28 March 2014

Fitness training?

Well, it looks like little Wobbly isn't any the worse after her outing in the hail.  In fact, she doesn't look like anything much would put her off her stride.  Only a week old and growing well - she's going to be a biggun.  At least it doesn't look like she's going to need us to feed her, which is a relief for the TTs (terrier twins) as Skye was getting set to raid their breakfast and take it out to her.  How she would do that we've no idea but Skye wouldn't let a little thing like that put her off.

I definitely think we're going to have to get one of those things that counts steps for Skye though.  We do need to get her fitter - at present she spends all night and day snoring away on her bed...drives us daft. Breathe out...long pause...loud snore...all night long.  It's a miracle any of us get any sleep at all and I certainly didn't get much last night what with Skye and then I was still excited about the agility starting.  I spent all night practicing as I lay there - and I have to say I was pretty good at it.  I can't wait to start for real though...I just hope no-one beats me.  Not that I'm competitive mind you, no, no, no.  I just can't stand being beaten that's all.

Pie reckons if we're going to get a step counting thing we should only get a really small one as it won't have to count to a high number - she's calling it Skye's "idle-ometer" and has got a bet going with Daisy that it wouldn't get much above 20 a day - supper dish and back...which seems a bit light, even for Skye.  I don't thing we'll be putting one on Pie though - she'd wear it out in a day, and we'd certainly have to make sure Skye didn't hide it on her one day to get her score up.

Oh well, off to limber up for the agility.  Truth be told I get a bit stiff these days so some loosening up won't do any harm and should keep me ahead of the puppy, but I think it'll get better in the summer with some sun and a few decent nights sleep (Skye).  It's just as well we all love her, isn't it?

Take care 

Pip xxx

Here's the culprit caught in the act

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