20 May 2014

Construction works

I'm very relieved.  For a while now there's been some construction work going on in the garden.  I hate it when they start building things - especially if there's been misbehaviour (Pie and Abby pay careful attention).  You just never know whether the latest bad behaviour might be the straw that breaks the camels back and that's us outside in kennels.  But not this time...thank goodness.  It's just some sort of useless looking lean to (Daisy says it's a pergola - she reckons she's seen one on the internet). I don't care what it is just as long as I'm not going to have to live in it.  It seems a bit of a waste of time if you ask me really - I mean, why not just grow flowers over the wall rather than put a great big hut for them to grow on?  And it's not even as though you could shelter from the rain...they seen to have forgotten to put the tiles on.  No, it's useless.  About as much use as Skye in a field of sheep, and in truth (but whisper it quietly) she's probably more use...

My hopes are up though, with all this building work and now the puppy's in lockdown, surely the next major work is the agility course.  If they've got time to waste on a useless leanto then the course should be pretty impressive...loads of jumps, possibly some water, tunnels.  All sorts.  Oh it's so exciting thinking about it.  I've been practicing like mad so I know I'm just going to thrash the puppy (not that that's the only point).  Happy days....

Take care

Pip xxx

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