Well, we had a bit of sheep work yesterday...not much I grant you, but a bit. The sort of working day that Skye and the doodle would be pleased with - 5 minutes tops. We had a real crisis - little Wobbly was suddenly hobbling about badly so I was called on to help catch her...no, no joking apart, lambs can still whizz about when they want too even with sore feet. We thought it was going to be bad judging from the sight of her going about - Skye suggested we might have to consider amputation and should go prepared - but then we realised she meant amputation at the neck...you can always rely on nurse Skye for some sensible advice.
Anyway, we left her behind muttering darkly about knives and lambs whilst we got on with catching Wobbly, which didn't take long unfortunately - mainly because we've got Hugo and Beth up for a few days and between the three of us we soon had her scooped up - it helps to be young to catch sheep (and before you ask, yes, I still count myself as young). Treating her took no time either...the little fraud. There was just a tiny sore patch so hopefully we've nipped that in the bud. We'll have to have another look in a day or so...but I think she'll live.
We've had some grand weather - plenty of chance to lie out in the sun. Daisy's pleased she's been to get clipped now and has been telling us all that she knew it was going to be warm all along and that if we ever want to know what the weather will be like we should just ask her - she's thinking of setting up a weather forecasting service with Skye. I've got my doubts though...I'm sure you need to study before calling yourself a weather forecaster? And if Skye's got anything to do with it every day the forecast will be to stay indoors and avoid work. Oh well, we'll see...
STILL no agility...but I've put my time to good use - I've got all the moves sorted out now and the puppy's bound to have forgotten about it so I'm feeling more confident about beating her. Just need to get started now.
Take care
Pip xxx
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