30 March 2014

Life gets back to normal

Aaahhhh yes - it's been a great day today.  Life is pretty good.  On the down side the weekend has been wet...two dreeky days one after another and the agility STILL hasn't started, but none of that mattered today.  Nope, even Skye's snoring went unnoticed today.

Today, I had some sheep work to get on with with the four pets (yes, I know four not four hundred, but they're my sheep and they're all I've got).  I had to get them out of the front field and into the stable for worming, then into the back field orchard to get some grass eaten.  That's no problem for me and we had little Wobbly moved at the same time, which was, all in all, a very good way to spend a bit of the afternoon.  Only trouble is, I'm a bit stiff now and Abby and Daisy are teasing me about it.  But today, they can tease me all they like because it was me that was called on to move the sheep not them, and that's all I'm bothered about.  Yes, it went pretty well, and I'm sure if I keep on like that, it won't be long before we've got the numbers back up to hundreds.....if not more!

It's given me a dilemma now...sheep or agility?  Both great fun...aaarrrrgh choices, choices.

Take care

Pip xxx

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