38 days to go. I just can't wait. Luckily for all of us we're still not yet down to a number that Skye knows, but that wicked little Westie is threatening to teach her to count up to 50, and every time I leave them indoors I'm sure I'm going to come back to a depressed Collie. It hasn't happened yet, but maybe that's because Daisy's not a very good teacher!
I've been keeping my hand in checking the sheep each day and we've had them in this week over a couple of busy days to sort them out and make sure all their injections are up-to-date. We've still got to get the gimmers in again in a week or so, which I'm looking forward to, and we're starting to give all the ewes a little bite of feed so they get used to us walking about amongst them.
Our new wood is being planted and we've started planting some more fruit trees in the back field as well, which Daisy thinks is very exciting. I'm not a great fan of fruit but she does love her apples and she's hoping that she'll get some pickings if they fall to the floor. I'm not so sure though as she'll have the hens to compete with and they can be pretty determined little things...
Off to check sheep now...it's all go, go, go
Take care
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