31 January 2016

A mixed day

Since when do storms have names?  This year all we seem to be getting is bad weather with a name...we've just had Frank so its Gertrude next I think, and we were all very disappointed to hear that D was Desmond...we've got our own little storm here beginning with D...the queen of flatulence herself...we think D should be for Daisy

Anyway, we've had it all today from the weather - we went to the beach and to be honest, were a bit dubious.  Skye stayed at home - she wasn't taking any chances.  The rest of us all skipped into the car anyway - I mean, a walk's a walk isn't it..?  It was snowing all the way there, then miraculously we had bright sunshine for the whole time we were there, and then more snow on the way home.  And it's settled a bit as well.  Cold feet for us for the next few days by the look of it

Skye was telling the puppy she reckons we're in for lots more bad weather this year - she says she's heard it's got something to do with global warming and the ninja's.  She's a bit sketchy on the exact details, and got stroppy when Pie pointed out that it doesn't seem to be getting any warmer and then wanted to know how some Japanese assassins can bring us bad weather?  The puppy settled the argument - she watches the weather every night and apparently it's El Nino causing the problem.  Skye says he must obviously be a Spanish assassin then, so clearly she was nearly right.  Quite why the weathermen are being murdered is a mystery to her, but in Skye's world, details are for others to worry about

Well, lets hope it gets better soon otherwise I'm going to get some holiday brochures.  I fancy a bit of winter sun on my old bones - we could always sell Daisy to raise the cash (only joking, honest!)

Take care

Pip xxx

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