25 August 2011

Getting a list of jobs

Well, that's it! I'm going to put in a complaint. It's been another lovely day, and we've got a list of sheep jobs as long as Skye's tail so what have we been doing today? Finishing off the fence, that's what. At least it's nearly done now – at last!!! Skye says she likes fencing and I should be more patient, but it's hard watching when you just want to be doing something – both Skye and Daisy say it's the other way around – it's hard doing things when you want to be watching someone else doing them instead. Seems to me the only jobs they don't delegate is eating and sleeping. It just as well I like them.

I was right about the lambs last night – they had got into the steers field again so we had more work first thing putting them back and securing the gates a bit better. That's the trouble if they think the grass is greener in the other field, they'll keep trying. It doesn't help that the steers have got better grass than them either! One thing is for sure though, they'll get fed up of it before I get fed up putting them back into the right field.

Anyway, I think I'll get myself a notebook tonight (if I can keep awake) then put all the sheep jobs into it,put down a date to do them, and then leave it out at breakfast as a bit of a hint. Skye and Daisy say they'll help decorating the cover, to make it hard to lose, and they've been whispering about what to put on it ever since. I might regret letting them help.

Take care

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