Well, we've had a couple of very busy days here. All the tups went out yesterday. After quite a bit of sorting out I brought all the ewes and gimmers in and we put them into smaller groups each with some tups. That bit took all day and went ok, but I did get into a bit of bother and not all my fault – I mean what a lot of mud there is at present. All over the place, just mud, mud, mud. Anyway, I got a bit grubby. Well, to be honest I got really, really filthy. So dirty that when I got back in, I had to have a shower. Me!! A shower!! The horror of it all - and with Daisy watching my every move jealously. I wouldn't have minded at all if she'd changed places, but no such luck.
After I got out (clean, I must admit), things went from very bad to even worse – if that could be possible. Skye had eaten a plastic stopper on the radiator in our room for some reason (known only to her) and boiling hot water was now spewing out all over the place. They fixed it in the end, but not until both our lovely new beds were absolutely ruined. Skye had already torn hers quite badly a while ago (overuse, I think) but she's in proper disgrace now. Goodness knows if we'll ever get anything as comfortable again so I'm not speaking to her...ever again. Fancy - my lovely bed destroyed. Disaster.
Let's hope we get some long sheepy days to take my mind off it and help me keep my hands away from Skye's throat. Daisy came pottering in and said she thinks an anger management course would help...I'll told her I'd see how well they both manage anger whilst flying over the garden wall if they're not careful. Give me sheep anyday...they've got more common sense than these two
Take care
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