17 August 2012

Hay made

12 August 2012

I can't believe it. All this rain and still we've got the hay in for the sheep this winter. What a relief as they blame me if the hay's no good. Woolly little devils.

Pie came out with us while we were turning the hay. Well, you've never heard anything like it - turning hay is usually such a relaxing job. Up and down, up and down all day long. Great fun. Well, put little Pie into the mix and it's all squeaks and yaps marching from one side of the cab to the other looking for hares. She never rests even for a second - wore me to a frazzle

Roll on bedtime - have to get my sleep. It's sheep in next. I can't wait

Take care

Barley combined

11 August

They're big bits of kit, those combines. Pie Daisy and I heard it coming from miles away but Skye was just surprised when it turned up. Pleasantly surprised though as she very quickly worked out that a combine meant no sheep for her today. Pie barked at it to keep it away from the house and looked very pleased with herself when it turned off to the barley field and then gave it a few extra yaps to speed it along. I don't know what goes on in that little dogs head sometimes - I mean, come on, it was never going to find much to cut in the garden, was it?

Still, I'm pleased that's another job done - soon be onto the sheep jobs now...joy, joy, joy.

8 August 2012

Hay on the way?

Whisper it quietly, we've cut some grass down to make hay so we're hoping for some good weather.  I had a walk in the field this morning and so far, so good!  Daisy has got her toes crossed and is hoping we'll go off for a few days once it's all baled up - we'll see, but she clearly hasn't seen the length of my list of jobs!  But I suppose some of them could wait, but where's the fun of going away to look at someone else's sheep when I could be at home working with mine?

We're in two camps about it - Daisy and Skye always like a trip away and Pie is voting with me - she thinks there are far too many things to sniff out here before going anywhere else.  We were out in the back field working a couple of days ago and she discovered rabbits there - she's been chattering about getting back out to find more ever since, but we've been too busy doing cow things - much to her frustration.

Oh well, I'm pleased my foot's getting better at least

Take care

7 August 2012

Cows in...again

My foot is much better now - I'm starting to think about all the sheep jobs I've got to get through but today was all about getting cows in and checking tags.  Boooooring, boring, boring.  Skye didn't mind though - another restful day in the garden for her, which doesn't bode well for her sick note but never mind.  She could do with a run

We did all help to get the cows in and put them back out, which was fun and Pie is getting quite good at riding on the bike with us now - she soon lets us know if there's a cow or sheep going the wrong way, by yapping away to warn us.  Mind you, I don't think she's ever going to be let off the bike to herd them like I do because she's only little and wouldn't be able to keep up...and she might get distracted and dash off just when we need to be still!

When we got back we took this photo of Pie at the back door - she was still breathing (I checked)

Take care

5 August 2012

A day out

Skye and I had a quiet day today while the twins went off on a trip.  Bliss...Sunday is definitely a day to take stock and plan the week ahead, not to be rushing around.  Mind you, Skye was hard at work all day, practicing her limp and worrying whether the sheep would be coming in before she had got her sicknote organised...

We heard all about it once they got home mind you.  Apparently it had been some sort of terrier show day...lots of bad tempered yappy dogs all in one place isn't my cup of tea but they'd had a good time and Pie was entered into a beauty contest.  She persuaded Hugo to take a picture so Skye and I could see, and just as well too - we wouldn't have believed a word of it otherwise.

Looks as though butter wouldn't melt in her mouth...for once!

Take care

4 August 2012


I don't know how these things happen. One minute I was just resting and letting my sore paw get better, and the next I was looking after the terrible twins whist everyone went out to finish a few jobs. Skye was no help – the twins have got far too much energy for her, but I managed to tire them out with a few games. They don't look so energetic here, do they?


Anyway, I've told Skye in no uncertain terms that she's on babysitting duties next so she'd better get ready for it. I'm bound to be out working so unless she wants to come out and help me…
She's worried now and has been flying around making up lists of games. I want nothing to do with them though…she's chosen
  1. Digging big holes in the back garden
  2. Chasing hares in the front field (Pie's speciality)
  3. Snouting about in the back field
It's got trouble written all over it…oh dear, oh dear

Take care

3 August 2012

Moving Tups

At last - a bit of proper work...Pie came out to help as I've still got a sore paw but we managed it well enough.  All the tups and a few sheep had to be moved into the front field and we rattled them in in next to no time...me on the bike and Pie chasing up behind on her lead.  The tups didn't know what to make of her, but decided not to push their luck in case that brought Skye out to finish the job, but it was good to get back to it. 

Heard some chat about the combine coming in this week, so we'll just have to see - Daisy and Pie are very excited about it

Take care

1 August 2012

Daisy's Spa Day

We've had another busy day today - the bulls have been grumbling in their fields and we've had to set up some electric fences to make sure they don't break out.  I think they just like grumbling, and don't think they really want to be out, but we don't want to take a chance because mending fences is boring.

Today was a big day for Daisy - her spa day.  She always looks forward to them and looks ever so smart now.  Skye is really fluffy looking at the moment and says she's desperate to get a cut and blow dry and have her nails done.  She's very impressed with Daisy's nails and her lovely sleek trim.  Skye thinks it would take pounds off her...oh well, we'll see someday if she's lucky!

Little Pie just got confused when Daisy came back - she thought we had another dog that needed growling at.  I don't know, just when you think the little dog might have some brains she does something like this and makes Skye look clever.

Take care