, and Pie's out hunting as usual).  Anyway, everything was going just fine, I had even sorted out just the spot where I was going to lie in the sun when or if it finally came out.  Then, out THEY came...boxes of those lights that come on all by themselves at night.  Skye says she's seen pictures of a place called Blackpool with lots of lights, but nothing like these searchlights.  Now why, I ask, if they've got all this money to spend, haven't I got the agility jumps I keep asking ever so nicely for?  Instead, I think I'll be too tired to do anything like agility now, and you just know Skye's going to be even grumpier than ever...18 hours sleep a day is her target, and usually she gets more.  I don't even like to think what she'll be like if she's wakened by these. 

I'm getting a plan though...I've got Daisy looking on the internet for blackout blinds.  Pie knows where the drill is to put them up and I'll be in charge of shutting them each night.  Might work out ok after all.  As long as we keep Skye and the puppy away from the job, and as long as Pie doesn't get distracted by the r creatures when she's off for the drill it'll be fine.

Fingers crossed

Take care

Pip xxx

29 April 2014

Summer's here

Well, we've had a grand few days.  We had a visit from Hugo and Beth which was great fun...I got to ride out on the quad bike a few times, which I always enjoy, and we had a trip to the beach.  A really long walk it was and not a stranger in sight...just how I like it.  I mean, the beach IS great fun but Skye worries us all with stories about mad dogs running up and biting you so I always get a bit nervous if I see other cars there.  Pie does her best, bless her, she heads straight off in the lead muttering about how these strange dogs will be doing well to get past her teeth and I believe her, but still....

Anyway, it wasn't a problem this time.  In fact, the only problem looked to be getting Skye back to the car.  She loves the beach best of all (she reckons it's good for her complexion) but hates a long walk even more (bad for her joints apparently) so she got to one end of the walk grumbling a bit, and then turned round to head home.  Well, what a fuss she made - we were miles away from where we started.  Upset?  At one point I thought Daisy was going to have to give her a piggy back, but I soon stopped that - it would have been the last we saw of Daisy...a bit like being bashed into the soft sand with a huge hammer - poor little devil.  Then, to cap it all off we got involved in a bit of a race.  Well, the puppy and I won (the puppy had a head start, I'm sure of it but I let her get close...), then the TT's with their short little legs fairly flying, then Skye...never even broke into a trot.  Apparently we'd all cheated by not waiting for a proper start, or as Pie said, one where she had a head start more likely.  We got back in the end though.  Fantastic day out.

I'm getting used to this retirement now - I must be getting out and about as much as all the holiday visitors.  All it needs now to be perfect is some AGILITY work (is anyone listening?).  You live in hope.  We all do.  For me its agility (listening yet?), Pie has her r creatures, Daisy her supper bowl, the puppy her running, and Skye?  Well, she just hopes we'll all disappear and leave her alone.

Oh...Wobbly's foot is getting better, but it looks like Peggy's got it now.  Sheep!  Why can't they just stay healthy for 10 minutes?  I'm supposed to be retired.

Take care

Pip xxx

See what I mean? Deserted.  Oh the old jokes are the best...

22 April 2014

Wobbly's sore foot

Well, we had a bit of sheep work yesterday...not much I grant you, but a bit.  The sort of working day that Skye and the doodle would be pleased with - 5 minutes tops.  We had a real crisis - little Wobbly was suddenly hobbling about badly so I was called on to help catch her...no, no joking apart, lambs can still whizz about when they want too even with sore feet.  We thought it was going to be bad judging from the sight of her going about - Skye suggested we might have to consider amputation and should go prepared - but then we realised she meant amputation at the neck...you can always rely on nurse Skye for some sensible advice.

Anyway, we left her behind muttering darkly about knives and lambs whilst we got on with catching Wobbly, which didn't take long unfortunately - mainly because we've got Hugo and Beth up for a few days and between the three of us we soon had her scooped up - it helps to be young to catch sheep (and before you ask, yes, I still count myself as young).  Treating her took no time either...the little fraud.  There was just a tiny sore patch so hopefully we've nipped that in the bud.  We'll have to have another look in a day or so...but I think she'll live.

We've had some grand weather - plenty of chance to lie out in the sun.  Daisy's pleased she's been to get clipped now and has been telling us all that she knew it was going to be warm all along and that if we ever want to know what the weather will be like we should just ask her - she's thinking of setting up a weather forecasting service with Skye.  I've got my doubts though...I'm sure you need to study before calling yourself a weather forecaster?  And if Skye's got anything to do with it every day the forecast will be to stay indoors and avoid work.  Oh well, we'll see...

STILL no agility...but I've put my time to good use - I've got all the moves sorted out now and the puppy's bound to have forgotten about it so I'm feeling more confident about beating her.  Just need to get started now.

Take care

Pip xxx

17 April 2014

Abby and Pie are rumbled

It had to happen one day, so I thought the sooner the better.  Pie and Abby have been leading the life of Riley recently disappearing off together on great adventures and so far no ones ever worked out how to stop it. Except me.

It works like this (well, it used to...ha, ha) - Pie disappears off 'hunting' and we all settle down for the morning in the kitchen.  Then after a bit Abby gets let out into the garden and potters about, waiting until Pie calls for her from over the wall.  That's her signal to hop over the wall and then- zoom - they're off...for ages, getting into all sorts of trouble because Pie can't keep up with Abby you see so it's the puppy who decides where they go.  What a recipe for disaster.  Anyway Abby's being watched much more carefully these days but still managed to get over the wall unnoticed today so when I saw it I barked. A call for help.  

I shopped her for her own good, but what a little scamp she is - while she was being called for in the yard she hopped back over the wall and scampered into her bed as quick as a flash.  It was hilarious - there she was puffing away, trying to look as though she'd been there all along.  Some chance!  She got into bother for it so hopefully she's learnt a lesson...Skye's not too sure though and reckons the puppy's far too much of an airhead to take notice (talk about pot and kettle).  Little Pie just chuckled when she came in, but soon stopped when Daisy said in passing that she'd heard a rumour that Easter presents were being sent back for two individuals.  No Easter presents!  That's going to keep the pair of them behaving that's for sure...

I wonder what we'll get? I mean, mustn't be greedy and all that, but doggy chocs would be good...another one of those stags horns would be OK. Best of all would be 200 sheep, but I suppose that's pushing it a bit.  So we'll just have to see won't we

Take care

Pip xxx

16 April 2014


Spelling. Let me tell you a bit about spelling.  Me, I'm a pretty good speller - T-R-E-A-T that's easy, S-U-P-P-E-R, no problem.  S-H-E-E-P I've known since I was a puppy.  I reckon I know most words they spell out, but then they only do it to confuse Skye and the terriers I'm sure.  I've tried to teach everyone  a few words when we've had a bored afternoon,but Skye is usually too busy resting, Daisy has the concentration span of a gnat, and Pie says she's only interested in r creatures and she can manage that.  I think she spells better than she lets on anyway.  The puppy's going to be a good speller though - I think she's going to need to be mind you as A-G-I-L-I-T-Y is a bit tricky.  

Anyway today was an important day for Daisy as she's mastered how to spell W-A-L-K and with that bit of advance warning has now put herself in charge of the pre walk dancing that she, Pie and the puppy insist on.  It's chaos the way they carry on hopping up and down.  I think I'll have to intervene - maybe teach them some moon-walking or something otherwise someone's going to do themselves an injury.  And when the door is finally opened and we're told to follow them out...well, it's just three sets of heels disappearing into the yard like little wind up toys, then me, then Skye bringing up the rear (if she bothers to come at all).

Poor old Skye though, she's a bit unsteady on her pins now, but is really enjoying the sunny weather so manages the walk most times, and really just likes resting in the garden on a warm day.  Me too.  It's not a bad life without so many sheep I suppose.  I'm getting used to this R-E-T-I-R-E-M-E-N-T.

Take care

Pip xx

15 April 2014

Fencing in the sun

It was a good day for Skye yesterday - fencers on farm and plenty of sunshine to laze about in.  She loves fencing but just can't understand why they are allowed to go about digging things up and she's not.  Whenever she can she's off to watch, and I know that a week with a fencing team would be her favourite thing. Pie and I just can't understand it...why sit about all day watching other people work when you could be bossing sheep about yourself or out chasing r creatures till dusk?  And poor little Daisy just can't imagine anyone scratching about in holes and ruining the look of their nails, but that's another story I think...Daisy is most definitely one of a kind, even Skye agrees about that.

So we had plenty to be getting on with and it was grand out in the sun.  I was telling the puppy that any day now the swallows and house martins would be here, and then we know it's summer.  And, as Skye pointed out, we also know to watch out not to get bird poo on our heads as they whizz about.  Birds are another thing Skye is not a big fan of...but we think it's mainly because they work so hard all day it makes her look really lazy.  Abby's looking forward to seeing them again though and says she's going to race about with them this year, now she's bigger, just because she can.  Let's hope that they manage to tire her out because she certainly tires everyone else out at the moment.  Energy?  She's like a coiled spring...Even Pie can't keep up, but then I suppose her little legs don't help much, bless her.

Oh well, another sunny day beckons

Take care

Pip xxx

PS Pie says her legs aren't little, they are just the right size.  I forgot she's a bit touchy about her being the smallest (vertically challenged, Skye calls her...gravitationally challenged Pie calls Skye...oh no, I've started them off again)

13 April 2014

A close call

Well, it was an exciting start to the day today.  There I was one minute, quietly pottering out in the garden, when suddenly out of nowhere up popped this brought coloured thing flying in the sky.  I wasn't taking any chances and got the terriers out - they don't let anything into the garden.  Sure enough after a bit of barking it floated off again. Phew, that was a close one though, and I was pleased they were there to help out.  Apparently it was a kite.  Hmmm, kite it may have been, but we're all agreed it was a dangerous kite and Pie has agreed to have a scout about tomorrow to see if she can find its den so she can 'deal with it once and for all'. She's a brave one that Pie

We've been helping clear up today - getting fields ready for the cows to go into for the summer.  That's always a good job. After all, you certainly want to make sure the fences are good and strong so they can't get out.  If it was down to me, I'd have them a bit higher though, and maybe double thickness just to make sure...certainly don't want them surprising you and wandering down the road uninvited.  But I think we'll be fine this year - I'm going to put the puppy on lookout just in case, and she's really looking forward to it -a proper job...her first.  Lucky her, says Skye, rather unkindly I think, but we'll just ignore that...as usual!

One disappointment?  You've guessed it.  Still no agility.  I'm beginning to doubt I ever saw that tunnel arriving now, but not to worry, I'm still practicing 

Take care

Pip xxx

10 April 2014


Well, we've had a few days off at Auntie Val's. We're back know, but it's never a hardship going there.  Skye seems to lose the use of her legs as soon as she gets out of the car...well, as soon as she manages to heave herself up onto a comfy chair anyway.  She says she needs the rest, but we're not sure...surely you've got to do something before you rest?  

Pie goes into lock down on holiday.  Heavens, you couldn't leave her running about another farm, especially now everyone's lambing - she'd cause chaos, even though she says she's not bothered with lambs but just wants to get at the "r" creatures.  

She has got a point I suppose, and we all like to see her hunting them that's for sure...dirty little things they are.  On that point though, I think she's been taking her eye off the ball recently...chasing rabbits probably...because I KNOW there's one in the tool shed, not that I'm going anywhere near, but it's in there, I'm sure of it.  Scratching about.  Pie just gets cross when I mention it...asking me if I've ever seen her with a superman outfit on, and just how is she supposed to get 6 feet off the ground.  She's angling for a supervised hunt - she'll get it then, it always works.  Until then though, we none of us mention the r word to her.

Anyway, treatville today... new stags horn bones arrived.   Oh yes, more than one, and we've still got a bit of the old one left.  That's just pretty perfect if you ask me, and (almost) makes up for the fact that I've been completely and cruelly neglected recently - STILL no agility.  No good calling the complaint line though...seems to be some sort of fault there...sounds just like snoring. 

Thanks for the holiday Val.  You know where to come if you need some lambing help...but don't expect two - Skye you know won't (bone idle), and the puppy is far too lively for lambs, so that just leaves little me.  Oh dear, what a shame (not)

Take care

Pip xxx

2 April 2014

Skye's best day yet?

Skye's been just like a Cheshire cat this afternoon.  Grinning away at us all.  If we didn't know better, Pie and I thought she'd tracked down some gin...

We all started off a bit bothered first thing - usual problem - Pie and Abby had disgraced themselves last night and had had to be hauled home late (again) but this time by the keeper from next door.  I don't think they'll be doing that again as by all accounts they spent quite a bit of the evening in the back of the pick up waiting to be let back in.  I'm a sensitive soul me, and hate it when someone's in trouble so I've given them both a good talking to and even Skye pitched in worried that if everyone gets really cross then they might forget about her supper.  

Anyway, things calmed down again this morning, and Skye went into slumber mode as usual - she was "exhausted" after "getting absolutely no sleep worrying".  Funny that though because Pie and I were both sure we heard a familiar sound most of the night. Breathe out...Long pause...Loud snore in.  Oh well, we must have been wrong.

Skye though was doing her usual trick of pretending she'd been glued to her bed (now there's a thought, eh Pie?) but was getting more and more cheerful as the day went on.  Eventually she couldn't keep it to herself any longer...We've missed our walk today, which she says makes this one of the best days she's ever had.  She's right, we have missed our walk which is annoying, but I bet we'll make up for it tomorrow though (are you listening skye?).  Oh, and talking about annoying...STILL no agility and I bet that's because the puppy had been bad.

Oh well, everyone's in the good books this again now so tomorrow is looking good

Here's the picture of the Princess on her pamper day, with her hairdresser - her new best friend.  And very smart she looks too.  I know I've mentioned it already but let's just be clear, if I get a spa day - no fluffy fringe.  The sheep would die laughing.

Take care

Pip xxx

1 April 2014

Still waiting

Well, still no agility yet, but I'm still stretching - I'm as supple as supple can be - just call me the India rubber dog.  But I tell you what, I can't believe I used to work with the sheep every day because I was a tad stiff to be honest.  Yesterday was a quiet day - damp again, so a time for reflection. Now, that's easier said than done you might think in the mad house, but Daisy was out all day on a spa day (without me) and Pie was out hunting so that calmed the house down a lot.  

Fancy that though?  Daisy not remembering me on her spa day...Off she skipped, without so much as a backward glance and then straight up to the upstairs kennel when she got back.  I'd love to have a little tidy up as well but maybe next time - she goes often enough and always looks good when she gets back, although perhaps it's best to wait until it gets a bit warmer as I'm not sure how much choice you get as to how much is clipped off - and that would give me enough time to get my tummy a bit trimmer.  As Daisy says, there's no disguising a clipped tummy.  Hopefully I won't be given a fluffy face though...

The sheep have settled down into their new field and it's great having them so close by so I can keep an eye on them every day.  Skye says she would rather they were much further away - well out of sight, and preferably on someone else's farm.  She's worried that they might break out and she'll be the one called on to round them up.  Pie says she shouldn't worry about that - she reckons that Skye would be fifth in line and that Daisy ( the'sheep whisperer') would do a much better job anyway.  Not that she's going to be doing any whispering for a while with her lovely trim.

Take care

Pip xxx

30 March 2014

Life gets back to normal

Aaahhhh yes - it's been a great day today.  Life is pretty good.  On the down side the weekend has been wet...two dreeky days one after another and the agility STILL hasn't started, but none of that mattered today.  Nope, even Skye's snoring went unnoticed today.

Today, I had some sheep work to get on with with the four pets (yes, I know four not four hundred, but they're my sheep and they're all I've got).  I had to get them out of the front field and into the stable for worming, then into the back field orchard to get some grass eaten.  That's no problem for me and we had little Wobbly moved at the same time, which was, all in all, a very good way to spend a bit of the afternoon.  Only trouble is, I'm a bit stiff now and Abby and Daisy are teasing me about it.  But today, they can tease me all they like because it was me that was called on to move the sheep not them, and that's all I'm bothered about.  Yes, it went pretty well, and I'm sure if I keep on like that, it won't be long before we've got the numbers back up to hundreds.....if not more!

It's given me a dilemma now...sheep or agility?  Both great fun...aaarrrrgh choices, choices.

Take care

Pip xxx

28 March 2014

Fitness training?

Well, it looks like little Wobbly isn't any the worse after her outing in the hail.  In fact, she doesn't look like anything much would put her off her stride.  Only a week old and growing well - she's going to be a biggun.  At least it doesn't look like she's going to need us to feed her, which is a relief for the TTs (terrier twins) as Skye was getting set to raid their breakfast and take it out to her.  How she would do that we've no idea but Skye wouldn't let a little thing like that put her off.

I definitely think we're going to have to get one of those things that counts steps for Skye though.  We do need to get her fitter - at present she spends all night and day snoring away on her bed...drives us daft. Breathe out...long pause...loud snore...all night long.  It's a miracle any of us get any sleep at all and I certainly didn't get much last night what with Skye and then I was still excited about the agility starting.  I spent all night practicing as I lay there - and I have to say I was pretty good at it.  I can't wait to start for real though...I just hope no-one beats me.  Not that I'm competitive mind you, no, no, no.  I just can't stand being beaten that's all.

Pie reckons if we're going to get a step counting thing we should only get a really small one as it won't have to count to a high number - she's calling it Skye's "idle-ometer" and has got a bet going with Daisy that it wouldn't get much above 20 a day - supper dish and back...which seems a bit light, even for Skye.  I don't thing we'll be putting one on Pie though - she'd wear it out in a day, and we'd certainly have to make sure Skye didn't hide it on her one day to get her score up.

Oh well, off to limber up for the agility.  Truth be told I get a bit stiff these days so some loosening up won't do any harm and should keep me ahead of the puppy, but I think it'll get better in the summer with some sun and a few decent nights sleep (Skye).  It's just as well we all love her, isn't it?

Take care 

Pip xxx

Here's the culprit caught in the act

27 March 2014

Hail? No thanks

Well, you just wouldn't have believed it.  Beautiful sunny day to start with, heaving it down with rain by 8 am and then hail at 10.  Hail, I ask you - not even the puppy has seen that before I don't think, let alone poor little Wobbly.  Not that either seemed bothered in the slightest.  Skye had a moments concern for her, but it was only a moment because just turn her eyelids seemed to get very heavy again.  Poor Skye...Pie reckons she's a proper martyr to those heavy eyelids of hers.  

Anyway, the important thing was that when we went for our walk, Wobbly was fine.  But the really important thing is that....the agility tunnel has arrived.  Very smart in its own little bag.  And the sooner we get it tried out the better - you know, just incase there's something wrong with it.  I expect it'll be tomorrow now (it's pitch black here), but (and this is even more fantastic news) the clocks go forward this weekend.  Everyone else is horrified at the thought if an hour less sleep, and Skye says she's definitely not going to die in a summer because she'll lose an hour of her life. But me? I'm not horrified at all - I've worked out that we're much more likely to be training in the evening than the morning.  I'd lose an hour every day if I could!!

Oh joy, joy joy.  Agility training.....I'll never get to sleep 

Take care

Pip xxx

25 March 2014

Wet Wobbly

Well, it had to happen one day, and today was the day.  It started off fine, but soon enough it started belting down with rain and that was it...Wobbly was wet.  Poor little thing didn't seem to mind though - jumping about like a demented westie, although right enough, as Skye has pointed out our little westie only jumps about at supper time.  We're all quite fond of little Wobbly now - Skye positively loves her- particularly now she's realised there aren't any more lambs to come. Only this morning after a particularly lengthy nap, she was thinking she should take some of the terriers food out to it if it was all damp, and was trying to persuade Daisy to part with one of her (many) coats so the lamb could be wrapped up.  But that's Skye all right - generous to a fault, and especially with things that aren't hers.  

I'm getting very concerned that the agility things have been delivered to the wrong farm.  Nothings arrived yet and I'm desperate to get started on it - I had thought yesterday when I went for my wander about that I might have found it heaped up somewhere in the yard, but no such luck.  I just hope that little rascal Pie hasn't put the postie off delivering it.  I'll never forgive her if she has I can tell you, but she says she's never seen him with any big parcels to deliver and she says she'd surely remember that because he'd be much easier to catch hold of with his hands full...Hmmmm that's not quite the reassuring words I was hoping to hear, and on that basis it's looking much more likely that Skye will be taking terrier food out to wobbly soon.  Anyway, I've had a stern word to Pie that on no account is the postie to be terrorised until I've seen the agility things..  I just can't wait - it's almost as exciting as getting a lorry load of sheep delivered

Take care

Pip xxx

24 March 2014

Pip goes AWOL

It's hard being responsible all the time.  The sun comes out and something just snaps every now and then.  I'm in disgrace today - both me and the puppy.  Well, if truth be told probably mainly me.  Well, yes probably just me.  Skye was horrified and even Pie was surprised.  But, oh well it's done now and it was really good fun.

We were out in the garden, the puppy and me, and suddenly the wall just looked like a challenge - I bet the puppy could never get over it - not in a month of Sundays (especially since she's not allowed to jump the agility hurdles yet as she's so young).  Anyway, off she went like a rocket and would probably have cleared twice the height...So what to do?  I had to follow her and so off we went, round all the fields.  I had a great time, telling her all my stories about collecting sheep from here, and fishing others out from the burn after Skye had chased them in.....Lambs in this field, tups in here.  It all came back to me.  It brought back all my memories as we wandered round.  Really good fun.

I did get told off when we got back though - only because the puppy came with me, I'm sure, but Skye's really pleased because the puppy told her that she didn't see another single sheep on the farm so the lambing must be off.  If she could have purred this afternoon, she would have done.

Oh well, tomorrow's a new day, and I'm sure I'll be back in the good books by then...Hope so anyway, but I did enjoy showing the puppy around - she'll realise now that it was hard work for me when the sheep were here with them all to look after in all weather.  Respect from the puppy is certainly worth a telling off!

The new lamb is doing well - I don't think it's even seen a cloud yet let alone rain, so it's got a shock coming, but hopefully not for a few days yet.  If I'd been born a lamb, I'd have wanted a good mum like Cripply - she might not be much to look at, but nothing could get past her to the lamb.  Now I've had pups myself I know how she feels, so I'm pleased I don't have to upset her and herd them up every morning like I used to.  My new found motto should be "live and let live"...For a while anyway, after all I've had a lifetime of working and you know a leopard never changes it's spots.

Take care

Pip xxx

23 March 2014


Aaahhh bliss  - weekend again.  I always look forward to my weekends.  Skye says she doesn't know what the difference is...One sleepy day is pretty much the same as another and I suppose she's got a point (not that I'd ever let her know that).  But I always have a bit of a lie in on a Sunday which is a nice little treat.

Anyway, good news today - the lambing has started... and finished all on the same day.  How clever us that??  Bit of a surprise for me really as I had thought that we weren't getting any lambs this year, but it looks as though no one told little Cripply because she's had her lamb today.  Nice little thing it is - female - born in the front field while we were out in our morning walk...Nothing like that for good timing!  Well done Cripply we all say...Well, all apart from miserable old Skye who's now convinced herself we've got a full blown lambing underway.  Goodness knows how she's worked that out as there's only 4 sheep in the field, but she's never been strong on either logic or counting so I'm afraid she's in for a sleepless night.  She's been telling little Abby all about lambs and how naughty they are but Abby thought it sounded like great fun and will probably have a sleepless night for the opposite reason...Hoping there will be more.  

They should both listen to me more - there's no chance.  Absolutely none.  But then, I wasn't expecting this one either...

Here's the new arrival.  Just got to work out what it's called...Wobbly is Daisy's suggestion

Take care

Pip xxx

21 March 2014

A knotty little problem

Sometimes my job is just impossible.  It's like herding cats (no offence Tinker).  Being Top Dog means I have to keep everyone under control around here, but I tell you it just can't be done.  If it's not Skye making mischief, or the puppy digging holes, it's one of the terriers misbehaving.  Sometimes I could just scream at them all, or better yet just disappear to a remote farm with a few sheep.  At least they behave.  Well they would do if they're weren't pet sheep, which is all that's left here.  Aaargggh...

Most of the trouble comes from the little terriers though.  I'll give you an example - yesterday Daisy came back from her walk and had rolled in something smelly - she'd only had a bath the day before as well the little devil.  Then in trooped Pie smelling of badger - she'd obviously found an old badger set to explore.  What a pong.

You'd think that was their problem wouldn't you? But it wasn't for long though as they both immediately stretched out on our nice clean beds - they were banned from the upstairs kennel so were stuck downstairs - which meant I had to listen to Skye grumbling and moaning at me all evening for being too soft and letting it happen - and even the puppy was moaning to me about the stench, and she likes Pie.  I'm going to have to do something with those terriers I can see that, but what?  They don't seem to bother about things like a collie would.  Tell a collie off and we're mortified - desperate to make up.  Even old dozy drawers Skye.  Tell a terrier off and they look at you as if you're from the planet zog - "what...me?" And zoom off as fast as possible.  Skye says they're the doggy equivalent of premiership footballers (she loves watching football) and I should red card them, but I reckon they're more like teenagers so we'll have to hit them where it really hurts - the supper bowl...Maybe if I let Skye and the puppy hoover up their food for a few days, then I could get them to listen to me.  Yes, I think this calls for a bit of cunningly my part, and surely I can outthink terriers?

That's what I'll do - brains above brawn every time.

Take care

Pip xxx

Pie has her say

It's Pie here.  I've spoken to Pip and she says I can write to everyone today.  I've got a lot of things to tell you, but first of all AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, I want to make sure everyone understands that I was definitely not lost the other day.  Absolutely, definitely not.  Skye is winding me up all the time...Asking if I need someone to stay with me in the garden, or across the road to the front field, or across the kitchen to my supper bowl.  She's cruising for a bruising if you ask me - people make the mistake of thinking just because I'm little I won't pulverise them into the ground if they're not careful (Skye).  Those slatherey great big collies think they're so clever but they need to think who keeps the place safe around here?  It was only the other day I send a couple of scrap collectors scurrying back to their van when they had the cheek to come into the yard.  I may be small, but I've got big teeth and I know how to use them (Skye)

That's enough of bossy boots Skye.  The week's getting better as the memory of my night out is getting more distant.  I wish the wind would calm down and I could get back to my normal hunting route, but there's no way I'm going over the Moor in anything other than a light breeze for quite some while...

On the plus side though I have been able to concentrate on chasing r creatures closer to the farm which has been good fun and just earlier this week I managed a crafty snack at the postman.  I thought I'd got away with it but he snitched on me so I got into a bit of bother for a while...But I never let little things like that slow me down.  I'm out the door and it's off, off, off.  All systems go, but these days I like to wait for a bit of breakfast first - Daisy read the other day that breakfast is the most important meal of the day so now we both make sure we never miss it.  Ever.  Porridge is our favourite, but a bit of toast comes in handy too.  Life's not so bad really - even lardy old Skye can be good fun.

Here's a picture of us contemplating another busy afternoon.  Note how clean the doodle (Daisy) is for a change

Got to go..zoom, zoom

Pie xx

18 March 2014

All calm again, thank goodness

Thank goodness.  Things are getting back to normal now it's getting less windy.  It's been a tough couple of days, worrying about everything moving about. Skye says I'm just a worrier, but what's wrong with that I say...I've never been caught out by a moving tree but I'm sure it's only because I watch them so closely.  Pie agrees with me.  She says the only reason the postman doesn't come into the house each day is because she shows him her teeth and barks at him every day.  A lot. So that's the point proved as far as I'm concerned, but Skye won't have it...and rather annoyingly keeps saying that a- she's never seen a tree walk, and that b- the postman is bound to have a kennel of his own to go to (which will be a whole lot more peaceful than ours as it won't have a lunatic terrier yapping every lunchtime).  What does she know though?  Anyway, Pie says if the postmans kennel is so peaceful she should go and stay there.  Here, here, I say 

I'm not sure Pie will get over getting lost in the wind...she's hardly been out of sight today, and has been asking Daisy if she can buy a large ball of string from the internet.  She wants to hold onto one end of it to help her find her way home if it happens again.  Hmmm, I'm not sure that's her best idea, but she's worried that the rabbits will get out of control unless she keeps going across the moor to chase them.  Skye (rather unkindly in my mind) says she knows exactly what she would do with a terrier and a ball of string, so she's going to keep an eye out for the postie when he brings it.  She's not talking to me now though as I (innocently) pointed out that that meant she would have to stay awake for at least part of the day....oh, life's all go around here.

Anyway, more importantly I've told Pie we need a postie truce for a few days...at least until he brings all the agility gear...surely we'll have some ordered by now?  I wonder what we'll get?  I expect Abby will have to get first go, but I can't wait till it's my turn.  And I'll have Skye's turn as well.  And Daisy's.  It's soooo exciting.

Take care

Pip xxx

17 March 2014

Wind - force 10

Windy?  Strewth, I should say so.  It's been blowing a gale here for the last two days. Seems like months because I don't like the wind, as you know...It's the way the the trees move about.  Anyway, I've not been out in it much at all, trust me.  Skye says even she's staying inside in case she gets blown away.  Mind you, I'm not sure the wind is that strong....

Little Pie though doesn't seem to worry about much and she was off into the back field last night at about 5pm chasing rabbits, or whatever she does back there.  As she left she said she'd be OK as she could run under the wind.  Oh yeah....

6pm passed, no sign of her at supper time.  7pm, 8pm really windy now and pitch black, but still not sign of the little one, so they had to go out looking for her.  They weren't best pleased by the sound of it, but fortunately they didn't need me - I'm always thankful for small mercies. It took hours and hours - at one point Daisy was worrying that they'd got lost in the dark, and who would look after us all now?  She was complaining that we should have streetlights like they do in the towns, then Pie wouldn't have got lost in the first place.  I soon put her right on that one though with one word - torches...I don't know how they work, but they're fantastic.  You get daylight peeping out of the end of it, and just enough to to see where you're going.

Anyway, eventually at about midnight she was found, looking miserable.  She reckons she would have been fine and was just hunting, but Skye reckons she'd got confused with the wind and dark and couldn't see where home was until she was fetched.  Imagine that!  Out all night, with no comfy bed to stretch out in, AND no supper either.  She certainly tucked in well to her food once she was home, midnight or not.

We were all pleased to see her back safe and sound - little rascal.  Hopefully she's learnt that she should stay in when it gets really windy.  Like me.

Take care

Pip xxx

14 March 2014

Things aren't so bad after all

OK, perhaps I was a little over the top the other day, after all we did get a walk, but it's hard waiting when you just want to get out and run, run, run.  I think I'm becoming more like Pie every day - full of energy and mischief.  I tell Skye she should try it - she might start to make progress on her waistline, but she just rolls her eyes and says people prefer cuddly dogs. It's obvious to her.  Just look at Daisy...No one sends her out on long runs and she's never had to do a days work in her life.  Skye says she's just catching up for all the hard days working when she was younger (!).  She must have been much younger though because none of us can remember it.

Anyway, it's been sunny again since then, so I'm sorry about the rant.

Abby has been off to her agility lesson again.  Lucky devil - it's sounds like really good fun, but I hope we'll get some jumps and tunnels at home to practice on soon.  I'd love to have a go at that and show the youngster that there's life in the old dog yet!  Listening to her talking about it, I reckon I'd be really good at it all.  I mean jumping - no problem, running - love it, weaving - dead easy, tunnel - piece of cake, doing what I'm told - second nature to me.  And that's it.  Great fun.  Abby tells me there's labradors and all sorts to race against.  I couldn't believe it, I didn't know labradors could run.  But maybe they get food at the end - that would probably speed them up.  Maybe we'll have to get Skye started to give them a chance...

Oh well, that's cheered me up no end.  I mean, I'd still prefer sheep to look after, but the agility sounds OK to me for now.

Take care

Pip xxx

12 March 2014

Disruption and disappointment

Its outrageous.  You'll never believe whats happened today.  Not in a million years.

When we woke up this morning it was beautiful...really sunny, not a cloud in the sky.  For some reason, little Pie was sleeping down with us last night so she was up and about early looking forward to a days snouting about.  Even Skye had forgotten about her laziness and was keen to get out.  We were all looking forward to our walk.

Then it got a bit later and the Princess appeared from the upstairs kennel, saw it was a nice day and started limbering up for her walk.  Skye had finished her exercises too (well, she had stood up).  We were all set...

Then we heard lots of tractors and commotion coming from the sheds and that was that.  No walking until they'd finished apparently because someone can't be trusted not to get in the way (step forward Abby and Pie...).  And when did they finish? When it got dark of course, and cold.  Outrageous.  I'm going to complain to my union rep - we sheepdogs need plenty of sun.  Truth be told, I'm not sure I've ever had a contract, but I'm certain it would have definitely included walking on a sunny day.  And not having to listen to Skye's snoring all day.  And not having to put up with Daisy breaking wind all over the place.  And definitely not having to listen to tractors rumbling about ALL DAY.  Even the cows got out into the sun...how unfair is that?

Aaahh.  Trouble is I've just remembered that Skye reckons she's the union rep round here - I think the hens used their block vote ages ago on a promise of extra tasty hen food for all, which needless to say didn't happen.  She's certainly not going to kick up a fuss about a lack of exercise.  And even if she did, to be honest who ever listens to her ranting on these days?  Maybe the hens still do, but only because anything's a break from scratching about for worms.

Oh well, its bound to be pouring tomorrow so I expect we'll get led straight out into that...something to look forward to.  Not.  Stupid tractors.

Take care

Pip xxx

11 March 2014

Roll on summer

Oh yes. Things are settling down nicely now.  Lots of lovely sunshine every day and only a handful of sheep to look after. Maybe Skye was right - perhaps summer is here.  

There's certainly no preparations going on for any lambing so it looks as though we're getting a year off there.  I never thought I'd say it, but I'm actually quite pleased - the old bones were getting a bit sore after last year, and it's a big responsibility for me without any help from Skye or the Princess. Pie was keen enough to help but you know what, that was often what I woke up worrying about at 2am...Poor little Pie - but God loves a trier and no one tries harder than her.

Hmmmm...on that front though, we haven't seen her for dust since the weather picked up.  Well, she's in for her supper and a bit of pampering in the evening, but that's it.  We hear her often enough though - yap yap yap usually from the back field, and when we get out she's always over to see us - full of what she's up to.  Drives Abby daft.  She'd love to be out too, but I keep telling her that that's Pie's job frightening everything away so just leave her to it - and just be thankful that it's not Skye doing that job.  We'd be overrun by the weekend, although I suppose even the r creatures would eventually get fed up of her grumbling and move on.

Anyway, supper beckons - I've just heard Pie at the back door so it looks like food's up.  Daisy is always pleased to see her back, but I'm never too sure whether it's supper on the way, or the little dog she's pleased to see.  OK, ok, let's be truthful then...It's the supper dish.  No one comes between Daisy and her beloved supper dish.  Not even the heroic hunter from Hetton herself.

Looks like a night of tall stories beckons.  Just as well she hasn't got long arms when she's telling us what got away.  You'd think they were elephants

Take care

Pip xxx

Nothing gets past Pie

8 March 2014

My terrier friends

Even Skye knows one into five doesn't go.  Last night there were five dogs here.  This morning there were still five.  There was only one difference though.  A fairly important one.  Little Abby has got a new chew.  But there's only one...

Mind you, it's not just a normal chew - this is the Rolls Royce of chews - not your average run of the mill Rolls Royce though.  This was the most majestic ever seen.  Little Pie was the first to realise - she misses nothing and had had one before she came to us and had told us all about it.  A stags horn.  Lucky little Abby we say and she's got it tucked away in her crate so we've got no chance of swiping it. I've got a plan though. I've got Daisy on the case - if anyone can sneak into the crate I'm sure it will be her...She's very determined and greedy too!  A perfect combination for this job...

Apart from that we're all well.  Very well.  We had five out for our walk and five back in, which is always a victory with little Pie.  She loves to go hunting and usually manages to find something to chase.  But I think we're going to ask her out for a while to catch 'r' creatures which should calm her down.  That's what she really likes and I know she's good at it, but rather her than me I say.  They go out with a torch at night and rummage though the sheds...Oh no, no, no. We hear all about it when she gets back in but to be honest we'd rather not - too brave by half that little rascal. 

Hopefully we'll have some news on the stags horn tomorrow.   Terriers are pretty useful friends to have I think.

Take care

Pip xxx

Waiting for the call

A successful hunt 

7 March 2014

Normal service resumed

What a cheek - Daisy letting everyone know I nodded off yesterday.  But who would have imagined she's a budding author?  Certainly not us. Clearly she has many hidden talents...very well hidden if you ask me.  Anyway I've wrestled back control of the key board, and as we all know...possession is 9/10ths of the law.

It's been a good day today.  Nice walk in the morning.  Forty winks in the afternoon (although I did make sure Daisy was nowhere to be seen). And supper to look forward to after that.  Yes, I think I could get used to this life of leisure now I'm getting a bit older. I wonder if I might be able to squeeze onto the next spa day?  Just to see what it's all about, you understand, and on the strict understanding that no sheep EVER found out.  Just a light nail trim and polish perhaps?  Perhaps I'll have a word with Daisy about it, now we're fellow writers...

There's more good news as well...Mandy heard from the man looking after one of the Scottish boys last night. Looks like a trip to the highlands might be in the offing to see how he's getting on. How exciting is that?  Caravan trip Pie reckons.  I've only ever made it into the caravan once, but it's pretty good...even got a bed in it, and carpet. Wonder where we'll all sleep?  I can't wait.  Not like Skye, she's already grumbling about how she'll get into the caravan and up the hills - she hates hills so goodness knows how she'll cope with those. Probably go on strike like usual, until we head for home.  Pie says she's got the answer though...why not just leave her behind to look after the cat, which is more room for the rest of us in the caravan, and less pain for our ears from the grumbling.  Perfect, she says.  Only problem is Skye hasn't got the first idea about how to feed herself, let alone feed Tinker...,but, I'll just have to give that some thought.

Pie says have look at the highlands outfit she wants - those Scottish 'r' creatures won't know what's hit them

Take care

Pip xxx

Best not to show them this one though?  They might die laughing...

6 March 2014

Daisy has her say at last

I've got to be quick. I've hijacked the blog while Pip is having a snooze. It's not fair - she gets all the fun writing whatever she wants, but not today.  Today, the worm has turned (well, I'm not a worm I know, but you get the idea). Today, Daisy the author takes to the stage (well, I know it's not a stage either, but...)  

These collies think they're the bright ones around here, but us terriers know a thing or two as well. I mean how clever do you have to be to run about in the rain chasing a bunch of sheep?  Doesn't seem as if it would take long to pick that up .  Everytime I walk past them I stop, say hello, bit of chat, bit of gossip - and we all know what terrible gossips they are so of course they come straight over to see what's what.  They don't seem to get a lot of news in the fields so I 'm sure if I told them there was a new sheep feeder in the shed, in they'd go.  They're very greedy as well you (but I might have a bit of form as far as that goes so best to move on I think).

And also...while we're talking about intelligence, just ask yourself who gets to sleep in the upstairs kennel?  I know I have to share with old ratty but us terriers stick together (well, we do until there's a snack to steal then it's speed that counts...unfortunately)

But I suppose Pip isn't that bad. She doesn't boss us about at all and never steals our food.  I sometimes think that ratty could do with a bit more bossing about to be honest but Pip just smiles when I mention it and sends me packing. I shouldn't grumble though because it's not a bad life.  I get trips off to the spa just when I start looking a bit scruffy, and sometimes best of all, Mandy gives me a trim at home.  A girl likes to look her best after all.  Although Skye says I'm going to have to stop rolling in smelly muck to get the full benefit (I'm sure I heard about that being good for your complexion though, so I'm just going to ignore her. Heavens, I don't want to get wrinkes after all).

Crikey, Pip's waking up so I'd better make myself scarce.  Just time to post a couple of my favourite photos, but I'll be back


Daisy xx

No collies here...

Spa day with my mum...aaahhhh..

Nothing for me to worry about on the tummy front yet then?

5 March 2014

Meet the puppies

Let me tell you a little about my puppies.  Seven little bundles of joy born last June.  Well, OK, it all started fine, but no-one told me how tiring they were going to be.  The first few days were no problem  at all - easy street.  I just got them squeaky clean, settled down for a good rest and wondered what all the fuss was about.

Then, after a few days they opened their eyes.  Then, after a few more days they got up and about on their little feet.  Then, after a few more days, my peace was well and truly shattered - they discovered the garden.  Life was just all about counting to seven, then starting again.  One, two...aaaargh.  Just as well it was me, because at least I can count.

Daisy and Pie spent all the time trying to get them out to play near the pond and Skye just wanted them outside so they didn't waken her.  I did get some help from Mandy and little Antonie thank goodness, but the others were definitely pushing their luck.  We were in and out all the time keeping them out of trouble - real team work it was and really tricky too because they were very determined little rascals - and the terrier twins were just as determined that they were going to get them out to play.  Mind you, that changed a bit once the pups outgrew them - even I felt a tiny bit sorry for them then, surrounded by great big boisterous collies

Anyway, the puppies were great fun really - Skye's always grumbling so we never listen to her complaints.  We had the two Scottish boys - great big strapping brutes they became, vicars number one and two, the naughty girl, Whitey, and little Abbey.  I didn't really have a favourite, but I was pleased little Abbey was the one we kept.  Well, I will be when she stops her infernal chewing.

I've got lots of photos, but here's just a few to start with

The calm before the storm...

Me, very pleased with myself

The gang

4 March 2014

The wrong name, puppy?

On no, no, no no.  It's a disaster.  We've made a mistake, a terrible mistake. The puppy has got the wrong name so I think we're going to have to rename it...It's in disgrace again - chomping it's way through the skirtings.  And just painted as well.  It's about as bad as it gets - even Skye has noticed and has said something has to be done or we'll all be in the outside kennel.  She's VERY worried - the indoor kennel has radiators, and she's very partial to her radiators. 

So, a new name then. Chewy seems to fit the bill best.  Dozy perhaps?

Daisy thinks we should just be drafting a "For sale" notice, and let someone else choose her name - which isn't such a bad idea.  Hmmmm. Pie could run into Berwick and get it copied and put up - that should tire her out for a few days.  Skye and I could split the winnings, no, the sale proceeds.  I could buy some sheep.  Two birds with one stone...

But no, I mustn't day dream too much. And she is family after all so I suppose we've just got to make the best job we can.  We need to put someone onto "chew alert".  But who though?  Skye's no good - you could chew though a stick of dynamite and she'd sleep though it...Daisy doesn't get up early enough...All you see of Pie in the morning is a pair of heels disappearing round the yard corner.  The cat?  No - too selfish to help, and I've got sheep to worry about so can't be watching her all day.

Well, it's a tricky one.  I suppose I'll have to give her a talking to - after all, I am her mum.  Yes, that's the thing to do.  She's bound to listen to me...surely?

Take care

Pip xxx

3 March 2014

Back online

Hello everyone it's Pip here.  We're back online.  We've got a lot of news to tell and things are still as busy as ever.

Well, it's a year on, and what's changed?  Most importantly is that I've had some puppies.  Seven.  Seven, and me a first time mum!  I had a lot of help looking after them - it was more of a double act really - Mandy kept them when I had a rest, and we had a lot of help from Antonie who stayed for a couple of weeks as well.  They've all gone now thank goodness, except for little Abbie so life is getting back to normal.  As normal as it can be with Pie zooming about the place all the time as usual, Skye snoring away as usual, and little Daisy rolling around in smelly muck as usual.  Sometimes I could wish I'd gone instead of the pups...an only dog...think of the peace...

It's been a good winter this year, no snow at all which is good as I'm not getting any younger and you skate about so much when it's cold.  Mind you it might have slowed Pie down a bit.  She's had a really good time chasing about all over the place.  This rabbit hole, that rabbit hole...you'd think she'd get bored, but not her.  And then every time she's back, we get to hear about it in detail - every single tiny little minute move by move.  And there's no interrupting her until she's finished.  Abbie loves it, but not Daisy and me. Lucky Skye we say - deaf as a post snoring away like a foghorn.  Maybe she's not so daft after all.

I'm off for a rest. Out of practice with all this typing so I might let the others have a guest spot occasionally. 

Take care

Pip xxx

PS here's a picture of me keeping an eye on the puppy.  As you can see, it's tiring work