7 January 2012


Joy, joy, joy, joy joy! They've arrived. At last. Even better than the last ones. The new beds....aaaaahhh! Mine is a lovely shade of blue and very comfy. I've hardly been out of it since it arrived, but I'm just making sure that everyone knows it's mine. All mine, mine, mine....I just know I'm going to get a really good night's sleep tonight.

Skye has a smaller green bed which she seems pleased with as well, and the Princess goes to the upstairs kennel, so she doesn't really need one. I've had to give Skye the hard word though to make sure she doesn't ruin these beds like she did the last ones, and she has promised to look after them. She'd better do, otherwise I'm going to have a real sense of humour failure...

More good news as well – Dougal has gone back to Wooler. Thanks goodness. I mean, I grew to quite like him but there's no escaping the fact that he's a boy, and boys can be grubby little devils, and oh boy was he grubby! He can come out for the odd holiday as long as he knows it's just a holiday. Anyway, I've heard that he's very happy to be back in Wooler – I think he likes having all those lamp posts and pavements (if you know what I mean).

All seems fine on the stock front – the weather has been really windy, but the sheep don't seem to mind and I'm getting better coping with it. The cows are still gobbling up tons of silage each day, but we've had them tested and most of them are in calf. They're due from March onwards so I'm hoping they don't clash too much with the lambing because I can't be in two places at once and Skye is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard come lambing and calving time, so I know what to expect...

Anyway, all my problems are small ones tonight. I can't wait any longer to get back into my lovely comfy warm bed

Take care...zzzz

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