Another nice sunny day. We were up early to make the most of it, even Skye, but not the Princess – not coming out with us in the morning means she gets a lazy lie-in every day. Boring, boring, boring...
Just as well I was so full of beans because there were lambs in with the steers (last year's male calves). Looks like the cattle had chewed away at the gate until it came open and let the sheep in. I didn't let them stay in there long though and soon had them all rounded up and sent packing back where they belonged. Fancy them thinking they can just roam about – but in my experience that's the trouble with sheep, they just don't seem to appreciate all the hours that go into fencing fields off to make them safe...ungrateful little sods.
I'm not sure, but I thought I heard a commotion coming from them again this evening – I'm going to be really cross with them if they've barged their way though again.
We've nearly finished the fence today. While we were working away, we spotted a lamb stuck in the fence so Brendan and I went off to free it. Silly great big thing was properly stuck, but one sight of me on the back of the bike soon freed it and it went bleating off to find it's mum as if it hadn't been fed for days (and it wasn't stuck this morning when we looked round, so it hadn't been there long!)
Oh well, a farm assistant's life is certainly a busy one, but I do enjoy it and always sleep well ready for tomorrow (still very impressed with my new bed).
Take care
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