30 May 2014

Changeover day

Life's treating us pretty well  just now...nice long days and plenty of sun.  Best of all, today was changeover day for the beds so it's time to just streeeetch out and enjoy.  We love changeover day.  Even little Pie gets back from her hunting a bit sharpish so she can get a good snooze before Skye comes along and sheds about half a ton of fur all over the place.  She can be so frustrating.

The new fence is still undefeated, much to the puppy's annoyance but I'm just getting a bit worried that she's getting her energy back just in time for the agility to start...I certainly hope not, but maybe just to make sure I ought to leave the garden gate open...it would be naughty of me, but it would be really annoying not to win the first agility game.  Oh, the dilemma...I think I'll ask Daisy and the shedder what they would do - and then do the opposite.  A good plan that can't possibly go wrong if you ask me

Pie is still spitting mad with the rat man. She reckons he's stolen all her r creatures as she hasn't seen one for days and has had to resort to barking at a broody hen in the yard now.  I ask you...Sometimes I just think I should run away and get some peace before they all turn me mad as well.  Poor little Pie, she means well but she's barking mad (ha, ha I bet no one saw that one coming, but I always reckon the old jokes are the best)

Take care

Pip xxx

22 May 2014

Feeling under the weather

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.  I'm in disgrace.  Me - fancy that!!  Well, not properly in disgrace I don't think (hope) but I've eaten something out in the fields that's disagreed with me and, without going into too many details, my bottom is now an unmentionable area.  Very much so unfortunately.  I think a couple of quiet days are called for just to set me straight again, so it'll be just my luck that tomorrow will be when the agility starts.  My beloved agility...I hope not.   

Needless to say I'm getting a bit of stick from Daisy and Skye - both of who have a constitution like an ox. Nothing ever upsets them, and Skye was straight in offering to eat my supper for me if I'm not feeling like eating it myself...just to do me a favour you understand, she says.  Not because she's greedy, of course not, perish the thought.  Daisy looked pretty miffed that she hadn't thought of offering first.  Anyway, neither of them need bother as I'd need to be a site more poorly than this to pass on supper.

I'm not the only one who's fed up. We've had the pest man in to look for r creatures - much to Pie's disgust. Pie doesn't much care to see anyone unusual in her yard (even the postie is in danger and he's here every day), so I wouldn't like to be the pest man if she ever got out while he was stealing her r creatures.  There'd be tears and they wouldn't be Pie's.  Only the other day Skye was telling the puppy about the time Pie came across a couple of scrap men in the yard.  Well, we've never seen grown men move so fast and even then they only just got back to their van before her teeth got to them.  No, she doesn't take any nonsense from strangers, let alone if they were stealing r creatures, so he must be a very brave man...or maybe wearing thick trousers.

Anyway, let's hope I'm feeling better tomorrow

Take care

Pip xxx

20 May 2014

Construction works

I'm very relieved.  For a while now there's been some construction work going on in the garden.  I hate it when they start building things - especially if there's been misbehaviour (Pie and Abby pay careful attention).  You just never know whether the latest bad behaviour might be the straw that breaks the camels back and that's us outside in kennels.  But not this time...thank goodness.  It's just some sort of useless looking lean to (Daisy says it's a pergola - she reckons she's seen one on the internet). I don't care what it is just as long as I'm not going to have to live in it.  It seems a bit of a waste of time if you ask me really - I mean, why not just grow flowers over the wall rather than put a great big hut for them to grow on?  And it's not even as though you could shelter from the rain...they seen to have forgotten to put the tiles on.  No, it's useless.  About as much use as Skye in a field of sheep, and in truth (but whisper it quietly) she's probably more use...

My hopes are up though, with all this building work and now the puppy's in lockdown, surely the next major work is the agility course.  If they've got time to waste on a useless leanto then the course should be pretty impressive...loads of jumps, possibly some water, tunnels.  All sorts.  Oh it's so exciting thinking about it.  I've been practicing like mad so I know I'm just going to thrash the puppy (not that that's the only point).  Happy days....

Take care

Pip xxx

Bone burier revealed...

So...the bone burier is finally revealed.  You know how we've got these cracking bones to chew - well, I suppose they were bought for the puppy when she started chewing the skirting boards, but we all share them now.  Anyway, these bones keep going missing, then back, then gone.  It was very worrying and when they first started going we all blamed Skye (you would, wouldn't you?).  But then they started reappearing so I knew straight away that wasn't Skye - anything she buries stays buried because 10 seconds after she's finished, she's forgotten what she's done.  It's a wonder she doesn't have more accidents as she lives in a complete daze.  So it wasn't her, which meant it had to be a terrier, but I watched them like a hawk and was none the wiser.  Then bingo!  I saw some little feet scuffing about in the soil and, hey presto, out popped a stags horn bone.  And whose little feet did I see?  Pie.  Caught red handed and very upset she looked too.  

She reckoned she was just keeping them safe but I've given her a talking to and so far, we've not lost any since.  And - more good news - the fence in the back garden has been put up to keep the puppy in.  It's very tall, and took her about a second to clock it, but I warned her that they'd do something drastic unless she started to behave, but she knew best.  Well, she's not looking so clever now I say...

It's tiring keeping all this bad behaviour in check, so hopefully now we'll have some well behaved dogs (if slightly reluctant)

Take care

Pip xxx

14 May 2014

Peggy goes lame now

Looks like I was getting a bit too carried away there yesterday, thinking I had it easy with so few sheep.  We've just got Wobbly right and guess what?  Peggy's gone all limpy on us now.  Not that she'll take much catching mind you (and more's the pity - there's nothing wrong with a good run out in my book).  She's the sheepy equivalent to Skye - moves as little as she can get away with but she's always first in the queue for a snack.  We'll just rattle a bit of food in her direction and hey presto, one treated sheep. Looks like a job for top of the list though that's for sure.

We're still getting more swallows in, but it doesn't seem as many as last year.  Daisy says she's heard chat that it's because they get hunted in some countries as they fly back home to us.  But that can't be right can it?  I mean, not even little Daisy could make a meal out of a tiny bird (although I wouldn't put it past Pie though).  No, I think she's living proof that you can't believe everything you hear, but you can't possible mention it to her...she'll just prance off in a westie huff.

No sign of the fence yet, but I think it will be OK.  It will keep the puppy in (a good thing),  and keep all the cows back (a very good thing), AND keep all those nasty wavy trees out of sight as well (the best thing of all).  No, I can't wait and would help put it up if I could, but I'm all ham-fisted with tools - and we daren't ask Skye to dig the post holes or we'd need a cement mixer to fill them in - if we ever saw her again...just a blur of soil and paws...we all think she's part mole she loves her digging so much.  Part mole, part gannet if you ask me...

Anyway, I've got to go.  Skye's just seen what I've written 

Take care

Pip xxx

Swallows and housemartins

I love this time of year, I just love it.  Nice long days, plenty of lambs in the fields, the odd bit of sunshine and best of all, the promise of lots of sunny days still to come.  Obviously, I'd rather have plenty of my own lambs but at least I don't have to put up with Skye whining on about them and there's lots on the next door farm so I always have to check that there are no escapees onto my grass before I can relax for the day.  

The good news is that Wobbly's foot is better and that she's growing really well.

The bad news is that the puppy and Pie are back in disgrace after another late night jaunt.  I don't think they'll manage it soon though as I've overheard some chat about a fence going up in the back garden and Daisy reckons she's seen some REALLY long posts in the trailer.  About time too if you ask me...I've tried to warn them that there'd be consequences, but the puppy just doesn't listen.  After all, what do I know?  Apparently nothing, but we'll see.

The other good news is that the swallows and housemartins are getting on well with their nests.  They're such busy little things they put Skye and Daisy to shame.  It must be a grand life, all that travelling, but boy, it must be tiring.  Pie was telling Skye the other day that they do more work in one day than she's ever likely to do in her whole life, but Skye does help them - after she's had her coat brushed (which she loves, by the way), we leave the brushed out bits for the birds to pick up...that must make the nests comfy I'll bet.  The puppy couldn't believe it when Daisy told her they come back to the same nest each year after travelling to Africa and back - and no sat nav!!  All I say is thank goodness the puppy's not in charge of the route - she hasn't got the sense to find her way out of a paper bag twice

The final bad news?  Still no agility.  Aaaaargh.

Oh well, the suns out, think I'll have a quick eyelid inspection in the warm

Take care


10 May 2014

What's happened to summer?

Well, the searchlights have jinxed the weather - it's been wet, wet, wet today.  Skye reckons she's going to move to the North Pole to get darker nights, but to be honest she still seems to be getting plenty of rest to me - and for someone that can sleep all day she's making a lots of fuss about a few lights 

The weather hasn't stopped all the gardening work that's been going on though - it's digging all day long - but not Skye though, she's not allowed to as she doesn't know where to dig and usually starts right in the middle of the garden.  Of course it's a bit of a problem having new plants - Daisy has her running track in the garden and now has to try to dodge all the plants that have appeared.  With varying degrees of success it has to be said - it's not easy turning a westie at full speed.  Pie reckons she saw a programme about that once with big oil tankers talking ages to turn so has taken to making a noise just like a ships fog horn whenever Daisy sets off on a lap.

Anyway, the puppy and Pie are in the dog house again...running off exploring as soon as my back was turned (actually I was watching the pet sheep in the back field). Everyone tells me it's not my fault but you do feel so guilty.  I'm going to have to give them such a stern talking to when they get back

All in all, not a good day.  Just need it to dry up a bit for the agility I think.  Hope so anyway.  I'm all set. 100%.

Take care

Pip xxx

4 May 2014

Garden searchlights

Oh no, what's a disaster...I'll never get another good nights sleep ever again.  Never, ever, ever.

Now it's summer time (nearly) it's all hands to the pump getting the garden ready.  We've been helping by not getting in the way (well, most of us have, but Skye's been digging holes, which hasn't helped at all, and Pie's out hunting as usual).  Anyway, everything was going just fine, I had even sorted out just the spot where I was going to lie in the sun when or if it finally came out.  Then, out THEY came...boxes of those lights that come on all by themselves at night.  Skye says she's seen pictures of a place called Blackpool with lots of lights, but nothing like these searchlights.  Now why, I ask, if they've got all this money to spend, haven't I got the agility jumps I keep asking ever so nicely for?  Instead, I think I'll be too tired to do anything like agility now, and you just know Skye's going to be even grumpier than ever...18 hours sleep a day is her target, and usually she gets more.  I don't even like to think what she'll be like if she's wakened by these. 

I'm getting a plan though...I've got Daisy looking on the internet for blackout blinds.  Pie knows where the drill is to put them up and I'll be in charge of shutting them each night.  Might work out ok after all.  As long as we keep Skye and the puppy away from the job, and as long as Pie doesn't get distracted by the r creatures when she's off for the drill it'll be fine.

Fingers crossed

Take care

Pip xxx