10 February 2012

Sheep scanned

Well, we've had the sheep scanned now. What an exciting day that was. I was watching very closely and know what all the different marks mean, twins mostly, singles, triples and one quad (poor Peggy, she's had four once before I remember). I can't wait for it all to start and am counting down the days now. 45 days (fancy having 29 days in February, how unfair is that). Skye is in denial about it all but fortunately she can't get anywhere near counting up to 45 (she's only got 4 paws) so she's got no idea how long we've got to go.

Anyway, it's been freezing up here recently. On Wednesday it was never above -5 and let me tell you, when you're pottering about without any furry boots that's pretty cold. But now cold enough to stop me wanting to go out. And Daisy? She loves the cold, funny little dog…

Here's a picture of us all contemplating a trip out. We're very comfy in our new beds and Skye is under strict instructions NOT to chew this bed. It's bliss – I never mind a busy day when I've got my comfy bed to come back to. 

Well, to be honest, I just love to get out and work. Joy, joy, joy
Take care

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