9 January 2016

Pie's first guest spot

So at last, I get my chance with the pen...so many things to tell you, but I think I'll start by telling you about my day yesterday - close to my idea of a perfect day

Most days start the same way - slowly.  I'm not really an early bird and it's soooo hard getting down from the (very comfy) upstairs kennel.  So I don't try too hard, but I'm always down before fluffy chops (aka Daisy) as letting her beat me would just be too embarrassing for words.

A quick bite of breakfast and then I linger by the back door so I'm ready as soon as it's opened.  And ..... I'm off.  Off and running free!  Straight round the corner and then wait in the yard to see whether the alarm has been raised or whether we're off hunting.  Today's a good day as I've got company and we're off looking for 'r' creatures (Mandy has forbidden me ever mentioning their name).  It's chucking it down with rain but I don't care - those soft 'r' creatures will be indoors so that's much easier!  Unfortunately I seem to be winning the battle as there are hardly ever any to catch but I still go round all my little spots none the less - every day, rain or shine, same order, bark, bark, bark then chase, chase.  It's great fun

Then it's back to the yard just to make sure the postie isn't about, or anyone I don't want to see.  I make sure I show them my teeth as I fly at them - that's great fun too.  My all-time favourite day was sending a couple of scrap men back into their van.  Talk about surprised!  I've never seen two men move so fast...ha!  Brilliant.  I may only be small, but I never ever go backwards, and wasn't given teeth for no reason

After all that excitement, it's back indoors - often a shower, but always supper and a knee to sit on, with lots of pleasant dreams about the chasing.  I always sleep well after that.

I'll be back soon
Pie xxx

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