It's hard being responsible all the time. The sun comes out and something just snaps every now and then. I'm in disgrace today - both me and the puppy. Well, if truth be told probably mainly me. Well, yes probably just me. Skye was horrified and even Pie was surprised. But, oh well it's done now and it was really good fun.
We were out in the garden, the puppy and me, and suddenly the wall just looked like a challenge - I bet the puppy could never get over it - not in a month of Sundays (especially since she's not allowed to jump the agility hurdles yet as she's so young). Anyway, off she went like a rocket and would probably have cleared twice the height...So what to do? I had to follow her and so off we went, round all the fields. I had a great time, telling her all my stories about collecting sheep from here, and fishing others out from the burn after Skye had chased them in.....Lambs in this field, tups in here. It all came back to me. It brought back all my memories as we wandered round. Really good fun.
I did get told off when we got back though - only because the puppy came with me, I'm sure, but Skye's really pleased because the puppy told her that she didn't see another single sheep on the farm so the lambing must be off. If she could have purred this afternoon, she would have done.
Oh well, tomorrow's a new day, and I'm sure I'll be back in the good books by then...Hope so anyway, but I did enjoy showing the puppy around - she'll realise now that it was hard work for me when the sheep were here with them all to look after in all weather. Respect from the puppy is certainly worth a telling off!
The new lamb is doing well - I don't think it's even seen a cloud yet let alone rain, so it's got a shock coming, but hopefully not for a few days yet. If I'd been born a lamb, I'd have wanted a good mum like Cripply - she might not be much to look at, but nothing could get past her to the lamb. Now I've had pups myself I know how she feels, so I'm pleased I don't have to upset her and herd them up every morning like I used to. My new found motto should be "live and let live"...For a while anyway, after all I've had a lifetime of working and you know a leopard never changes it's spots.
Take care
Pip xxx
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