Then I ruined it. I didn't realise it at the time, but I had remembered that it had been all frosty for the last couple of days and thought that a walk out and a bit of a roll in the frost would be just the thing. The plan was to skip back in with nice clean feet and straight back to the log burner. So, foolishly as it happened, I pestered to get out. Skye was highly sceptical - she reckoned she'd seen rain that morning in the forecast and if the garden was all squelchy then surely the fields would be too? I never listen to Skye. More fool me...
Anyway, my pestering worked and off we went. Pie straight round the corner and off, the rest of us slightly slower, and me already thinking that things looked a bit damp. Well, it was bad, really bad. We got round the walk alright, but the gates...I've never seen such deep mud and for a while I wondered if we'd ever see Daisy again. Mud on top of the mud, and no frost in sight.
When we got home, I got my comeuppance - three into the bath and me first. Unlike Fluffy I hate baths. Even Pie got hers later when she finally crawled home (she hates baths too). Oh, and just in case you think I can't count because that's only four, think again. Only four of us needed a bath - old goody four paws (aka Skye) tiptoed round the mud and had such a good go at her feet before coming in that she got straight back to the fire while we spent ages in the back hall drying off.
So, what have I learnt from that? Don't worry, I shan't suddenly be listening to Skye but I will probably get the puppy to keep an eye on the weather forecast (she loves the telly), and definitely won't move from the log burner unless I can see snow and can guarantee coming in clean. If in doubt I'll send Pie out first...
Daisy actually enjoys her bath - here she is in her special towelling robe that she wears to dry off
Take care
Pip xxx
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