3 March 2014

Back online

Hello everyone it's Pip here.  We're back online.  We've got a lot of news to tell and things are still as busy as ever.

Well, it's a year on, and what's changed?  Most importantly is that I've had some puppies.  Seven.  Seven, and me a first time mum!  I had a lot of help looking after them - it was more of a double act really - Mandy kept them when I had a rest, and we had a lot of help from Antonie who stayed for a couple of weeks as well.  They've all gone now thank goodness, except for little Abbie so life is getting back to normal.  As normal as it can be with Pie zooming about the place all the time as usual, Skye snoring away as usual, and little Daisy rolling around in smelly muck as usual.  Sometimes I could wish I'd gone instead of the pups...an only dog...think of the peace...

It's been a good winter this year, no snow at all which is good as I'm not getting any younger and you skate about so much when it's cold.  Mind you it might have slowed Pie down a bit.  She's had a really good time chasing about all over the place.  This rabbit hole, that rabbit hole...you'd think she'd get bored, but not her.  And then every time she's back, we get to hear about it in detail - every single tiny little minute move by move.  And there's no interrupting her until she's finished.  Abbie loves it, but not Daisy and me. Lucky Skye we say - deaf as a post snoring away like a foghorn.  Maybe she's not so daft after all.

I'm off for a rest. Out of practice with all this typing so I might let the others have a guest spot occasionally. 

Take care

Pip xxx

PS here's a picture of me keeping an eye on the puppy.  As you can see, it's tiring work

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