7 September 2011

Daisy’s exercise plan

We've been busy overnight, Skye and I, working out how we can get Daisy some exercise to keep her nice and trim. She's getting very worried about all the talk of getting her weighed. To be honest, Skye was snoring slightly and had her eyes closed while she was meant to be thinking (and got very cross when I suggested she might not be pulling her not insubstantial weight).

Anyway I've come up with a cracking plan which involves Skye letting Daisy jump all over her in the back garden, while I go out and get on with all my work (I can't look after the farm and be Daisy's personal trainer).

To be honest, Skye is looking a bit broad in the beam as well and could do with the exercise – two problems solved. Skye disagrees and reckons she's just big boned. Big boned between the ears if you ask me...

I think she'll do it for Daisy though. She certainly hasn't come up with a better plan and likes the idea of staying at home for a bit each day now it's getting a bit colder.

Which reminds me, I must get my list of jobs out – I always enjoy looking ahead to my work

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