What a day...wind and rain first thing then bright sunshine this afternoon. I had to think long and hard about going out this morning, but needs must. Suffice to say, I didn't stay out long and was soon back in front of the log burner...aaaaah loggy, my best winter friend.
We have had some good news today though. No, not my big film break yet - Pie, please take note you need to work a bit harder if you are my agent, and definitely you need to get downstairs in the morning. You have been warned...payment of treats is definitely dependent on results.
No, todays good news was an oil delivery so the heating's going back on full power again. Great. You do get used to it you know. When I was working every day I thought heating was just for softies...we were out every day and if we wanted to warm up we moved a bit faster. But now I've learnt something from Skye, and me and the heating are getting well acquainted. I have to pull rank occasionally to get the best spot, but I'm a canny devil (even if I say so myself) and you'd have to get up pretty early to get the better of me (and certainly much earlier than the terrier twins who won't see two 10 o'clocks today...)
The puppy says she's heard on the TV that this bad weather has come from America, 'wherever that is' (she's not very good on geography yet). She says they got snow with it and is sure we will too, which has upset Skye. She hates snow (amongst many, many other things) and is now blaming the puppy for the weather...talk about shooting the messenger.
Never mind, I've cheered the pup up by letting her get a good spot by loggy, and it doesn't look much like snow to me so I think even Skye will be happy soon. It seems as though we're all going stir crazy, every day the house gets a bit madder and my days working out in the cold work seem more attractive by the minute.
Take care
Pip xxx
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