Sun again today – we could get used to this...the cows already have, and now spend all day lounging about in the warm. If I wasn't so busy looking after everything, I would enjoy a snooze in the sun myself – Skye and Daisy certainly made the most of it, but I had to move some sheep around and to be honest, I preferred that to being idle.
We went off to start feeding barley to the steers and heifers today – they were very pleased to see us, especially the big black and white steer that was Mandy's pet last year. He's very spoilt. As soon as we rattled the feed bag, he was nosing about us as if he'd not been fed, ever. Greedy little devil.
It's been a busy day here with the barley sown in the afternoon and with us finishing off the digging as well. All in all very satisfactory.
Satisfactory for everyone except Daisy that is. First of all she fell out with Skye for teasing the cat (Skye loves the cat more than she loves anything else and was over like a flash to tell Daisy off) then she was careering around the garden at lunchtime (showing off) and somehow ended up in the pond. Brendan reckoned she'd fallen in when she was getting a drink and he fished her out quickly enough. You had to chuckle – she looked very sorry for herself and seems to be carrying a bit of a tummy under her fluffy coat (I don't think we'll be long before the D word is mentioned again – poor little Daisy!). Anyway, it turned out alright in the end as she got a hot shower to warm her up...a real treat for her (but not my idea of a good time, I can tell you).
Let's hope tomorrow's sunny too
Take care
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