It's been a good day today. Nice walk in the morning. Forty winks in the afternoon (although I did make sure Daisy was nowhere to be seen). And supper to look forward to after that. Yes, I think I could get used to this life of leisure now I'm getting a bit older. I wonder if I might be able to squeeze onto the next spa day? Just to see what it's all about, you understand, and on the strict understanding that no sheep EVER found out. Just a light nail trim and polish perhaps? Perhaps I'll have a word with Daisy about it, now we're fellow writers...
There's more good news as well...Mandy heard from the man looking after one of the Scottish boys last night. Looks like a trip to the highlands might be in the offing to see how he's getting on. How exciting is that? Caravan trip Pie reckons. I've only ever made it into the caravan once, but it's pretty good...even got a bed in it, and carpet. Wonder where we'll all sleep? I can't wait. Not like Skye, she's already grumbling about how she'll get into the caravan and up the hills - she hates hills so goodness knows how she'll cope with those. Probably go on strike like usual, until we head for home. Pie says she's got the answer though...why not just leave her behind to look after the cat, which is more room for the rest of us in the caravan, and less pain for our ears from the grumbling. Perfect, she says. Only problem is Skye hasn't got the first idea about how to feed herself, let alone feed Tinker...,but, I'll just have to give that some thought.
Pie says have look at the highlands outfit she wants - those Scottish 'r' creatures won't know what's hit them
Take care
Pip xxx
Best not to show them this one though? They might die laughing...
Dont worry Skye you can come and stay with Aunty Val