Its outrageous. You'll never believe whats happened today. Not in a million years.
When we woke up this morning it was beautiful...really sunny, not a cloud in the sky. For some reason, little Pie was sleeping down with us last night so she was up and about early looking forward to a days snouting about. Even Skye had forgotten about her laziness and was keen to get out. We were all looking forward to our walk.
Then it got a bit later and the Princess appeared from the upstairs kennel, saw it was a nice day and started limbering up for her walk. Skye had finished her exercises too (well, she had stood up). We were all set...
Then we heard lots of tractors and commotion coming from the sheds and that was that. No walking until they'd finished apparently because someone can't be trusted not to get in the way (step forward Abby and Pie...). And when did they finish? When it got dark of course, and cold. Outrageous. I'm going to complain to my union rep - we sheepdogs need plenty of sun. Truth be told, I'm not sure I've ever had a contract, but I'm certain it would have definitely included walking on a sunny day. And not having to listen to Skye's snoring all day. And not having to put up with Daisy breaking wind all over the place. And definitely not having to listen to tractors rumbling about ALL DAY. Even the cows got out into the unfair is that?
Aaahh. Trouble is I've just remembered that Skye reckons she's the union rep round here - I think the hens used their block vote ages ago on a promise of extra tasty hen food for all, which needless to say didn't happen. She's certainly not going to kick up a fuss about a lack of exercise. And even if she did, to be honest who ever listens to her ranting on these days? Maybe the hens still do, but only because anything's a break from scratching about for worms.
Oh well, its bound to be pouring tomorrow so I expect we'll get led straight out into that...something to look forward to. Not. Stupid tractors.
Take care
Pip xxx
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