30 September 2011


Another hot, sunny day. To be honest it was a little too warm for me – I spent most of the time lying in the shade. We were going to bring the steers and heifers in today but we thought they would just get hot and bothered being moved about in this heat, so that's been put back until it cools down (sooner than we'd like, I'm sure).

Daisy looked as though she fancied another dip in the pond, but managed to resist. She doesn't like everyone making fun of her when she does something wrong so she's been trying ever so hard to be good today and it looks as though it's paid off – she was allowed out with Skye and me for a walk round some of the farm this evening. She was very pleased with herself - skipped out as quick as a flash and even let herself be picked up whenever someone drove past. I've told her before that if she learns to lie down when she's told to she wouldn't have the indignity of having her tummy flashed to every car going past. Anyway, tonight nothing was going to spoil her fun and good for her.

Skye is in another sulk tonight... Her beloved digging machine was cleaned this morning and has gone. She watched it very carefully but never got the chance to stow away in it – she'd have gone in a flash, with no thought to the consequences (like who would feed her, would her bed be comfy, who would play with Daisy – all very important you know). We're all glad she stayed and I'm sure she will be soon.

Take care

29 September 2011

Splash goes the Westie

Sun again today – we could get used to this...the cows already have, and now spend all day lounging about in the warm. If I wasn't so busy looking after everything, I would enjoy a snooze in the sun myself – Skye and Daisy certainly made the most of it, but I had to move some sheep around and to be honest, I preferred that to being idle.

We went off to start feeding barley to the steers and heifers today – they were very pleased to see us, especially the big black and white steer that was Mandy's pet last year. He's very spoilt. As soon as we rattled the feed bag, he was nosing about us as if he'd not been fed, ever. Greedy little devil.

It's been a busy day here with the barley sown in the afternoon and with us finishing off the digging as well. All in all very satisfactory.

Satisfactory for everyone except Daisy that is. First of all she fell out with Skye for teasing the cat (Skye loves the cat more than she loves anything else and was over like a flash to tell Daisy off) then she was careering around the garden at lunchtime (showing off) and somehow ended up in the pond. Brendan reckoned she'd fallen in when she was getting a drink and he fished her out quickly enough. You had to chuckle – she looked very sorry for herself and seems to be carrying a bit of a tummy under her fluffy coat (I don't think we'll be long before the D word is mentioned again – poor little Daisy!). Anyway, it turned out alright in the end as she got a hot shower to warm her up...a real treat for her (but not my idea of a good time, I can tell you).

Let's hope tomorrow's sunny too

Take care

A treat for Skye

28 September

Another nice sunny day. Skye and I have had a chat and we've decided we like it warm – especially Skye who gets a bit of trouble with her sore hip in the cold. Well, she says she does anyway and it stops her having to go out!

Skye had a lovely day today. We had a digger in to help mend some broken drains in one of the fields and Skye and I went on the bike to help out. I just went for the ride, but Skye really likes digging – I mean really likes it as in it's her favourite thing to do. Anyway, after a while we had to go and do something else but Skye lingered and was allowed to stay. She was in heaven just watching all the holes appearing and she even managed to get some of her own dug.

Daisy came out later and ran about. Unfortunately she chose to run through one of the trenches and got filthy which didn't go down well at all and marked the end of her little outing. She's a proper little terrier all right

When we got back Skye was straight off to sleep and didn't want a chat about her day or a game with Daisy or even any supper. Must have been a good day

Take care

26 September 2011

Daisy gets a shock

We got off to a busy start this morning with some sheep to move and then found the Angus bull was missing. We had a good look round his field, but oh no, nothing big and black to be seen. It took us a while to work out what the big brute had done – he'd walked out along the burn, under the main road and up the other side. I was keen to chase him about and scamper him back to his field, but I was overruled and we just put him back to the shed for a while...we'll have to have a bit of a think about him tomorrow.

When we got back in we saw Daisy had been up to her tricks again and had upset Skye who had had a little pop at her to teach her a lesson. Skye's pretty patient but when she does get cross it's best to just get out of the way if you can – she's been known to bite people she doesn't know if they come into the yard. We never did find out what Daisy had done as Skye wasn't telling and Daisy was jabbering nervously at us all. Skye got told off a bit and went off to her bed muttering – I definitely heard the words "Daisy" "lah-de-dah" and "spoilt" as she went. Daisy asked me what she could do to get back into "Auntie Skye's" good books – I just said grovel, then grovel a bit more. She looked a bit doubtful...

Anyway all was back to normal later in the day when we got back in (we'd been getting the barley ready to feed to the cows). Skye hasn't got a bad bone in her body and was out sitting in the sun with Lah-de-dah lying on her feet. Thank goodness – I couldn't put up with Skye sulking and Daisy wailing all night.

Take care

Cows break out

There was lots of early excitement this morning. I could hear the cows shouting from my bed so I knew something was up. They're not very cunning, the cows. You'd think if they got out of the field that they would keep quiet and make the most of it, but oh no, it's all shout, shout, shout – "Look at us, we're out". Then their friends from the next field start up and before you know it you could hear the racket in Wooler.

They weren't keen to go back in but we persuaded them in the end and then went off to put back some sheep that had got though the fence in all the excitement. All in all, a very good mornings work. Everything else was as it should be, thank goodness. A girl can only take so much rushing about, you know.

As we got in, Daisy was just getting up and wondering what all the fuss was about - she doesn't like the cows much - they're too big for her.  I told her not to go out onto the road for a while (she's not allowed out on her own anyway) as it was covered with cow muck, which would clash with her lovely white coat.  She just scowled at me - she loves getting covered with muck, but she's only a puppy.

Take care

24 September 2011

Moving bulls

I was up good and early this morning, Saturday or not. We had cattle to move about and I wanted to make sure I was ready. When we'd finished, we had to move the Angus bull in with the other bulls. He's a nice old boy and gets on with the other bulls really well – much to disappointment of the gimmers in the field who came rushing over expecting a fight! I'll give them a fight, the bored little devils.

Here's a picture of the bull

We thought Princess lah-de-dah was dead when we got back in. No sign of her getting up until nearly 11am. Skye just looked envious – she loves a lie in, but she loves riding on the bike even more and we do that first thing. Choices, choices...Mind you, she makes up for it later in the day with a good nap when she gets in. Daisy usually manages to join her, but I just like to get back out again.

Still no sign of my new tup – that's always a bit of a worry but Skye tells me it'll be here soon enough, and too soon for her. I am trying to be patient, but it's hard you know.

Take care

22 September 2011

Another new tup

You'll never guess. I've only just found out. Oh boy, oh boy. We're getting another new tup – that's three in the last week and bodes really well for the lambing. I haven't seen it yet, and I hope it doesn't take as long to get here as the other two did, but it's REALLY GOOD NEWS.

Needless to say, Skye disagrees. She just rolled her eyes and took herself back to her bed and not even her little mucker Daisy could cheer her up.

Went into Wooler this afternoon to pick up some bit and pieces – I thought we might be going to pick up the tup, but no such luck. Let's hope they don't forget...

Anyway, Skye has just asked how to spell retirement. Daisy is helping (?) her with a letter asking if she can officially retire before the next lambing, and preferably before the next winter. That should be a good read – not an ounce of common sense between them, but I wouldn't mind if she starts taking it a bit easier (if that's possible). We'll see, but I think she's barking up the wrong tree.

I'm off to settle down by the window and look out for the tup. It's good to be busy, busy, busy

Take care

Dogs driving me daft

20 September 2011

It's far too quiet for my liking at present.  we are having a couple of easy days after bringing home all the bales.  I ask you!  I don't feel tired in the slightest.  Fit as a fiddle, me.  Of course, Daisy and Skye are really happy, the lazy rascals.  They just love pottering about together - mostly looking for holes to dig and they always come back in muddy.  As thick as thieves they are.

Daisy has been rolling in sheep muck (again) so she's not very popular at present (oh dear).  Puppy or not, she's going to have to learn that she'll never get into the upstairs kennel smelling like that!  And Skye is just being naughty encouraging her to do it.  What a pair...

Let's just hope we can get on with my list of sheep jobs soon.  Just for my own sanity...aaarrgh

Take care

18 September 2011

Bales away and tups home!

We’ve finished the bales at last.  Just as I was starting to get a bit stiff from all the sitting, but it’s over. Jerry said if he sees the bale trailer again this side of Christmas we can burn it, he and I.   Joy, now I can get back onto all the jobs on my list.  Sheep, sheep and more sheep, oh with the odd cattle day in as well.

Looking around this morning we saw 8 ewes in with the cows, naughty little things reckon there’s more grass in that field.  Funny thing is that they’re probably right, but that’s not the point.  We’ve put them on a diet until the end of the month, and then we start getting them ready for the tup.  Look on the bright side though, they helped me get the stiffness out of my legs!

Daisy has been a pest this morning jabbering about me – I’ve been out for three days on the tractor and you’d think I’d been away for a month.  Still it’s nothing a bit of a growl can’t sort out...anyway, she’s only a puppy so I suppose I’ve just got to put up with it.

But – the best news of all – the two new tups appeared.  Big strapping lads both of them.  I introduced myself straight away just to make sure they know who’s in charge so I’m not expecting they’ll cause any problems.  It’s so exciting, I can just feel us getting ready to put the tups out and in my book that just means one thing...lambs.

Take care

16 September 2011

Missing tups?

Well, you certainly get some thinking time when we're leading bales – I spent a lot of my time thinking about the new tups I'm expecting. I wonder if they're lost? Or worse still, stolen? Best not to think about it too much. Surely they'll be here soon? I always ride in the tractor when we set off and keep my eye on the bales as well as making sure there are no sheep about that need my attention. Unfortunately there weren't any today, but it was so wet I didn't really mind.

Here's a picture of us in the field just about to set off home – I'm in the tractor, and Daisy and Skye would probably be running round the field chasing each other as usual.

When we got in it was sheep dog trials on the TV. I don't like the TV much (it's just too noisy for me) and would rather be working sheep than watching other people pretending to work sheep. It's just rubbish really... Daisy and Skye were fascinated by it (I rest my case...). In fact, I think Skye might like it a bit better than football, and she really enjoys that – mind you she enjoys watching me work and she says this is much better as there's no chance of her being called off the bike to do some running. She's a lazy old rogue for sure, and you certainly wouldn't want her looking after your last sheep, but we all like her as she is (anyway, I don't want any competition for work).

Hmm... I'll think about all my sheep tonight and tick them all off. That always relaxes me.

15 September 2011

Bales, bales and more bales

I've been helping get the bales home today – we've got lots to bring home and I sit in the tractor and keep an eye on things. I like watching out of the back window looking at the bales being towed along – today we had two trailers towed behind us because we need the field emptied quickly. Skye joined in for a while (she looks out ahead of us), but she prefers her bed to the tractor really and only came out to see if she might be missing something more exciting.

You just wouldn't believe how much straw the cows need. They use some everyday in the winter – we use it to make their sheds more comfy and they also get some mixed up with their feed. Fancy that – enjoying straw...not my cup of tea I can tell you. Just give me a nice tasty bowl of biscuits any day. Still, getting straw in is always a good job to get done.

Daisy came out to the fields a couple of times – she loves to run about in the stubble once the crops are cut and she wanted to see a combine working. Skye and I gave her a bit of exercise as well, so I reckon she'll sleep well tonight. Mind you she got a scare today – while we were in the field a huge great big fox ran out from in front of the combine. I don't think Daisy had ever seen a fox before because she jumped a mile, but Skye kept an eye on her and would have stopped the fox if it had run towards her (nothing dangerous gets near any of Skye's family) – but we've got to keep on our toes, Skye and I, to make sure the little dog doesn't get into bother.

Looks like tomorrow is going to be just as busy

Take care

14 September 2011

Moving sheep

What a great day I've had today. We went back to the farm I was born on and delivered a whole load of gimmers (well, three loads to be exact). It was a long day, but what fun – loading sheep, counting them, splitting them up into groups – we were doing all sorts. It was a bit sad of course to be seeing the back of any sheep (especially since I've yet to see any replacements) but we were pleased with them and they looked really well. Skye pretty much stayed indoors today – she certainly doesn't like sheep days and was muttering that she'd gladly help get rid of the whole lot of them, but wasn't going to be bothered to help if we were leaving any here. She's a character all right. Barking mad, but a character.

I'm getting quite used to my day kennel now. In fact, now that I've realised that I only go there if I've got more work to do later, I fairly skip into it. A great place.

When I got back in the evening, the Princess was chewing gently on a cuddly teddy of some sort. It looks like Mandy has been out and found some soft toys for the soft lump. Anyway, she's made up with this teddy, but I've told her to keep it clear of Skye – with her big sharp teeth – unless she wants to find out exactly what it's stuffed with. Mind you, Skye would be doing well to prise it off her in the first place, and Daisy would be off howling to get Mandy pretty quickly if she did have it taken from her so there's hope for it yet!

Take care

13 September 2011

It’s all go

More wind today – I'm starting to get used to it now. It helps that I've been so busy. First of all the gimmers had to be brought in again and sorted through – rather reluctantly because we were sorting out a bunch to go away and still no sign of any replacements. Don't people know how much I like my sheep? It's all very concerning...

Then the combine turned up and we rushed about getting all the corn in. The cows were very happy to see that going on, so we had to shut the door of the grain store pretty quickly when we'd finished so they don't remember where it all went. That wouldn't have worked if it had been Daisy watching where some of her food had gone – she's got a memory like an elephant where that's concerned.

Had some really good news late in the day – my quad bike came back from the menders. Fantastic. I can't wait until tomorrow, but Skye was a little disappointed to see it back as she'd enjoyed not having it.

It's all go, go, go at the moment – just how I like it

Take care

12 September 2011

Windy Day

What a day it's been today. Pouring down first thing and gale force winds all afternoon. So much for the Indian summer Skye and Daisy were talking about the other day – wishful thinking if you ask me as they both like lying in the sun in the back garden.

I must say, I was a lot happier with the rain than the wind. If truth be told, I don't really like it windy. In fact I positively dislike it. Why? Well everything moves about so much all the time in the wind, especially the trees, and I hate moving trees. I just hate them. It's been exhausting outside having to keep such a close eye on them, great big rustly things that they are.

What was even more annoying was that Daisy was really enjoying the wind – she's a proper little terrier and afraid of nothing (don't get the idea that I'm afraid of moving trees though, I just don't like them, honestly). She and Skye just sat out watching everything whistling past them, grinning. I don't think they're quite right in the head you know, it's certainly not my idea of a good time.

I'm hoping it's a bit better tomorrow as we've got a full day of sheep planned. It's so exciting thinking about it, I can almost forget about the trees.

Anyway, I'm off for an early night – got to get my beauty sleep...

Take care

10 September 2011

Barley ready soon?

I was up early this morning thinking about the new tups. No sign of them yet, but Daisy is sure they're definitely bought – she saw them in the big tent. It's not easy being as patient as me.  Everything else seemed fine this morning when we looked round – apart from the miserable weather. Drip, drip, drip and we're still waiting to get all our barley harvested.

The cows are getting a bit worried now they know it's not yet safely stored away for them to eat in the winter. I keep telling them it'll be ok and that we'll get it as soon as it's sunny, but you know what cows are like – they just worry all the time. Worry about grass, worry about which field they're in next, worry about not having anything to worry about...

Anyway, we're all set for the combine now. I helped get the feed store ready today and that cheered the cows up.

Here's a picture of some cows keeping an eye on the clouds

Take care

9 September 2011

Kelso Tup Sale

Everything was fine outside first thing this morning, which was a bit of a surprise really since we'd been weaning lambs yesterday. I wasn't sorry about that though as to be truthful, I was feeling a little stiff after yesterday – not that I would let that slow me down!

I came back in and had a snooze and must have dropped right off into a Skye-like sleep because when I woke up much later, Daisy was jabbering in my ear that she'd been to the Kelso tup sale and did I want to hear all about it (a tup is a male sheep)? Too right I did! Starting with how she'd managed to go without me...Anyway, apparently there were these huge tents full of tups of all sizes and shapes that were being sold. Daisy was a bit worried at first that she was going to be sold, but no such luck (only kidding!). The good news is that we've bought a couple – I can't wait to see them even though they're not my favourite type of sheep. Great big stubborn, smelly things that they are.

The bad news is Skye is fed up – tups mean lambs, which in her book mean trouble. With a capital T. Looks like I'll be glad of the sleep I had earlier as she'll be chuntering away all night about this now. With a bit of luck Daisy will learn not to talk to me about more sheep in front of Skye – but she's still only a puppy.  You see, I don't think Skye counts at all well so I'm sure she'd never have noticed the new ones, but she certainly will now she's been told about them. Oh dear...

Take care

8 September 2011

Weaning Lambs

What a busy day we've had today. I'm absolutely exhausted and have hardly moved since my supper. But a really good day, getting some of my jobs for the month ticked off straight away – and so soon after making my list out.

We got all the ewes and lambs in and gave the ewes a special injection that they need each year. Then we split them up into two with lambs going to one end of the farm and ewes the other. I always feel a little bit sorry for them, but to be honest, the ewes don't grumble too much and almost seem pleased for the peace and quiet, and the lambs are just the lambs – really annoying all the time with their mischief and pranks. Anyway, if we leave it any later we won't be ready to send the tups out so I'm pleased to have it done.

One of Mandy's pets – Bleaty – is sulking though. She was born very small and lived in the house for a long while (Skye helped look after her – I was too busy to help) and she has got really tame. She's got really greedy as well. I must admit, I don't really like it when we keep one of the pets because they won't do as they're told. Anyway, these must be her first lambs and she just couldn't believe they'd gone with the others AND that she hadn't been given any special food to make up for it. She was having a right grumble to anyone that was listening (which wasn't me, I can tell you).

Here's a picture of Bleaty when she was a lamb, and Auntie Skye making sure she's OK

I'll get a good night's rest that's for sure

Take care

7 September 2011

Daisy’s exercise plan

We've been busy overnight, Skye and I, working out how we can get Daisy some exercise to keep her nice and trim. She's getting very worried about all the talk of getting her weighed. To be honest, Skye was snoring slightly and had her eyes closed while she was meant to be thinking (and got very cross when I suggested she might not be pulling her not insubstantial weight).

Anyway I've come up with a cracking plan which involves Skye letting Daisy jump all over her in the back garden, while I go out and get on with all my work (I can't look after the farm and be Daisy's personal trainer).

To be honest, Skye is looking a bit broad in the beam as well and could do with the exercise – two problems solved. Skye disagrees and reckons she's just big boned. Big boned between the ears if you ask me...

I think she'll do it for Daisy though. She certainly hasn't come up with a better plan and likes the idea of staying at home for a bit each day now it's getting a bit colder.

Which reminds me, I must get my list of jobs out – I always enjoy looking ahead to my work

Busy, busy, busy

We've had such a busy time over the last couple of days – I didn't have any time at the computer yesterday at all. Well, I would have had plenty but the day kennel in the yard has reared it's ugly head again. Apparently I was too dirty to come in yesterday lunch-time, so I had my lunchtime rest in there. Skye and Princess la-de-dah somehow both managed to get inside, but I think that shows who does all the work around here. It's not a bad little spot really – I've got a room (with cushions) and a yard in a nice sheltered corner, and I managed to get a good rest.

We had lots of cows in yesterday morning – once we'd finally got them out of their field, and we kept one back in as she was a bit poorly. Oh, we kept the bull back as well – he needs to come out now and he's a bit grumbly about it, but he doesn't scare me with his rumbling on. Plenty of things do scare me, but not these lumbering old devils.

Then in the afternoon, we got on with finishing putting up all the barriers in the cattle area, mending fences and hanging a few gates. We're planning to be getting the sheep in again soon so it's nice to see that all finished.

Daisy is worrying again – there was talk last night of giving her a weigh in on the scales and the 'D' word (diet) was heard. Poor little thing – she loves her food, so with luck Skye and I can run it off her in the garden instead. She likes that.

Take care

6 September 2011

A busy sheep day

What a good way to start the week off – I needed to bring all the gimmers in so we could have a look at them. They were in a field miles away and they weren't pleased to be taken away from the sun and grass, but I didn't take any nonsense from them and soon had them on the way. We had a bit of an upset when a great big lorry zoomed up the road but apart from that, I really enjoyed it. Unlike Skye, who stayed firmly sat on the bike – she said she was in reserve in case I needed help. I think she was just being idle, but I don't mind - I'm happy to do her sheep work as well. Can't get too much of it, but I'm a bit stiff now.

Lunchtime didn't go quite so well. Whilst I was pleased to see a Bonio biscuit coming my way (Skye got one too – they're our favourites), I wasn't so pleased to be receiving it in our new day-time kennels outside. We were pretty mucky though. Anyway, during the afternoon we had a good look through them I soon forgot I'd been out all day, and Skye managed to get indoors before we started up again after lunch so she was really pleased with herself. All in all, a pretty good day – the sheep went back to their field and I came in for a snooze. I went out like a light, dreaming about sheep until my supper turned up. Joy...

Here's a picture of some gimmers looking like they are cooking up some mischief.

Take care.

5 September 2011

Getting ready

We've had a busy day today getting the sheep pens ready for next week. It's a great feeling looking forward to a few sheep days. The only slight cloud on the horizon is that the barley looks like it's also ready now, so I bet that we'll end up getting that combined first, but hopefully it won't take too long. Skye isn't too pleased to see the pens up again, but both she and Daisy are wondering whether the barley might be edible. Daisy says she's definitely going to give it a go and find out

One piece of REALLY GOOD NEWS though – the caravan door was left open for a while today and I managed to get a sneaky look in. Had to be quick so I couldn't be too sure, but it looks like I'll be very comfy this year when it comes to lambing – lots of chairs and a carpet. Bliss.

Anyway, I'm off to bed – lots to look forward to tomorrow

Take care

3 September 2011


Ho hum, holiday cottage changeover day again.

We had a busy start this morning with sheep back in with the steers and heifers. I didn't mind though as it gave me a chance to have a run out and to teach the sheep who's boss. I quite enjoyed myself.

After that it got a bit quieter though – changeover day isn't my favourite as everyone is busy in those wretched cottages. I can't see how it takes so much time to get them ready. We kept ourselves busy though Skye, Daisy and I catching up on a bit of rest. Daisy was still working on her list of favourite foods from yesterday but struggling with her spelling – she's only a puppy still, and Skye was no help snoozing away all the time. After a while I took pity on her and helped her write it out. I certainly got a shock as top of a VERY long list was apple. I had to check it with her. Twice. I mean, apple – crunchy fruity things that grow on trees. Who ever heard of a dog eating apples? Skye probably would do but she eats everything.

Here's a picture of Daisy as a puppy.  I think this might be where the apple problem started...

I despair of those two greedy little devils, but tomorrow's another day and let's hope it's a busy one (I wonder if there's a job we could teach Daisy to do?)

Take care

2 September 2011

Things are looking up

After all my recent worries, at last a bit of good news. Today they both went off to a sheep sale AND I saw them put the chequebook into their bag. I didn't go as I get a little excited and have to stay in the car. I know what goes on though – lots and lots of sheep are brought past and you pick the ones you like best. My problem would definitely be leaving any behind so probably best not to go in. Anyway, it looks as though I might be getting some more little playthings if it's true that my gimmers are going to be sold.

I watch all lorries coming to the farm very carefully at this time of year. Especially the big ones that could be carrying lots of sheep – it's so exciting. Definitely collie Christmas, and I've got my list sent in already. Skye's wondering why we need more sheep if we're going to be lucky enough to get rid of some. As far as she's concerned the only good thing about the sheep market is the canteen, which has got Daisy interested – she's busy making a list of her favourite food to take in with her in case she can't read the menu. I'm sure they just do things like this to annoy me, but it won't work. Well, not much anyway.

I'll be up good and early tomorrow. Plenty of jobs to keep on top of – joy, joy, joy

Take care

1 September 2011


Today started off pretty well. I managed to get some sleep last night and no more talk of selling my gimmers, which is a relief. When we looked round this morning, everything was fine.
Brendan was round again and we got a good start on chopping up wood for the winter. That's a pretty good job to see started as I really like a good fire after being out on a winters day – even so, I'm always amazed how close Tinker and Skye can get to a fire without setting themselves alight.
Then - disaster!! My quad bike broke down. Skye and I were just riding home at the time, so I blamed her which made her pretty cross. I just couldn't help myself, but I didn't really mean it. It looks pretty serious as Jerry was taking bits off it for quite a while. How can I check the sheep now? I took myself off to get some thinking done just in case it can't be fixed by tomorrow. I mean, I've got a big responsibility looking after everyone and I'm not sure they can quite see how serious it is!
Anyway, after a phone call and a long anxious wait the broken bike was collected sometime after dark and we've got a replacement to use while it gets repaired. I wasn't able to get out to see it, so I hope it's a nice one. What a relief though...
I'm not sure my nerves can stand much more - 
 it might be me that breaks down next, so here's a nice picture of Skye and me in happier times – when the bike was behaving and we had just caught a sheep we wanted to check.  A very satisfying day...

Take care