27 March 2014

Hail? No thanks

Well, you just wouldn't have believed it.  Beautiful sunny day to start with, heaving it down with rain by 8 am and then hail at 10.  Hail, I ask you - not even the puppy has seen that before I don't think, let alone poor little Wobbly.  Not that either seemed bothered in the slightest.  Skye had a moments concern for her, but it was only a moment because just turn her eyelids seemed to get very heavy again.  Poor Skye...Pie reckons she's a proper martyr to those heavy eyelids of hers.  

Anyway, the important thing was that when we went for our walk, Wobbly was fine.  But the really important thing is that....the agility tunnel has arrived.  Very smart in its own little bag.  And the sooner we get it tried out the better - you know, just incase there's something wrong with it.  I expect it'll be tomorrow now (it's pitch black here), but (and this is even more fantastic news) the clocks go forward this weekend.  Everyone else is horrified at the thought if an hour less sleep, and Skye says she's definitely not going to die in a summer because she'll lose an hour of her life. But me? I'm not horrified at all - I've worked out that we're much more likely to be training in the evening than the morning.  I'd lose an hour every day if I could!!

Oh joy, joy joy.  Agility training.....I'll never get to sleep 

Take care

Pip xxx

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