31 July 2012
Moving cows
Daisy had a big job to do today and was in charge of making sure everything got chased into the right field. She went off with a determined look on her face and it all went well which we were all very relieved about. She was chattering about it all day - how big the cows were, and how huge the bull was. She liked the bull because he is the same colour as her.
Little Pie had a good time riding with me on the bike so I could look after her - she hasn't got much sense yet around the cows! I did have to have a quiet word with her though about rolling in smelly things just before getting on the bike though - we were all covered in flies all morning and she was certainly smelling strong! Even some of the cows noticed and they don't smell of roses. Anyway, I don't think she'll be doing that again - well, I hope not anyway.
Take care
30 July 2012
Ho hum...
Skye was busy practicing her limp (she persuaded the people in the cottage to take her for a walk) and Daisy was helping out by keeping out of the way...and keeping clean for once. She's got a spa day coming up soon and is really lookin forward to it. She's been telling Pie all about it but Little Pie wasn't bothered much and thought it was a waste of good sniffing about time at home...yes, I'm starting to like the little rascal.
She went off to help put up an electric fence and came back very excited (no change there, then) - she says she's seen the cows close up, and aren't they big...and smelly...and very curious. She had to keep under everyones feet to keep out of the cows' way but seems to have had some fun which is the main thing - after all, she's not much more than a puppy really - not a worker like me!
In the evening Pie had some more sitting down quietly with the Tinker on a knee and seems to have worked out that the cat's a friend - she even gave her a little lick. Wonders never cease...maybe Skyes little chat about looking after the cat, or else, helped! Skye loves that cat...even more than supper time.
Take care
28 July 2012
A day out for the terriers
The terrible twins went off on a trip today to the Kelso show- they've been telling me all about it ever since they got back. They say there were lots of dogs, and people, and walking about on their leads sniffing...sounds like a day to miss if you ask me - strange dogs and me just don't get on. They did say there were pork roasts in some of the tents they visited which smelt great and kept dropping to the floor and some very tasty steak leftovers which Skye and I thought sounded a bit more like it, but to be honest just having them out of the way for a day was bliss. A reward in itself!
One thing though - looks like that's the way to tire Little Pie out - fast asleep for once!
Take care
27 July 2012
Pie's reward
Needless to say there was lots of shouting and struggling as Skye tried to get the sheep out of the field, which I had to help with in the end, but today we gave Pie her first ride on the bike - she came with us as we collected the sheep and was squeeking with delight as we chased about after Skye and her new woolly friends. Oh yes, I think that little dog has got potential and I bet what she lacks in speed, she'd make up for in effort - she certainly got the ewes moving along in the pens once we got them which was more than Skye managed!
At least that's the clipping finished - and I never thought I'd say that. This sore paw has ruined my year and no mistake. I'm just going to have to rest and get it better as fast as possible.
Take care
26 July 2012
More clipping
I rode on the bike in the evening when we put them back and Little Pie and Daisy both helped out. They said they were happy to help if that meant I could stay on the bike and Skye was too tired to object so we all set off down the road. And you know what? The little terriers did well - chasing away all the time and the look on the faces of the sheep was a picture - I bet they've never been driven by terriers before!
Great fun. The little dogs will sleep well tonight
Take care
25 July 2012
Where does she get her energy? I think she's going to be a grafter - someone to help out when Skye can't be bothered.
Talking of which - Skye has been in a right strop today and has been trying to teach Pie sheep commands just in case we're clipping again tomorrow. She reckons Pie is faster than her...which may be true (embarrassing, but true) but I reckon there's no chance that Pie will be working - Skye is definately going to be working sheep tomorrow. If I was her, I'd be getting some rest because the sheep will surprised to see her getting off the bike!
Take care
24 July 2012
Here I am with the blasted boot on
All this news has sent Skye into a gloomy mood as well. She's worked out that unless she can persuade Daisy or Little Pie to work the sheep she's going to have to do it herself. Daisy just chuckled when Skye asked her, then said she was off to place a bet that Skye wouldn't manage to get a single sheep home, but Little Pie said she'd have a go if I could tell her what to do. She's certainly got some spirit - but she'll never catch any sheep with those little legs! Bad luck Skye...
Take care
23 July 2012
Clipping - at last
Little Pie came out with us today and learnt all about the sheep. She's very keen on them and was quivering with excitement all day. She did ok for a beginner...and for a terrier... So maybe she'll be alright after all. I reckon she'll sleep well tonight as well - we went out for a walk to start the day and she just took off - she's not very fast but, boy, she goes from 0 to top speed quickly .
Daisy had a good day to, chaperoning her new pal Pie in the sheep shed ( I was far to busy) but I don't know who's going to be chaperoning who on a year or two!
Take care
21 July 2012
A whirlwind hits Hetton North
Pie, a little Jack Russell has come to help out on the farm...I can't remember asking for any help, mind you, but at least she looks a bit more like a collie than Daisy so we'll just have to see.
Skye was immediately in love with her and now can't seem to do anything on her own (she never did much to start with) - just stands next to Pie wagging her tail and drooling. That dog needs help, you know, help with her brain. Anyway, when I might just have growled a bit at Pie getting too close to my supper bowl, Skye snapped at me and and told me to mind my manners or I'd frighten the little rascal and get her into trouble (which, I have to say, was the whole point...).
Still, there is one good thing... I think we've solved the problem of Skye running off to see her labrador pal next door, because when we went out later in the evening to feed calves and sheep we brought Pie, and Skye was so busy looking after her that she forgot to trundle off down the road. Pie thought the lambs and calves were great fun and had them all marched into the corner of the shed in a flash. So, just maybe, once I've spent a day or two growling at her, we might well get on fine - she looks like she might be a good worker!
Take care
18 July 2012
Daisy's back
Here's a picture of Daisy and Ben planning their next walk (to follow)
Skye's been getting all the info on the holiday and it sounds a bit dull to me - as I suspected yesterday, there was a lot of walking and shopping and not one sheep in sight, let alone any work to get on with.
Now, who in their right mind would call that good fun? Skye thought it sounded pretty good fun though (I rest my case) and has asked Daisy to make sure that she never goes on holiday again without her...she reckons a bit of retail therapy is just what she needs - along with a big cream scone and an ice cream at some fancy-dan restaurant. In fact, she cheered Daisy up a lot by having a loooong chat about exactly what sorts of treats they would have when they went next time. I've told them they can do what they like as long as they don't try to persuade me to go along as well - holidays are boring, boring, boring (but they could bring me back something tasty...).
Take care
17 July 2012
Daisy on a bridge
We've heard from Daisy today - she says she's enjoying her holiday and has somehow managed to send us a picture of her on a very large bridge
Doesn't she look clean? Can't be much of a holiday if she's that clean. She can't have found the sheep yet - everywhere must have sheep to look after and you can't stay clean looking after sheep. No way.
She says I must make it very clear how brave she is going on such a big bridge and she also says that she's concentrating very hard to remember all the little details so she can tell Skye and me what she's been up to as soon as she gets back. Can't wait...no really, it will be nice to have her home again, but I might find some urgent grooming that needs done if she starts droning on too much.
All this talk of grooming is making me feel unwell - better get my head down. Clipper might be here tomorrow, you never know...
Take care
16 July 2012
Daisy's off on a jaunt
We breathed a sigh of relief, Skye and I...we were staying at home and going to get some peace and quiet from old yappy chops. Surely it couldn't get much better than that? Well, I suppose it could a bit...the clipper could turn up early and Skye would like a day lying in a sunny garden (preferably with her new black pal from next door) - oh, and a day without the lawnmower blasting away. That's not much to ask, surely? But we'll take what we've got thank you very much.
Apart from that, it's been a day like every other (I like a bit of routine!) - sheep and cows fast asleep in the sun, some naughty steers to move away from the cows (again) calves and lambs to feed and our poorly cow to jab (although she's looking a bit better now).
Let's hope the sun keeps shining - it'll bring the clipper here quicker...joy, joy, joy.
15 July 2012
Strangers on Farm
Rather worryingly it looks as though they are quite settled in so I suppose they may be here for a while unless we get grumpy Skye back and she chases them off. I don't like strangers on the farm, but maybe I could tell Skye that the cats have been stopping her new labrador pal from visiting...that might work you know...I'm sure she'd get to grips with them then, but new dreamy Skye certainly won't so I've got to think of something. It's a worry all right - right up there with waiting for the last calf to arrive and trying to get out of the lawmower's way (it's been sunny today).
13 July 2012
Syke's new friend
Anyway, we're not sure her new pal appreciates it's favoured status, but Tinker doesn't seems to mind being stared at a bit less and Daisy and I are just making the most of her good mood - especially Daisy who's been helping herself to some of her food!! Let's hope the little rascal stops before we get grumpy Skye back...
12 July 2012
Chicks growing up
Anyway, the hens have been off their laying for the last few days. I'll be pleased when they get back to it as we sometimes get a bit of boiled egg all chopped up when they're laying really well. I don't think Skye is helping much to encourage them - if she can't see eggs, she wanders about the yard muttering loudly about giblets. Come on girls...
10 July 2012
Steers out again
After checking the sheep, we were out chasing steers around again - they are naughty jumping in with the cows the time, and it wouldn't be so bad but they're nearly knee deep in grass at the moment. They just don't know when they're well off.
Daisy was in disgrace again earlier - rolling about in muck and then refusing to go anywhere near the bathroom to clean up. Well, that little rebellion didn't last long I can tell you. I tell you, she's going to have to watch herself if she's wanting to keep her place in the upstairs kennel - she's had a couple of nights downstairs recently when she's been mucky. Chuntering away to Skye until all hours of the morning and then they both lie in when I go off to work. Little devils.
Thinking of asking Skye to do a rain dance - she's hopeless at it so that might dry things up a bit. Well, anything's worth a try surely?
Take care
9 July 2012
My list of jobs is getting really long now, but I just can't get started on them until the weather improves. If this carries on I'm going to get grey hair with worry and might even end up looking like a taller version of the Princess. Oh no! What a thought...must try to get it out of my head. Brrrrrrrr!!!
8 July 2012
Cows have had enough
Woke up this morning to find some of the cows had broken out into a neighbours field...ooops. Still, I'm not sure whether they broke out or whether the fence just gave up the ghost after sitting in water so long. Anyway they wanted to be out of that field, and who can blame them? Personally, I'd rather be dry than clean any day so I'm on their side!
6 July 2012
I spoke too soon - more rain
I'm pleased we put in some new drains into some of the fields in Spring - they're getting a good test at any rate, but even so it's no fun splashing about trying to round up lambs. Splash splash I go, then they splash about all over the place too. Then the ewes start splashing about. Maybe I'd be better off with one of those boats with a big fan out the back that I saw in the TV once...perhaps Daisy could get hold of one with the computer. The little woolly pests wouldn't know what had hit them.
Oh well. Maybe it'll be dry soon
Take care
5 July 2012
Daisy sets me straight
Apparently Daisy likes her Spa days and on no account is she going to let Robert anywhere near her with his clippers. She's a funny one that little dog - on the one hand she's never happier than when she's found something mucky to roll around in and she loves chasing the sheep (well, they let her run around them until they get bored and run off!), and on the other hand she likes her baths and being fluffed up with the hairdryer. Madness! I've not had a bath so far this year and I've no plans for one any day soon either.
4 July 2012
At last - a reasonably dry day. We were determined to get the silage up and so we've had all hands to it today. I went back in when it got dark, but machines were still moving about until well after midnight, much to Skye's annoyance. She's asked Daisy to check the internet for some headphones to block out noise as she says any more of these late nights and the bags under her eyes will never disappear (Daisy's the only one who gets to Mandy's computer). Skye's such a drama queen - we've only had one busy day.
3 July 2012
More lambing tales
Anyway we got them all in somehow but worked all day and night to sort through them all.
It's wet again today, so the silage is waiting for another day. We kept ourselves entertained putting some steers back into their own field after they'd jumped in with a group of the cows. At least they seem to be enjoying themselves because, of course, there aren't many flies to pester them.
Take care
2 July 2012
Lambing stories
Now the lambs are all growing nicely in their very wet fields - I didn't realise they needed watering like the tomatoes but it seems to be working so far. i wonder if we should spray them with fertiliser as well...
Daisy has been on t'internet looking for scuba gear - I think Skye has been teasing her again about her short legs, or maybe like the rest of us she's just fed up walking through puddles. Needless to say she's struggling to find a wet suit to fit - doesn't seem to be much out there for little things her shape
Take care
1 July 2012
Back on-line
Sorry I've been away so long - I'm back at the computer again now. What a busy time I've been having, but I know that's no excuse for not tapping away to let you know what's going on.
We've finished the lambing and have just the one calf left to arrive and that looks as though it's going to be here any day now – thank goodness, because it's mum is being kept in the front field and I hate having cows that close to the house – great big smelly things that they are.
What a to-do we've been having with the weather though. It all started going wrong as soon as we got going with the lambing, with snow and rain, and it just hasn't stopped for the last two months. My feet are getting webbed from splashing around in puddles all day long, and Skye has developed an allergy to coming out in the rain (I told her the worst that could happen is that she shrinks a bit, which wouldn't be a bad thing, but she just got all huffy and went back to bed). But at least we've got plenty of grass and all the lambs are growing nicely.
Skye and Daisy are still as annoying as ever. They've taken to lying in the garden plotting where to dig their next hole, but I just leave them to it – I've got a busy few months ahead and can't waste energy on holes.
I'll tell you a bit about the lambing tomorrow – the naughty little things certainly kept me busy all right
Take care